Well, that was unexpected

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Guess what, folks — you know that new job I’d been so happy with? Well, I’ve just been fired! Oh, it’s nothing I did, they said — they just couldn’t afford to keep me on. Jeez. Between the floundering big-money corporations and the struggling mom-‘n’-pops, it doesn’t seem like I’ll have a job any time soon.

Needless to say, I’m starting a new bleg. Links on the right, etc., etc. Now I’ve got to go update my resume and send it out again.

16 Responses to “Well, that was unexpected”

  1. kc (prairiecat) Says:

    That is simply awful, Andrea. I’ll see if I can dig up a little donation. You know me, it won’t be much, but it’ll help feed the critters for a few days, anyway. Might take me a few days, so don’t hold yer breath…

  2. stackja1945 Says:

    First Tim has to move. Now more problems.

  3. The_Real_JeffS Says:

    Bummer! Lemme see what I have.

  4. Andrea Harris Says:

    You guys are great. I’m still kind of in shock.

  5. kae Says:

    Condolences, Andrea.
    Will see what I can do.
    Payday next week.

    I can’t be sacked….

    Slaves have to be sold.

  6. Paco Says:

    I’ve been trying to get sacked for years, but since I work for the government, I just keep getting promoted.

  7. Andrea Harris Says:

    Let me just say — I’m glad I didn’t buy the newlywed coworker a rice cooker. She had been complaining that she can’t do the whole wife-cooking thing and had burned one of those rice mixes the other day. Hell, I’m no Gordon Ramsay, but how the hell do you burn rice? I used to have a cheap rice cooker I bought for under ten bucks at Walgreen’s, so I thought I’d buy her one. Well to hell with that — I need one myself! Though actually, I have zero trouble making rice in a pot on the stove, so I think I’ll save the money for, oh I don’t know, food.

  8. blogstrop Says:

    Andrea, migrate to Australia. We have jobs here that pay ok, and really nice cow-orkers. You’d be most welcome.

  9. Pogria Says:


    what’s a cow orker?

    Nothing I can say that others haven’t already, except that, I empathise. Been there, cats and all.

    You can buy some bikkies for the cats on me next week.

  10. marcp Says:

    Tsk. Those people at the Wings place must have other problems going on if they hired you one week and then mirabile dictu discovered the next that they couldn’t afford your services: when all is said and done you’re probably better off away from them.

    There’s a percentage of the lottery win–may it happen soon–with your name on it.

  11. The_Real_JeffS Says:

    …since I work for the government, I just keep getting promoted.

    That’s my problem as well, paco.

  12. kae Says:

    I work at a university/sheltered workshop.
    I can’t get promoted unless I kill someone.

    I don’t believe in the death penalty for stupidity.

  13. The_Real_JeffS Says:

    I dunno about academia, kae, but in government, you have to kill someone to get fired.

  14. Brett_McS Says:

    Sounds like you got into a LIFO stack, Andrea. Last in, first out.

    In any case, I’m hittin’ the jar.

  15. Andrea Harris Says:


  16. blogstrop Says:

    Pogs – a cow-orker is probably a no thappy co-worker!

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