Showing posts with label Genestealers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genestealers. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bob Olley Genestealers #PaintABob

The Cult of the Jade Destroyer was getting restless. The Magi were not ready to strike, but the brothers were growing tired of toiling in the mines below the deserts of Choutera IV. Drekker had his boys training as often as they could, but the plebs who ran the mines needed to see the work done or they would get suspicious. Still, he had been blessed by the gods with an extra limb, so they listened. But he could only hope that the time for uprising would been soon.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The cult expands

Gyuimb knew how the other cultist thought of him. To them he was a freak, too mutated to go above but not pure, either. But they sure didn't mind putting him to work...

I painted this cultist at the same time as the other genestealer cultists. But being an oldhammer model, I felt he deserved his own blog post. He's not quite the same as the modern plastics either, since he lacks the jade chest piece, instead having the the segmented armor all over. He also has the oldhammer proportions that make these models so classic (and so  much more fun to paint). Not much else to say, other than enjoy this excellent Jes Goodwin sculpt!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Cult of the Jade Destroyer

"Soon," thought Ketnil. "Soon, we will bring enlightenment to the galactic outworld. These inbred hicks will know the bliss of our Patriarchs kiss and the wisdom of Magus Thy'rul'ak'l. But first, we must control the industry so they will be forced to listen!"

I'll admit I was bitten by the Genestealer cult bug. I've never been a fan of Tyranids and never really cared about purestrain genestealers. I also never really appreciated the old-school genestealer cults because I didn't get into 40k until well into second edition and missed their hay-day.

But when I saw the White Dwarf releasing the new genestealer cults, I was smitten. I was already planning on running out and buying a box of the new plastics, when I remembered I had picked up the Deathwatch Overkill box in a clearance sale a while back. Yay, I could feed my fix without having to spend money!

When I said above that I never really cared about purestrain genestealers, that doesn't mean I don't have any. I have the set from Space Hulk painted (by Darkblade). So I attempted to copy the color schemes used there. The only differences I made is the purple plastic armor (since genestealers don't have armor) and I "humaned" up the flesh tones.

I also began daydreaming about the background of the cult. I decided that they are a more religious based cult than a warrior based cult. I'm also a huge sucker for sea-green type colors right now. Thus, the Cult of the Jade Destroyer was born. I incorporated the jade into the chest armor as well.

I also decided this cult is on a desert world, so the base reflects this, as well as I tired to give a dusty appearance. I don't think I got the dustiness as well as I could have, I think on the next batch, I may apply some Ammo of Mig Rainmarks as well. These giant photos always make you notice all the things you need to improve next time!