Showing posts with label Dark Angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dark Angels. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Brother Ignatius of the Dark Angels, Fourth Company

“Cloud Runner gazed on the wreckage of his home and felt like weeping. He closed his eyes and took three breaths, but when he looked again, nothing had changed. He turned back towards the dropship Deathwing.

Weasel-Fierce had just descended from the ramp. He gazed round ferally at what once had been Cloud Runner’s village and brought his storm bolter into attack position. A grin split his skull-like face.

‘Dark Angels, be wary. Death has walked here,’ he said. The sun glistened off Weasel-Fierce’s black Terminator armour. With his white hair and Y-shaped scar-tattoos, he looked like the Eater of Bones come back to claim the world.”

-William King, Deathwing

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Epic is EPIC!

So one of my favorite games of all time is Epic. I've played most of the editions, starting armies as the game gets popular the selling my army when everyone local quits playing. The last time that happened, I decided to buy up a second army (I now have a third too!). But this post isn't about my second or third armies, it's about my primary army, the Dark Angels.

As I work my way through a second company of Dark Angels, I've now completed a Devastator detachments. Nothing special here, some green space marines and their rhinos.

But now for what you really want see, Titans!

I chose to paint half of my titans as Legio Atarus, a storied legion present at the drop site massacre of Isstvan V. This way, they can do double duty on a project several of us are working on to play the massacre at next year's (hopefully) Oldhammer day. Plus the red and cream color scheme looks great and the legion symbol is pretty easy to paint!

I ended up adding shields on both of them to cover some imperfections. One was missing a chunk of trim on the backpiece while the other had a gouge running up the middle of the shin plate. I think the heraldry came out pretty well.

But without further ado, here is the first of the two Warlord Titans:

And here is the second. I took pictures from multiple angles on this one: