PSI Community Guidelines

PSI rules of engagement and moderation policy for comments on social media.

At PSI, we welcome discussions and constructive criticism on our channels.

We do not tolerate insults, hate speech, provocations, mobbing, and threats. We will remove illegal, obscene, discriminatory, criminal, racist, and violent content from the PSI accounts.

PSI community guidelines (or Netiquette) establish PSI rules of engagement and moderation policy for comments on social media:

  1.  Comments must relate to the topic of the post in question.
  2.  The posts of social media users on our social media pages do not reflect our opinion.
  3.  Respect other users and their opinions. Remain fair and factual, and remember that communication on this site is public.
  4.  We reserve the right to remove posts that do not comply with these rules without giving reasons. In particular, the following content is not permitted:
    1.  Defamatory posts and comments or those with racist, discriminatory, sexist, pornographic, violence glorifying, misleading or illegal content
    2.  Comments that are inappropriate for young people or that are suggestive
    3.  Personal attacks
    4.  Spam, personal advertisements, and other commercial content
    5.  Activities that interfere with the proper functioning of the social media sites, as well as the uploading of documents containing harmful viruses or the like
    6.  Content that violates the rights of PSI, its affiliates, and third parties.
  5.  ‘Like’ ‘share’ or ‘repost’ from a PSI account shall not be considered an endorsement or indication of a partnership.
  6.  Terms and conditions | Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)

PSI community guidelines are based on the Netiquette of the ETH Zurich.