Cat update

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Good grief, it’s like having children. The cat not only needed her regular shots, she also turned out to have infected teeth which needed tending to, so that was another hundred bucks out of my rapidly diminishing to nothing funds. I thought she’d been acting funny around food lately… The vet gave her Valium (I should have asked for some for me); she’s still stoned and right now is stumbling around the apartment like a drunk looking for his flask. As for me? Well, I have a headache — a combination of no breakfast and having to deal with Central Florida drivers.

Donations kindly accepted, and I promise to spend them on important things like rent and gas, not more Valium for me the cat. Honest.

(PS: thanks! Anyone want to hire a middle-aged “super temp”? I’ll keep your time machine clean…)

10 Responses to “Cat update”

  1. Grimmy Says:

    I still owe you some for not throwing me to the curb when I’d get all mean and nasty over at Ol’ Tim’s Place.

    You’re gonna have to wait until after the turn of the calendar page though.

    I had to run my accounts down to 0 to get my computer replaced. Seems I got me a good, old fashioned, gremlin infestation in my technogizmo.

  2. Skubie Says:

    Okay, this is not a criticism of any sort, but after all the grief you gave wronwright I can’t see anyone letting you near their time machine. Newfound Dr. Who infatuation notwithstanding.

  3. Andrea Harris Says:

    Heh heh. Well I’ve got the only remaining key to the Tardis so no one else is taking it anywhere.

  4. Andrea Harris Says:

    PS: it’s not newfound Dr Who infatuation, unfortunately — I’ve been watching the show since the Seventies, whenever its infrequent appearances on PBS allowed me to.

  5. Patrick Chester Says:

    I’d point to where I work here in Houston, but we’re getting outsourced and the help desk is being moved to Canada sometime near the end of the year, beginning of next.

  6. kae Says:

    Andrea, the doc used to be on in the 60s when I was a little kid. Scared the shit out of me, but I had to watch it…

  7. kae Says:

    Watching the re-runs of the old William Hartnell and then the rest when they repeated them was so giggleworthy – the sets were just soooooo tacky! I can’t believe I was so gullible when I was a tacker.

  8. Andrea Harris Says:

    I’ve been watching what’s on dvd of the early series. For primitive B&W tv with sets made of cardboard it was pretty creepy. Also the original electronic theme is much eerier than the flashy, disco-crashy new theme.

  9. Pedro the Ignorant Says:

    Just “kicked the tin” as we say in Oz, Andrea.
    Gotta keep those kitties fat and like, happy, man.

  10. Andrea Harris Says:

    Thanks, one and all!

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