Technology Tip Number 85
Keeping Teens Off-task
It can
be intimidating if you’ve never seen it before. Students are pretty
adept at finding what they want on the internet. And as you might expect,
what they want to look at and what adults might want them to look at are
two completely different things. Lets face it, the internet can be very distracting
for an adult. Imagine how distracting it is for a 13 year old.
Below are some examples of the kinds of
websites that teenagers wander off to. Please note that this is not an
all inclusive list. You should also know that this list is
constantly changing. But by taking a few minutes to look at these
sites you can start to get an idea of the distractions kids face while
Helicopter Game:
Not much educational value in this game that demands hand-eye
coordination to fly the helicopter through the green cave. Sure
seems to be addictive though.
It was started as a quick way to share internet video. Now it's
a phenomenon and students often search it for their favorite videos,
both appropriate and inappropriate.
Pretty much the same idea as “pictionary” You draw the picture and
whoever else is online tries to guess what it is. It could
actually be rather educational.
Bubble Trouble
This is a game available at a website called
http://www.englishbanana.com which is supposed to help teach
English. There are a number of favorite student games at their site
This old favorite is available on most school computers. Students
don’t need internet access to practice putting the black queen on the
red king.
Here's a rather addictive game that was originally created for an exam
by a Slovenian University Student. You just draw a line and this
little guy on a sled rides it.
Go ahead, Try a game right now:
To find out more about the kinds of websites that attract the attention
of teenagers try searching the internet for:
Flash games
Games for kids
Addicting Games
Have a nice day!
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