
Schalllabor Sek II
Kantonschule Sursee
Kantonschule Sursee
Kantonschule Sursee
Kantonschule Sursee
Anmeldung Sek II (2)
Gymnasium Nethel
Gymnasium Nethel
Einführung iLab
Vakuumlabor Sek I (2)
Schule Burghalde Baden
Schule Burghalde Baden
Ballon iLab
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Conducting research on the computer of the future: in just one computing step, quantum computers can process much more information than conventional computers. The principle behind them is not easy to understand. Try it yourself, using light as an analogy.
Conducting research on the computer of the future: in just one computing step, quantum computers can process much more information than conventional computers. The principle behind them is not easy to understand. Try it yourself, using light as an analogy.
(Photo: Paul Scherrer Institute/Markus Fischer)
Anmeldung Primarstufe (4)
Besucherzentrum psi forum Sek II
Kantonschule Sursee
Schule Burghalde Baden
How does the energy system of the future look? PSI scientists are already researching that today. Renewable energies play an important role. Make your own hydrogen and use a fuel cell to launch a marble run.
How does the energy system of the future look? PSI scientists are already researching that today. Renewable energies play an important role. Make your own hydrogen and use a fuel cell to launch a marble run.
(Photo: Paul Scherrer Institute/Markus Fischer)
Schule Burghalde Baden
Schule Burghalde Baden
Small, fast and energy-efficient: future technologies need materials with completely new properties. These are researched with the help of customised crystals. Be dazzled by their beauty.
Small, fast and energy-efficient: future technologies need materials with completely new properties. These are researched with the help of customised crystals. Be dazzled by their beauty.
(Photo: Paul Scherrer Institute/Markus Fischer)
Exploring ground-breaking research: the new exhibition “Visiting the researchers” has 13 thematic islands that invite you on a journey through the fascinating research at PSI.
Exploring ground-breaking research: the new exhibition “Visiting the researchers” has 13 thematic islands that invite you on a journey through the fascinating research at PSI.
© Paul Scherrer Institute PSI/Markus Fischer
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Rundgang SLS Primar
Rundgang ESI Primar
Anmeldung Sek II
Rundgang SLS Sek I
Rundgang ESI-Plattform Sek I
Kantonschule Sursee
Kantonschule Sursee
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Feuer und Flamme für die Wissenschaft: Fritz Gassmann weiht das Schülerlabor mit einem spektakulären Experiment ein.
Feuer und Flamme für die Wissenschaft: Fritz Gassmann weiht das Schülerlabor mit einem spektakulären Experiment ein.
Fritz Gassmann erläutert das Ultraschallwellenexperiment.
Fritz Gassmann erläutert das Ultraschallwellenexperiment.
iLab Einw Vakuumlabor 13.jpg
Bundesrat Johann Schneider-Ammann mit PSI-Direktor Jöel Mesot und Regierungsrat Alex Hürzeler im neu eingeweihten Spektrometrielabor
Bundesrat Johann Schneider-Ammann mit PSI-Direktor Jöel Mesot und Regierungsrat Alex Hürzeler im neu eingeweihten Spektrometrielabor
Die Physikanten zeigen dem gespannten Publikum, wie unterhaltsam Physik sein kann
Die Physikanten zeigen dem gespannten Publikum, wie unterhaltsam Physik sein kann
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PSI Visitor Center
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
5232 Villigen PSI

+41 56 310 21 00

School laboratory iLab
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
5232 Villigen PSI

+41 56 310 55 40