Yes! I agree! I totally had this fascination to handle fondant and make my own smooth looking cakes and cute looking toppers and play all the designs in my mind some day!!
Ofcourse all thanks to the co bloggers who post so many of their beautiful creations on the web which made me want to learn it more and more each time I saw one.
It finally happened and a big thanks to Joonie Tan of Lavonne who taught me the art of making these beauties :)
I too know to make them now :) Hoooooreyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
But its a long way to go for perfection and oh my god handling the delicate darlings in my part of the hot world is an art by itself which I need to master :)
The above cake was my first fondant cake!! Packed the delicious vanilla sponge layered into smooth Italian butter cream with the delicate sheet of fondant and decorated it all with the cutest teddy and surprised my best buddy Akshata for her birthday!!! How can she not fall for it!! :P
My second one was back here in the super hot Chennai!! A 60th birthday cake!!
I dare not call it the ruffles but was definitely a good looking one before the disaster of power cut struck for a couple of hours. The delicate darling started facing down when the air conditioner was off for a couple of hours :( and so was my smile. But never mind it tasted awesome and the client was super happy with it :) What more at the end of the day!! :) I am still a kid with the fondant clay :P
Oh oh sorry!!! This post will not have any recipes for me to put down since I dint make my own fondant :(
Its just a post to share with my fellow readers that I have learnt one more art of cake making and would be making more and posting soon :)
Feedback and help regarding handling fondant in Chennai climate is more than welcome and would love to read them and learn!!
Will surely be back in a couple of days with more fun recipes and pictures!! For now the Monday is to drool!!! ;)
Omg such an fabulous fondant cake dear :) You are an pro .. very well decorated and so neat :)
Both fondant cakes look very impressive! Thumbs UP!!
Delicious and lovely looking cakes.
Yours looks so perfect, I have my little girls big day coming within 2 months and ive already started thinking of fondant cakes!!
Anyways this is soooo PERFECT
oh that is really wonderful....lovely work nithi
That is a beautiful cake indeed!
I cannot believe you are just learning!!! Wow, they are amazing
Beautiful cakes and artistically done...well done
They look stunning!
both cakes are beautiful
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