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The Perfect Match

Over one million students have given a 5 star review to their tutor

  • Dan

    Philosophy tutor

    Dan is a highly knowledgable and adaptable tutor, able to quickly get to the heart of a philosophical issue, posit different approaches, and check understanding.


  • Louise

    English tutor

    Louise is an excellent tutor. We have been so pleased at how well our son has improved in English language and literature. Her skill, patience and approachability is really outstanding.


  • Eid

    Badminton coach

    Eid is excellent coach! He brings energy, positive mood and a lot of good exercises to the session!


  • Patrick

    English literature tutor

    Patrick is a very knowledgeable and reliable tutor. My son achieved a grade 7 and slightly shy of grade 8, within a few weeks of tuition leading up to gcse exams. I would highly recommend him.


  • Preethi

    Fashion design tutor

    Preethi is the best fashion tutor. She explained everything to me in detail and is truly a great teacher. Highly recommended!


  • Nuno

    Football coach

    We are here on holiday and my 6 year old son has been tutored by Nuno 3x. I can already see a huge difference in his skillsets. Nuno is extremely patient and plays to the child's strengths while focusing on the areas of opportunity for the player. He breaks down each play into multiple components so the player has a true understanding. Nuno spreads his excitement for the sport and ensures his students have an absolute fun time on the pitch. I highly recommend Nuno and will absolutely be reaching back out when we are here again as we visit multiple times a year.


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