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Our selection of accent coaches in the UK

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5 /5

Tutors with an average rating of 5 and over 2,738 reviews.

15 £/h

The best prices: 95% of tutors offer their first lesson free and the average lesson cost is £15/hr

4 h

Fast as lightning! Our tutors usually respond in under 4hrs

How to find an accent coach in the UK

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💰What is the average price of accent reduction lessons?

The average price of accent reduction lessons is £15.

The price of your lessons depends on a number of factors

  • The experience of your teacher
  • The location of your lessons (at home, online, or an outside location)
  • the duration and frequency of your lessons

97% of teachers offer their first lesson for free.

Find an accent tutor near you.

💡 What is accent reduction training?

Accent reduction training is a type of language training aimed at helping non-native speakers improve their pronunciation, intonation, and overall speaking skills in a target language, usually English.

This type of training is designed to reduce the speaker's native accent and improve their fluency and intelligibility, making it easier for them to be understood by native speakers. Accent reduction training can be done through one-on-one lessons with a professional tutor or through online courses.

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💻 Can you take accent reduction lessons online?

On Superprof, many of our tutors offer online tuition.

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To find online courses, just select the webcam filter in the search engine to see the available tutors offering online courses in your desired subject. 

🎓How many tutors are available to give accent reduction lessons?

11,436 tutors are currently available to give accent lessons near you.

You can browse the different tutor profiles to find one that suits you best.

Find your tutor from among 11,436 profiles.

✒️ How are our accent reduction tutors rated?

From a sample of 2,738  tutors, students rated their private tutors 5 out 5.

If you have any issues or questions, our customer service team is available to help you.

You can view tutor ratings by 
consulting the reviews page.

Level up your English accent

Check out our amazing accent coaches based in the UK

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Essential information about your accent reduction-english lessons

✅ Average price:£15/h
✅ Average response time:4h
✅ Tutors available:11,436
✅ Lesson format:Face-to-face or online

Work on your pronunciation and perfect your English with Superprof

Accent reduction is a technique for making one’s accent less prominent when one speaks. It’s commonly used by non-native English speakers for example when they have a hard time being understood when speaking English. 

It isn’t only non-native English speakers that have heavy accents, though. The UK is made up of more than 40 different dialects, and in almost every region you go to you can hear a different accent. 

If you’re already a native English speaker you might wonder what you would benefit from accent reduction training. The truth is people engage in accent reduction practices for many reasons. Elocution, the act of speaking clearly, is one of the main reasons people might want to reduce their accent. 

Whether you’re a teacher delivering a class or an actor delivering a speech, there are a number of situations in which a softening of the accent can help create clarity. It might even just be that you’re making the move from the north of England to the south, and you don’t want to stand out because of your heavy northern accent.

Whatever the reason for your interest in accent reduction, it’s a worthwhile pursuit of your time and we’re here to help you fully understand what’s involved.

What to expect working with a tutor

While it’s certainly possible, it would be very difficult to teach yourself how to reduce or soften your accent. 

Not only would this require an immense amount of discipline, but it would also be challenging to find the right materials, exercises, and resources to use. Plus, there’s the inevitable frustration that will come with repeated practice, which can be hard to cope with on your own.

As such, accent reduction is one of those skills that ideally you’d work with a tutor to acquire. 

When you work with a tutor, you’ll have access to their vast database of resources that they’ve likely spent years personally curating. You’ll have someone to correct your mistakes, guide your practice, and fast-track your progress.

A tutor doesn’t guarantee success, but working with one guarantees you’ll move in the right direction.

The main challenges of accent reduction

Accent reduction is tough to achieve since you’re reshaping your voice and how you speak. While it might not sound that tricky to soften your words, there’s a lot that goes into it, such as modifying various vowel and consonant sounds and getting mouth, lip, and tongue placement spot on.

The reality is that accent reduction can be a tiring process at times that can leave you feeling hoarse and frustrated.

But in the end, it’ll be worth the effort.

The benefits of accent reduction

Reducing your accent is an excellent way to work towards having the voice and clarity of communication you’ve always wanted. We don’t get to pick our accents from birth, but what we can do with them with the right kind of training is nothing short of extraordinary.

So what exactly are the benefits of accent reduction?

First and foremost, you’ll learn how to articulate better, so that those you talk to will have an easy time understanding you even if you’re from somewhere where the accent often leads to misinterpretation of your words.

You’ll become more confident, as you’ll be able to take up space in meetings or even deliver them with aplomb. Reducing a strong accent can help you connect with coworkers or employees, as you’ll come across as a confident speaker. Plus, with all the talking you’ll be doing in front of your tutor, you’ll naturally get a confidence boost!

Elocution may seem like something that’s reserved for the rich and wealthy, and unnecessary for most people, but it’s an underrated skill. If you can speak with grace and poise, you’ll naturally become more able to command attention, date without feeling self-conscious, and give a good first impression of yourself in job interviews.

Finally, as unfortunate as it is, many people have stereotypes associated with different accents. As such, you might be thought of as being a certain way the moment you open your mouth. With accent reduction, you reduce the risk of falling prey to this accent prejudice. 

Find an accent reduction tutor on Superprof

You can find an accent reduction tutor in the UK on the Superprof website.

If you’re looking for one-on-one tuition in person or via video call, head to the Superprof website and track down the perfect tutor using various filters such as experience level and qualifications.

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