We both own 900cc BMWs and talked about them. I was then slightly rude about Teslas and Heinz asked me what the world’s best selling car was. I looked it up and replied, bashfully, Tesla Model Y.
Congratulations, he said, deploying a quirky sense of humour. Your prize is a weekend in Spain with Heinz and his friends on motorcycles. He then followed this up with a message with details, asking when I’d like to go. I was gobsmacked. Was this real?
Fast forward two months and I was on a flight with a friend, Maja Kenney, to Alicante one Friday afternoon in November.
We landed at 8pm local time and Heinz picked us up from the airport, in a Model Y of course.
An hour journey, check in to a rural hotel in a beautiful southern Spanish village, dinner with Heinz and Maja, bed at midnight, six hours sleep.
Early the next morning Maja and I were introduced to our bikes for the weekend – Yamaha Ténéré World Rallys. Brand new and bright blue. We each had a mount for our phone and a box on the back for luggage. In the box were drinks and a selection of snacks. Very thoughtful.
Heinz was on his BMW F900GS and we set off for a cafe where we met Heinz’s friends and co-investors in the business this weekend was a trial run for - Transibérica Moto Tours.
Everything I describe here will soon be available for anyone to purchase. Right now they have all the ingredients, and just need to refine the details.
Coffees and greetings over we geared up and headed out into the mountains. Heinz apologised that we were riding some sections of ‘boring roads’ but these actually turned out to be more fun than most British A-roads.
The group rode well with ‘Sir’ Mandi up front, Maja and me, Heinz, and the rest of the team.
It was now 9am and time for breakfast. This being real Spain, rather than British tourist’s idea of Spain, breakfast was an eye opener. We sat outside a café in a town square and were served multiple courses. I speak no Spanish so Heinz interpreted and ordered. The locals drank a little wine and strong coffee and I had a Coke Zero.
After an hour of eating and chatting and laughing we were off again. The roads were awesome. Small mountain roads, twisting and turning. We enjoyed the Yamahas. Light but comfortable. Enough power to pull you along in a brisk manner with a lovely gearbox with an easy, quick action.
The weather was perfect too. Maybe 20 degrees and almost no wind.
After 45 minutes Mandi pulled off the road and onto a small lane. We all gathered. And then we rode maybe seven kilometres along gravel trails. Standing on the pegs, guiding our bikes around cracks and ruts. Easy off roading, fun and fairly fast.
Back on the road and it was obvious our hosts both know the area like the back of their hands and are proud of it. We stopped at a reservoir and a Castle. All picturesque and picture perfect. Photos and chats. Life is good.
It was at the castle I told Heinz Harald that his biking skills were incredible. I’d never seen such control as he has in my life. He makes everything look so easy. He doesn’t even have a technique or use the ‘racing line’, he just relies on his instinct, reactions and natural abilities. And his reply? “Oh I didn’t know?”
For an ex-F1 driver and international sporting star he is down to earth, friendly, chatty and generous.
More winding roads and gorgeous views and it was 3pm – time for lunch.

We ate at the only wooden building in the area (with the dry climate wood is a fire risk). A restaurant perched on the hillside. Multiple courses, wine, coffee, great food, great drink (Coke Zero again for me!) and again we were off.
By this point the group had really gelled. Many of the team spoke no English but we all communicated and we all sparked off each other. They were so friendly and welcoming.
We rode and rode. Great corners and great scenery, views to die for and mountains to climb. All the time Heinz filming us from his bike. He can ride one handed faster than any of the rest of us can ride with both hands on the bars.
Mandi was no slouch either. In fact Heinz asked him to slow the pace a little so he could film us better.
At no time did the group ride too fast. No-one ever felt compelled to push too much, nor did we feel too slow. The pace was about right.
The final hour of the day was again off road. It was a track going up and over a mountain close to where we’d started the day. The sun was low in the sky behind us as we soaked up the vista. We stopped several times to enjoy the views and to take photos.
5.30pm we arrived back at our hotel. We put the bikes away and Maja and I shared a few beers and marvelled at how amazing the day had been. At 9.30pm Heinz and his friend Valero met us for dinner. We spoke about Heinz’ time in F1, about which he’s remarkably candid. We also spoke about their plans for the company. It sounds exciting and interesting. Tours on weekends, the best roads and food. Customers from all over north Europe heading south to enjoy the warm weather and spectacular roads.

The Spanish like to enjoy life. Heinz Harald is German but his mother is Spanish and as a child he spent most school holidays in this area. He has family in the area and he knows the locale as well as any of his friends.
The people we rode with – led by Carlos
on the Sunday – know all the roads and all the places to stop and to eat. And they do like to eat. Meals are a time to enjoy company as much as food and drink. The food is local and authentic and none of it is aimed at tourists.
Heinz, Valero, Mandi and the rest of the Transibérica Moto Tours team are proud of what they have achieved so far. They are refining the website, finalising the prices, and will have a full package to offer to paying customers in early 2025.
Heinz dropped Maja and I at the airport Sunday evening. We sat in our plane seats and could hardly believe what an experience we’d had.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend and one we’ll remember forever.
By Matt Hubbard