Showing posts with label improving sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label improving sleep. Show all posts

Bedtime Routine with Nourish London | Probiotic Multi-Mineral Repair Mask & Sleepy Pillow Mist review

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Nourish London Probiotic Multi-Mineral Repair Mask & Sleepy Pillow Mist review

These two additions to my bedtime beauty routine from Nourish London make an excellent team for getting a good night's sleep and gorgeous glowing skin come the morning. Now if only they could stop the alarm clock from going off so early...

Regular readers will know how much of a fan I am of Nourish, and guess what? These two featured products are actually a re-discovery of old favourities from the brand. For those who are new to these parts, Nourish is a particularly lovely natural and organic skincare brand based in London with vegan and cruelty-free accreditations.  There's a lot to love from this company so feel free to check out my previous reviews and feature on Nourish here

For now, though, let's take a closer look at two of their bestsellers that you can add to your bedtime beauty routine; the Probiotic Multi-Mineral Repair Mask and Sleepy Pillow Mist.

Nourish London Probiotic Multi-Mineral Repair Mask & Sleepy Pillow Mist review
Nourish London Probiotic Multi-Mineral Repair Mask* (30ml, £26, link)

When I'm winding down for the evening and have some spare time on my hands, I love to indulge in a proper pampering skincare session. Think of a deep cleanse, a good facial massage, and of course, a luxury treatment to really get those relaxing spa-at-home vibes going. 

Nourish's Probiotic Multi-Mineral Repair Mask is a nutrient-rich, anti-aging face mask that delivers all the probiotic minerals that your skin needs to help repair itself and to support a healthy skin barrier against the elements. This award-winning treatment boasts ingredients such as Magnesium to calm down any inflammation and redness, whilst Zinc, Copper, and Iron helps to further repair and protect. Damask Rose and Lavender are also included to boost collagen, restore firmness and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The inbuilt pump makes applying this mask super easy and I like to apply a generous layer all over, avoiding the eye area. This mask gets to work in just five minutes before it's rinsed off with a warm flannel and it doubles up as an intensive overnight treatment that you can leave on while you sleep if your skin requires more TLC.
Nourish London Probiotic Multi-Mineral Repair Mask & Sleepy Pillow Mist review
Nourish London Sleepy Pillow Mist* (100ml, £20, link)

As a chronic insomniac, I'm a bit addicted to pillow sprays and always have to use one to help me to drift off to sleep. I've tried pretty much every one out there on the market and often come back to Nourish's Sleepy Pillow Mist as it's very effective. 

This is a beautiful aromatherapy blend of nine carefully chosen essential oils, all famed for their calming and soothing properties such as Frankincense, Sweet Orange, Patchouli, Rose, Geranium, and of course, the most famous sleepy essential oil of them all, Lavender. There's also the addition of Epsom Salts which are rich in Magnesium; great for reducing stress, all wrapped up in an alcohol-free mist.

To use, simply spritz a few times over your pillow and bedding before going to sleep and breathe in the relaxing scent to help you to unwind.

Discover more at

What products are in your bedtime beauty routine?

Health & Lifestyle: The Fine Bedding Co - De-Stress Biocrystal Bedding for a Better Night's Sleep - One Month Trial Review

Tuesday, 7 June 2022


The Fine Bedding Co - Crystal Bedding review
Searching for a new solution to help you to get that good night's sleep that you desperately need? Why not try the De-Stress Biocrystal range from The Fine Bedding Co?

Insomnia has plagued my life since I was about 11 or 12 years old. I've always been a poor sleeper and have found that it's unfortunately gotten worse the older that I get due to the stresses and worries of modern-day life. This perhaps explains why I'm willing to try literally anything to get a good night's sleep! 

In addition to a consistent sleep hygiene routine, I've had some good successes with a number of different products and techniques; from taking specialist supplements, using natural aromatherapy products, to interviewing wellbeing experts for their best-ever sleep tips. 

However, trying out bedding that has been designed to help you de-stress, is a first for me and as I'm always keen to try something new, I couldn't wait to try out these two products from The Fine Bedding Co.

The Fine Bedding Co - Crystal Bedding review
What is the De-Stress Biocrystal range?
This specialist sleep range combines 16 different crystals to bring about an innovation of nature, science, and technology to help promote good quality sleep. A mixture of crystal powder is immersed into the actual fabric of this bedding via the geometric printed pattern that you can see above - how cool is that?! 

These sleep crystals are carefully chosen for their unique benefits to calm your heartbeat, slow down rapid breathing, relax muscle tensions and reduce stress, thus helping you to get a good night's sleep. 

Does it work with my usual bedding?
Yes. Radiating up to a distance of 50cm, the patented Biocrystal technology works through bedding so there's no need to purchase anything else.

Do Crystals Work?
It's not an area that has had much scientific evidence backing it, however, The Fine Bedding Co report the following stats on their website which will be of interest to any prospective customers:-
  • 45% of users experienced decreased pain
  • 53% reported better body circulation
  • 76% of users had an overall improved night’s sleep

I tested out the De-Stress Biocrystal Sustainable Cotton Pillow(£35) and the De-Stress Biocrystal Sustainable Mattress Protector(double size, £77.50) over the course of a month to note down my findings. First up, the high quality of both of these items is fantastic. The materials used are luxurious and the cotton is sustainably sourced, so if you're simply looking for a new pillow and a mattress protector, I would recommend them purely based on that aspect alone.

The Fine Bedding Co - Crystal Bedding review
My Thoughts
I opted for the double-sized Mattress Protector which fitted perfectly and has a lovely, softly padded protective layer. The matching Pillow utilises the same materials with plump Smartfil Microfibres and a soft cotton cover. I particularly loved the Pillow as it was described as 'medium', which meant it was both comfortable and supportive. As normal, I used my usual bedding over the top of both of these and noticed that it didn't 'feel' any different - the geometric pattern that you see above is completely flat and not raised as it may appear.

As I snuggled into bed that first night, I was feeling pretty good after having a relatively relaxed day, and I slept well and woke up feeling refreshed. As the month progressed, I had a number of particularly stressful situations to deal with, and I have to admit that on some nights, I tossed and turned for hours as insomnia reared its ugly head. However, I did experience a higher number of good sleep nights in my sleep journal than the previous month, so I have been wondering whether it's due to the crystals or the softer and cozier feel of my bed? What do you think?

Shop the De-Stress Biocrystal range at

Health & Lifestyle: How To Get A Good Night's Sleep - 3 Wellness Experts Share Their Top Tips #BestSleepEver

Thursday, 28 May 2020

best sleep ever top sleep tips
Getting a good night's sleep seems like an impossible task for many people and it's something that I've struggled with for years - I'm so envious of anyone who can just instantly fall asleep as soon as their head touches their pillow! To help those in the same boat, I decided to pick the brains of three wellness experts to see if they could share some words of wisdom so that we can all try to enjoy a good night's sleep at last.

My experience with poor sleep
For as long as I can remember, I've always been a terrible sleeper, especially since hitting puberty. After that, my early 20s were particularly stressful in many ways, and I fell into a lot of bad habits such as eating too much junk food, staying up too late, drinking too much alcohol before going to bed - all the standard hallmarks of early adult life some might say! The problem was that my sleep didn't improve that much when I began to clean up my lifestyle later on - I was still plagued with crippling insomnia that was causing me to fall asleep during the day as I was completely exhausted. 

I visited my GP who diagnosed insomnia and prescribed sleeping tablets which gave me horrific nightmares, so I sought a second opinion and was sent on a CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) course which helped a lot with my stress management, but it still didn't solve all of my sleeping problems. Frustrated by years of poor sleep, I've been going down the self-help route recently which has led me to contact some wellness experts via social media to see if they could share their knowledge on this tricky issue which affects nearly two-thirds of UK adults on a regular basis.

Aurimas Juodka
Meet AJ - The Health & Human Performance Expert
Aurimas Juodka is a Health and Human Performance Expert (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Nutrition Coach, High-Performance Coach - In his career as an educator, speaker and coach, AJ has helped hundreds of his clients excel in life physically and mentally, after personally struggling with a range of health issues himself including insomnia, digestion problems, mental fog, low energy and a compromised immune system.

One of the key aspects of attaining good sleep comes through understanding the basics of the body's natural circadian rhythm. AJ explains that the circadian rhythm, "is an internal body clock that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Humans are ultimately still animals that thrive with the cycles of nature." This is why his top tip for better sleep is, "rising with the sun and blocking all artificial blue light". He recommends wearing blue light blocking glasses, installing f.lux or Iris app on your computer, using the night shift mode on your phone and having warm lighting in the house. AJ also advises that it's important to create a bedtime routine based on whatever helps you to wind down such as drinking tea, taking a bath before bed, turning your WiFi off, putting your phone onto aeroplane mode or his personal favourite, which is using an acupressure mat. 

The timing of your evening meal is another key factor as well - AJ recommends not eating within at least 3hrs before bedtime because "an overloaded digestive system makes your body focus on digestion rather than producing necessary sleep hormones. Pre-bedtime snack really isn't a great idea."

ursula james
Meet Professor Ursula James - Visiting Professor of Clinical Hypnosis at Robert Gordon University and a Visiting Teaching Fellow at Oxford University Medical School

Ursula James is a Hypnotherapist and Professor of Clinical Hypnosis (her company, Thames Medical Lectures, has lectured at most of the UK's medical schools including Oxford and Cambridge, and she is a Patron of Anxiety UK and the National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV). She is also a Foundation Member of the Academy of Medical Educators and a member of the Women of the Future Network - Ursula treats people with sleep problems and has a hypnotherapy mp3 called Better Sleep which you can listen to in bed to help you to fall asleep. To further aid those who are experiencing poor sleep due to the Coronavirus pandemic, she has created a weekly Covid Calmer session which is conducted over Zoom every Wednesday - you can check out previous sessions on her YouTube channel here.

With hypnotherapy being Ursula's area of expertise, I asked her how it can help my fellow readers with their sleep. She replied, "Sleep is more than physical rest, it is mental housekeeping, without which we can go crazy. Using hypnotherapy helps you to prioritise, compartmentalise and discard information so you optimise your sleep. It also helps you with creativity and letting go of the things which stress you.

Hypnotherapy is a brilliant process for improving your sleep, whether it is to get to sleep, get better quality sleep, or to eradicate disturbed sleep. It does this by keeping your mind occupied with a simple process which moves in tandem with your natural sleep processes. It helps you leave out the upsetting thoughts, so you don’t dwell on them as you sleep, and focus on the positives from the previous day, as well as creating something to look forward to in the next day."

Aside from hypnotherapy, Ursula also recommends trying these top tips for better sleep; "a warm bath, an orgasm (partner not required), and a warm milky drink. Do not attempt all at the same time, you will probably spill your drink."

Meet Joel Jolen from Reset Breathing and Fellow of Buteyko Professionals Intl institute (FBPI)
Meet Joel Jolen from Reset Breathing and Fellow of Buteyko Professionals Intl institute

Joel Jolen is a Fellow of Buteyko Professionals Intl institute (FBPI). (He holds a BA Hons in Health Econ and his area of specialism is focussed on breathing techniques -

The benefits of improving breathing to someone who is struggling to sleep takes many forms, as Joel explains below, "the key is how you breathe during the day. That’s whilst eating, working, exercising and relaxing. The causes of poor sleep from a breathing education perspective include:
  • Mouth breathing by day – this has become common place and you might be surprised by how many people think it’s correct to mouth breathe. This puts you on fight or flight and can create a cascade of stress throughout your body without you being aware.
  • Your breathing being audible at rest – this basically means you are breathing a volume of air far bigger than required. It’s often out of habit following a change to your breathing pattern after a sustained period of stress.
  • Sighing, sniffing, and yawning with big breaths also creates over breathing and impairs sleep when you finally get your head on the pillow.
  • Large breaths prior to talking along with lots of visible upper chest movement have a similar effect."
Joel warns that those who have jobs which involve excessive talking, such as teachers and sales executives, should be particularly mindful as they can be at risk of fatigue due to a loss of CO2 and oxygen. He advises that drinking carbonated water can help if you have a lot of talkative days. Other things to watch out for which can upset your sleeping patterns include eating processed foods - Joel recommends to "stay away from beige food and don't overeat as both increase breathing rate beyond that of fresh food. Eat light to breathe right", and make sure the temperature in your house isn't too warm as, "high temperatures can impair breathing too".

My favourite piece of advice from Joel is when he says the following which I think anyone who struggles to sleep will appreciate; "The benefits are life-changing and the techniques and accompanying lifestyle advice are simple. Admittedly, they are not easy to commit to but all you need do is focus on those life-changing benefits and they act as a huge incentive...especially as drastic improvements in health/sleep can be experienced in 4-6 weeks."

Thank you to all of the experts who shared their knowledge for this feature!

Do you struggle with sleep?

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