5 - 0 | Noun. See 'five O'. |
fab | Adj. Abb. of fabulous. {Informal} |
fabtastic | Adj. Wonderful, excellent. A combination of the words fabulous and fantastic. |
face-ache | Noun. A name for a miserable or ugly looking person. |
face-fungus | Noun. Facial hair, such as moustache or beard. Cf. 'face pubes'. |
face like a bag of spanners | Phrs. 1. Craggy faced. 2. Ugly. |
face like a blind cobbler's thumb | Phrs. Very unattractive, often implying pitted or scarred. |
face like a bulldog chewing a wasp | Phrs. Very unattractive. Also less commonly heard, face like a bulldog chewing a thistle. E.g."I don't think I'll ask her out, she's not my type and she's got a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp." |
face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle | Phrs. Very unnattractive. Cf. 'face like a bulldog chewing a wasp'. |
face like a busted... | Phrs. Phrase that can be finished with any of choice of words, however common ones include clog, sofa, and arse, meaning very ugly. E.g."He's definitely no George Clooney, with a face like a busted clog." |
face like a dropped pie | Phrs. 1. Very unattractive. 2. Miserable looking. |
face like a robber's dog | Phrs. Unattractive. Cf. 'face like a welder's bench'. |
face like a slapped arse | Phrs. A miserable or sad face. Also heard as face like a smacked arse. |
face like a welder's bench | Phrs. Ugly, unattractive. E.g."It wasn't that he had a face like a welder's bench, but more the fact that he dribbled saliva when he spoke." |
face like a wet weekend | Phrs. A miserable, sad appearence. E.g."What's up with you? Cheer up! You've got a face like a wet weekend." |
face like the back end of a bus | Phrs. Ugly, unattractive. |
face-plant | Noun. To fall and land face first on the ground. E.g."I came off my skateboard, and did a face-plant in front of a queue of shoppers." |
face pubes | Noun. Facial hair. Cf. 'face fungus'. |
facial | Noun. The ejaculation of semen on a sexual partner's face. Term originated within the porn industry. |
fadge | Noun. The vagina. Possibly a corruption of vadge, an abb. form of vagina. |
faff | Verb. To fuss. E.g."If you stop faffing and let me finish doing this job, then we can go out to the cinema sooner, rather than later." {Informal} Noun. A fuss, bother. E.g."It's such a faff having to go through the process of interviews when you know you are the only candidate worthy of the job." {Informal} |
faffer | Noun. A person who fusses, or dithers. See 'faff'. |
fag | Noun. 1. A cigarette. 2. A homosexual male. Its use isn't prevalent in Britain. Abb. of 'faggot'. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] 3. A chore. E.g."It was a fag having to drive all the way back home at night." |
fag bag | Noun. Homosexual male. Also fag bag. See 'fag' (noun 2). |
fag break | Noun. A break from work so that one can enjoy a cigarette. See 'fag' (noun 1). |
fagged (out) | Adj. Exhausted, tired. |
faggerette | Noun. A cigarette. Adolescent usage. [1990s] |
faggot | Noun. 1. A homosexual male. Derog. 2. On the gay scene meaning a 'camp' effeminate male homosexual. Derog. |
fag-end | Noun. A cigarette butt. |
fag-hag | Noun. A woman who prefers the company of 'gay' men over that of heterosexuals. Fag-hags have also been known to desire sexual relations with gay men. |
fair cop | Noun. 1. A legitimate arrest. Often tongue in cheek use in expressions such as "it's a fair cop, guv". [Orig. Underworld. Late 1800s] 2. A situation or event that is seen as deserved or justified. |
fair dos | Exclam. An exclamation that a thing is reasonable or accepted. An extension of a fair do. {Informal} |
fairy | Noun. 1. An effeminate person. Derog. 2. A homosexual. Derog. |
fairy snuff ! | Exclam. That's reasonable! A pun on fair enough. Cf 'furry muff' and 'hairy muff'. |
f-all | Noun. A euphemism for 'fuck all'. |
fall off the back of a lorry | Vrb phrs. A reference to goods that have been stolen. Used ironically to avoid revealing the real origins of the property. E.g."Being as they fell off a back of a lorry I'm selling them at half the price they are in the shops." |
fam | Noun. Family or friend. Abb. of family. |
family jewels | Noun. A jocular euphemism for the male genitals, emphasising their personal importance. Not heard very often and occasionally shortened to 'jewels'. |
fanakapan | Noun. An affectionate form of address. Probably from Fred Fanakapan, a Gracie Fields song of the 1930s. [Mainly Northern use] |
fancy (!) | Verb. To like, to desire. E.g."I fancy that new receptionist who's started in accounts." {Informal} Exclam. Said in mild surprise, often as fancy that! |
fancy man | Noun. A male lover, often referring to an adulterous one. Cf. 'bit on the side'. |
fancy pants | Adj. Fancy, overly smart, pretentious, posh, snobbish. |
fancy-schmancy | Adj. Extremely or excessively fancy. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
fancy the arse off (someone) | Vrb phrs. To sexually desire (someone). |
fancy the pants off (someone) | Vrb phrs. To sexually desire (someone). E.g."I've fancied the pants off her since we were in grade 3." |
fancy woman | Noun. A female lover. Cf. 'fancy man'. |
fanfuckingtastic | Adj. Wonderful, excellent. The word fantastic combined with the intensifier fucking. |
fanjeeta | Noun. The vagina, the female genitals. Also fanjita. |
fanny | Noun. 1. The female genitals. Its use may cause confusion in the U.S. where it means the buttocks. 2. A female viewed as a sexual object. 3. A general term of abuse, a contemptiple person. |
fanny about /around | Verb. To mess around, or waste time. |
Fanny Adams | Noun. Nothing at all. Usually heard preceded by sweet. Also acts as a euphemism for 'fuck all'. E.g."I lost my job last year and have done sweet fany adams since then." Cf. 'sweet F.A.' |
fanny around | Verb. See 'fanny about'. |
fanny basher | Noun. A lesbian. See 'fanny'. |
fanny batter | Noun. Vaginal secretions. |
fannybaws | Noun. An idiot, fool. [Glasgow use?] |
fanny fart | Noun. An involuntary noise created by the vagina during sexual intercourse with the intake and expulsion of air. See 'fart'. |
fanny fit | Noun. A fit of anger, a temper tantrum. |
fanny flaps | Noun. The female genitals, particularly the labia. |
fanny flutters | Noun. A pleasurable sensation a woman gets in her vagina when sexually aroused. |
fanny magnet | Noun. A thing that is believed to attract females. E.g."He wants a Ferrari, cos he reckons it's a sure fanny magnet." See 'fanny'. |
fannytastic ! | Exclam. Great, excellent. Often used in a sexual context. A pun on fantastic. |
fapping | Noun. An act of masturbation. |
farmer Giles | Noun. Haemorrhoids. Rhyming slang on piles. Often abbreviated to farmers. E.g."Doctor, have you any soothing ointment for my farmers." [Orig. Aust.] |
far-out | Adj. Splendid, an exclamation of approval. Jazz origins. [Orig. U.S.] |
fart | Verb. To break wind from the anus. Originally s.e. from 1250s, but deemed slang from 1800s. Cf. 'fanny fart'. Noun. 1. The gas expelled due to anal flatulence. 2. An unpleasant and objectionable person. Cf. 'old fart'. |
fart about /around | Verb. To mess around, to waste time. |
fart arse about | Verb phrs. To mess around, to waste time. E.g."Stop fart arsing about and get on with your work." |
fart in a spacesuit | Phrs. Used in expressions to add negative emphasis. Heard in phrases such as, as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit or as much use as a fart in a spacesuit. |
fartleberry | Noun. Excrement that adheres to anal hairs or fur. E.g."You're not bringing that dog back in the house until you've cleaned him up, he's covered in fartleberries." [Late 1800s] |
farty | Adj. Insignificant. E.g."I'm not going back to that restaurant, they serve farty sized portions and I always leave still feeling hungry." |
fat chance (!) | Noun. No likelihood of something happening. E.g."There's fat chance of getting me to do a parachute jump!" Exclam. No chance! E.g."Persuade him to do a parachute jump? Fat chance! You'll never get him to do it." |
fat-head | Noun. An idiot, imbecile. Derog. {Informal} |
fat-slags | Noun. Uncouth fat women who are and look promiscuous. An expression derived from a comic cartoon of the same name in the adult and blatantly sexist comic 'Viz'. The popularity of the comic rose to phenomenal heights, hence the use of the term. [1990s] |
fatso | Noun. A name for someone who is overweight or obese. Derog. |
favy | Noun. Favourite. E.g."My favy book is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens." |
feck (!) | Exclam. An exclamation of anger or frustration, and in the UK, occasionally used as a euphemism for 'fuck!'. Accepted as a mild oath, equivalent to damn!. The term was popularized in the UK by the character Father Jack in the British TV sit-com Father Ted. Although a common part of the vernacular of Eire the unfortunate death of Dermot Morgan in the lead role has prevented a new series and added to the demise in popularity of the expression in mainland Britain. Verb. To take or steal. [Irish use] |
fecker | Noun. 1. A contemptible person. [Irish use] 2. A person or thing. Used loosely when perhaps the person/thing is unknown to the user, and occasionally affectionate use. E.g."The poor fecker had to stay in with his wife whilst all his friends got drunk." [Irish use] |
feds | Noun. The police. From federal police. [Orig. U.S.] |
feed the pony | Vrb phrs. To molest the female genitals, in the manner of cupping one's hand to feed a horse or pony. |
feel up | Verb. To sexually grope, or molest. |
felch | Verb. To lick or suck one's recently deposited semen from the rectum, or more recently the term has applied to such actions involving the vagina. [1960s] |
felcher | Noun. A person who 'felches'. |
fence | Noun. A person who receives and sells stolen goods. |
fess up | Verb. To admit, to confess. Abb. of confess. |
fest | Noun. Festival. This abbreviated form is used less to mean a celebratory event, but more an eventful over-indulgence in expressions such as drug fest or beer fest. |
F.H.B. | Abb. Family Hold Back. A coded message for family members to delay helping themselves until guests have an adequate amount of that which is on offer, usually because of shortages. |
fiddle | Verb. To cheat. Noun. A fraud or cheat. {Informal} |
fiddle (with someone) | Verb. To sexually interfere. Cf. 'kiddie fiddler'. |
fillem | Noun. A film. This north-eastern pronunciation of film is used elsewhere in a light-hearted manner. E.g."Do you fancy going to see a fillem tonight?" |
fill-in | Verb. To severely beat up (someone). |
filly | Noun. A young woman, from the s.e. for a young female horse under 4 years old. E.g."The party was full of pretty young fillies." {Informal} |
fill your boots (!) | Exclam. Help yourself! Enjoy yourself! Vrb phrs. Be very scared. |
filth | Noun. The police. E.g."The filth are out in force tonight, so watch your behaviour and no drunkeness." [1950s] |
filthy | Adj. Extremely (wealthy). E.g."She's filthy rich." {Informal} |
fin | Noun. A £5 note. |
finger | Verb. 1. To sexually molest the genitals, usually a females. 2. To inform. Noun. 1. A measure of alcohol, usually spirits. Based on the breadth of a finger. {Informal}. 2. The gesture of pointing one's middle finger upwards as an insult. Derog. E.g."I didn't bother to say a word, instead I just gave him the finger and walked away." |
finger-fuck | Verb. To sexually stimulate the vagina or anus with the fingers. |
finger pie | Noun. The act of manually stimulating the female genitals. |
fingers like pig's tits | Phrs. Clumsy fingers. |
fire blanks | Vrb phrs. Of a man, to be sterile. Cf. 'shoot blanks'. |
first base | Noun. Initial success at achieving some form of sexual activity, usually kissing and caressing above the waist. Second base is usually similar to first, perhaps with touching of the breasts. Third base is usually touching of the genitals. Home is actual sex in some form, and is to 'score'. Although primarily a U.S. set of expressions and despite their origins with baseball they occasionally appear in the vernacular of U.K. adolescents. |
firtle | Verb. To appear busy but without actually achieving anything, to tinker, to do a task which is seen as a waste of time. E.g."He's been firtling in the shed all morning." [Northern use?] Noun. The act of firtling. E.g."I was having a firtle in the wardrobe and found the flares I used to wear in the 70s." [Northern use?] |
fish | Noun. Women. Derogatory expression for females, commonly heard used by male homosexual mysogynists. |
fishy | Adj. Dubious, suspicious, unreliable, questionable. E.g."I thought his alibi was a bit fishy." {Informal} |
fist-fuck | Verb. To insert the fist or hand up the rectum or vagina for sexual pleasure. [Orig. homosexual use] Noun. The act of a 'fist-fuck' (verb). Cf. 'fisting'. |
fisticuffs | Noun. A brawl, a fist fight. |
fisting | Noun. The act of inserting one's fist, or hand, up the rectum or vagina, for the purposes of sexual pleasure. Cf. 'fist-fuck'. |
fit | Adj. 1. Attractive, often sexually so. Said of a person or of their body. E.g."See that guy at the bar? He's fit. I think I'll ask if he wants a dance." 2. Ready, prepared. E.g."Are you fit? The taxi will be here in five minutes." |
fit as a butcher's dog | Phrs. Very healthy and strong. [Orig. Lancs] |
fitba | Noun. Football. Scottish pronunciation. [Scottish use] |
fit to burst | Phrs. Full, sated, replete. |
fit up | Verb. To incriminate by employing false evidence. E.g."I was fitted up for that bank robbery in the high street." Noun. A accusation against a person in order to incriminate them and using falsified evidence. |
five finger discount | Noun. The act of shoplifting, or occasionally stealing, and the proceeds. Also five fingered discount. [Orig. U.S./1960s] |
five fingered widow | Noun. An act of masturbation. Also visit the five fingered widow. |
five knuckle shuffle | Noun. An act of masturbation. Cf. 'knuckle shuffle'. |
five O | Noun. The police. Taken from the title of the U.S. TV series, Hawaii Five O. |
fiver | Noun. A five-pound monetary note. {Informal} |
fix | Noun. A dose of narcotics to which one is addicted. However it is now also used with reference to any habit. E.g."Let's call in this cafe and get a fix of caffeine before our shopping fix." |
fizzog | Noun. The face. From physiognomy. Cf. 'phizog'. |
flabbergast | Verb. To confound, to astonish, to amaze. E.g."I'm flabbergasted at how poor customer services was at that restaurant last night." {Informal} |
flabber one's gast | Verb. To confound, to amaze, to astonish. A pun on 'flabbergast'. E.g."That flabbered my gast more than when she told me she was pregant." Cf. 'gast one's flabber' |
flak | Noun. Intense criticism, strong verbal opposition. E.g."I've been taking a lot of flak from my family on my decision to give up eating meat." {Informal} |
flake out | Verb. To collapse from exhaustion. {Informal} |
flame | Verb. To attack and abuse someone on the Internet or via email. {Informal} Noun. A vitriolic attack on someone on the internet or via email. {Informal} |
flaming | Adj./Adv. An intensifier such as and euphemistic for 'fucking'. Noun. A verbal attack sent via e-mail. |
flaming Nora! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or annoyance. Cf. 'ruddy-Nora'. |
flange | Noun. The vagina. |
flannel | Noun. Nonsense. E.g."Oh shut up! You're talking utter flannel." Verb. To flatter. E.g."I spent the whole meal flannelling him and got the contract signed by the dessert course." |
flap | Noun. A state of worry, agitation or panic. E.g."I got myself in a flap about my driving test and didn't sleep all night." {Informal} Verb. To worry, to fuss, to become agitated. E.g."I wish she'd stop flapping about the holiday, we alwaysget the packing done in time." {Informal} |
flaps (!) | Noun. The female genitals. Cf. 'piss-flaps'. Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance. |
flash | Adj. Showy, ostentatious. [Informal] Verb. 1. To show off, to display ostentatiously. E.g."I don't like her, she's always flashing her gold jewellery and diamonds to anyone who might be impressed by wealth." 2. To provocatively expose a part of the body, usually the genitals, breasts or even underwear, in a place that normally wouldn't be seen as acceptable. E.g."Oh my god, what a night! Everyone was so drunk, and I've never seen so many people flashing their bits." |
flasher | Noun. A person who indecently exposes themselves in public. |
flash git /get | Noun. An objectionably ostentatious person. Derog. |
flash Harry | Noun. A showy and over confident young man. Dated expression. |
flash the ash | Vrb phrs. To offer a cigarette. |
flash the V's | Vrb phrs. An action of contempt, an insulting gesture. Involves raising the hand and making a V-sign with the index and forefinger, with the back of the hand facing away from the giver. |
flat as a witch's tit | Phrs. 1. Very flat, deflated. E.g."Have you got a football we can use? Mine's as flat as a witch's tit." 2. Unexciting, unstimulating. E.g."The atmosphere at the gig was as flat as a witch's tit." |
fleabag | Noun. An unclean or unkempt person, or animal. Originally someone infested with fleas. Also as flea-bag. Derog. |
fleek /fleeky | Adj. Fashionable, stylish, well groomed. Frequently used to describe eyebrows. E.g."I don't leave the house unless I'm looking good and my brows are fleeky." Cf. on fleek .[Orig. U.S.] |
flicks | Noun. 1. The cinema. E.g."Let's go to the flicks and watch that new British blockbuster." 2. Films, movies, videos. |
flick the bean | Verb. Of females, to masturbate. The bean referring to the clitoris. |
flid | Noun. An idiotic or objectionable person. An adolescents expression derived from flidomide, a mispronunciation of thalidomide, a drug which caused deformaties in new born babies. |
flimp | Noun. A taxi driver's term for an unbooked customer or fare. Also flimping, the act of picking up such a fare. E.g."I picked up a great £80 flimp to East Midlands airport, and they tipped me £10 aswell." [South Wales / Leicestershire / Midlands use] Verb. To pick-up an unbooked fare. See noun, above. E.g."I flimped a couple of gorgeous girls on the High Street." |
flip (!) | Exclam. An expression of annoyance. A very mild euphemism for 'fuck'. Verb. To become mentally unstable, or excited. |
flip off | Verb. A variation and shortening of 'flip the bird'. E.g."I flipped him off and then got out sharpish before he could catch me." |
flip one's lid | Vrb phrs. To lose self control, become angry. |
flipping | Adj. Used as an intensifier. A euphemism for 'fucking'. E.g."That flipping idiot just ignored me, like I wasn't there." |
flip (someone) the bird | Vrb phrs. A dismissive, obscene hand gesture, specifically whereby the middle finger is extended from a clenched fist. E.g."She flipped him the bird and shouted a few obscenities." [Orig. U.S.] |
flit | Verb. To secretly move house or leave home in an attempt to escape a person and/or a situation. . E.g."We can't afford to pay the landlord the £500 we owe him so we're flitting tonight." [Mainly N. England/Scottish use] Noun. An act of flitting, see verb. {Informal} |
float an air biscuit | Vrb phrs. To break wind from the anus, to 'fart'. E.g."He floated an air biscuit and delayed the start of the seminar whilst they opened all the windows." See 'air biscuit'. [1990s] |
floater | Noun. A lump of faeces that wont initially flush remains floating in the toilet bowl. |
float one's boat | Vrb phrs. To excite, to interest. E.g."I don't know what floats your boat, but I find naked nuns wrestling in a pool of custard very exciting." |
flob | Noun. Spit, phlegm. Verb. To spit. E.g."Why is it that school kids seem to think flobbing in the street is acceptable?" |
flog | Verb. 1. To sell. E.g."I flogged my dad's comic collection which paid for my holiday in Spain." 2. To do with great effort. E.g."I flogged it all night to get my work done." |
flog a dead horse | Vrb phrs. To waste time and effort on something that has little chance of succeeding. E.g."She's flogging a dead horse trying to persuade Dave to spend a weekend at a yoga retreat." {Informal} |
floor it | Verb. To go faster, usually with respect to vehicles. From the action of pressing the accelerator pedal to the floor to increase speed. E.g."I floored it up the M6 to Liverpool, and got 6 points for speeding." |
floozie | Noun. A girlfriend or boyfriend. Orig. referred to a promiscuous young woman. Also as floozy. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
flop | Verb. To fail, to collapse. E.g."His latest production flopped at the box office." Noun. A failure. |
flower | Noun. An affectionate term of address, usually applied to females. {Informal} |
fluff | Verb. 1. To make a mistake during a particular endevour, such as during a performance of a play. E.g."I've just fluffed my lines." 2. To break wind. |
fluffer | Noun. A person employed to keep the male lead sexually aroused and ready for action in-between scenes or shots during the making of a pornographic movie. |
flummox | Verb. To confuse, confound, bewilder. E.g."I was flummoxed by the question." {Informal} |
flunk | Verb. With regard to exams or tests, to fail badly. E.g."I flunked all my exams and can't get a job." |
flutter | Noun. A small bet. E.g."I'm having a flutter on the horses this afternoon." |
fly | Adj. 1. Strewd, clever, mentally alert. {Informal} 2. Fashionable, stylish. |
fly a desk | Vrb phrs. To work in an office as a clerk, and predominantly spending one's time sat at a desk. Cf. 'desk pilot'. [Orig. RAF?] |
flying fuck | Noun. Expressing contemptuous disinterest, usually in expressions such as 'to not give a flying fuck'. |
fly low | Verb. To have one's trouser zip/fly undone. E.g."It was so embarrassing, walking into a full conference hall, flying low." |
fnarr fnarr | Exclam. A verbalised laugh. Another Vizism from the comic, taken from a character called Finbar Saunders whose obsessive and smutty concern with double entendres leads him to express this exclamation. |
FOAD | Vrb phrs. Go away. An abbreviation of fuck off and die, and usually written. |
fod | Noun. The forehead. |
fode | Noun. A backyard of a house or property. [W.Midlands use] |
f-off! | Exclam. Euphemism for 'fuck off!' |
folding | Noun. Money, in particular higher denomination notes. See also 'holding the folding'. |
follically challenged | Adj. Balding. |
foodie * | Noun. 1. A person with a particular interest in food and things culinary. 2. Of, or concerning food. * Also as foody. |
foof | Noun. The vagina. |
foo-foo | Noun. The vagina. |
fook | Noun./Verb./Adj. Alternative less common spelling of 'fuck'. Also fooking, fooked. See 'fuck'. |
fool around | Verb. To act promiscuously. |
foosty | Adj. Mouldy or dusty, or smelling such. [Scottish use] |
footsie | Noun. The act of surreptitiously touching another persons foot with one's own, typically under a table, often as a playful expression of romantic interest. Also as footsy. {Informal} |
footy | Noun. The game of football, or a football itself. Also as footie. {Informal} |
for crying out loud! | Exclam. An exclamation of anger or frustration. {Informal} |
foreigner | Noun. A job or work done as extra to one's usual employment and without the permission of one's employer. {Informal} |
for fucksake! | Exclam. An exclamation of anger. |
form | Noun. 1. A bench. [North-west use] 2. A criminal record, previous convictions. E.g."I wouldn't employ him, he has form and has just recently been released from prison." {Informal} |
for Pete's sake! | Exclam. An exclamation of anger, or frustration. |
Forrest Gump | Noun. An act of defecation. Rhyming slang on 'dump'. Forrest Gump, the titular character in the film. |
forty winks | Noun. A short sleep, a cat-nap. {Informal} |
fo' shizzle! | Exclam. Expressing agreement, certainly, for sure. Cf. 'fo' sho'. [Orig. U.S./black] |
fo' sho! | Exclam. For sure, certainly, without doubt. [Orig. U.S./black] |
founder | Verb. To freeze, to become chilled. [Irish use] |
four by two | Noun. A Jewish person. Cockney rhyming slang on Jew. Offens. [1930s] |
four-eyes | Noun. A wearer of spectacles. Derog. |
four letter words | Noun. All encompassing euphemism for expletives, such as 'fuck' and 'cunt' etc. |
fox in the box | Noun. In football, a predatory striker who scores ruthlessly when goal opportunities arise in the penalty area. |
foxtrot oscar | Verb. Euphemism for 'fuck off'. A pun using the phonetic alphabet, therefore Foxtrot referring to the letter F, and Oscar to O, and consequently these letters as an abbreviation for 'fuck off'. |
foxy | Adj. Usually of a woman, sexy, desirable, sexually attractive. [Orig U.S.] |
freak-out | Verb. To become agitated with anxiety, be over-emotional, to traumatize. Previously when having a 'bad trip' on hallucinogens. |
freak someone out | Verb. To traumatize someone. E.g."He freaked me out by wearing a spooky mask and jumping out of the closet when I came in the room." |
freebie | Noun. Something given free, a free sample. Originally for the purposes of commerce and publicity, for example, a pre-recorded tape given away with an edition of a music magazine. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
freeload | Verb. To take or receive offered services and pleasures without reciprocation. |
freeloader | Noun. A person who 'freeloads'. |
freeze one's bollocks/ knackers/ balls off | Vrb phrs. Of a person, physically very cold. E.g."I'm not freezing my bollocks off watching you play football on Sunday when I can be down the pub, warm, dry and drunk." |
friend zone | Verb. To accept a person as a friend only, despite the other person wanting and thinking a close or intimate relationship was possible. Also as friendzone. E.g."We got on so well and had a really good laugh but she friend zoned me." |
French letter | Noun. A condom. Dated expression and rarely heard. [Mid 1800s] {Informal} |
frenemy | Noun. Someone who you fundamentally dislike or view as a rival but are friends with. A combination of the words friends and enemy. {Informal} |
fresher | Noun. A first year undergraduate at a University or college. {Informal} |
freshers ball | Noun. A party for new students at the start of an academic year at a college or University. {Informal} |
Friar Tuck * | Noun. 1. Sexual intercourse. Rhyming slang on 'fuck'. 2. Fuck. As a general replacement for the word 'fuck' as an expletive in phrases such as, "I don't give friar tuck!". Rhyming slang on 'fuck'. * Friar Tuck, a character in the Robin Hood legends. |
friend of Dorothy | Noun. A euphemism on the gay scene for a homosexual. Alluding to the gay icon Judy Garland, in the film The Wizard of Oz. [Orig. U.S.] |
friend with benefits | Noun. A friend with whom one enjoys occasional and casual sex. {Informal} |
frig (!) | Verb. To masturbate. [Late 1600s] Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance or frustration. A euphemism for 'fuck'. |
frigging | Adj./Adv. Euphemism for 'fucking', used as a general intensifier. E.g."There's no frigging way that I'm lending you any money after the 2 years it took you to pay me back the last time." |
frit | Adj. Frightened. E.g."He was too frit too complain." [Dialect? Widely used from the Midlands northwards, incl. Leicestershire, Notts, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Durham] |
Frog | Noun. A French person. The term is derived from the late 1800s when the French were known as frog eaters. Derog./Offens. |
frog and toad | Noun. Road. Cockney rhyming slang. |
front bottom | Noun. The vagina, the female genitals. A euphemism used mainly by females. [1980s] |
front wheel skid | Noun. A jew. Cockney rhyming slang on yid. Derog./Offens. |
fruit | Noun. A male homosexual. Only mildly offensive these days. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] |
fruit and nut case | Noun. A lunatic, a crazy person. |
fruitcake | Noun. A crazy or eccentric person. |
fubar | Phrs. Ruined, bungled, damaged. An acronym of fucked up beyond all recognition. |
fubared | Phrs. Tired, exhausted, ruined, intoxicated, drunk. From the acronym 'fubar'. Also fubarred. |
fuck (!) | Verb. 1. To copulate. [1500s] 2. To tire out, to break, to ruin, to destroy. E.g."You've fucked the engine by keeping the revs too high for too long." Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance, frustration or surprise. Noun. 1. Sexual intercourse. E.g."She was really beautiful, I was drunk, the bar was about to close and I didn't want to go home alone, so I asked her for a fuck." 2. A contemptible person. 3. A sexual partner. E.g."He's a really good fuck." 4. Used as an intensifier to express anger, annoyance, frustration etc., such as what the fuck, who the fuck, how the fuck, get the fuck etc. E.g."What the fuck do you think you're doing?" |
fuckable | Adj. Sexually desirable. |
fuck about/around | Verb. To mess about, to idle away time, to waste time. The about may be substituted by around. E.g."There was no time for fucking about, we had to get to the airport to catch our flight home." |
fuck a duck! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. |
fuck-all | Noun. Nothing. E.g."I had fuck-all to do, so I watched that new BBC sitcom instead." |
fuck-all else | Noun. Absolutely nothing. E.g."There's fuck-all else to do around here but get drunk." |
fuck-all squared | Noun. Absolutely nothing. [N. Ireland use] |
fuck around | See 'fuck about/around'. |
fuckathon | Noun. A prolonged session of sexual intercourse. |
fuck-book | Noun. A pornographic magazine or book. |
fuck buddy | Noun. A friend with whom one has sex, but without any of the expected or associated obligations such as sexual commitment. [Orig. U.S.] |
fucked off | Adj. Utterly dejected, miserable or annoyed. |
fucked up | Adj. 1. Ruined, broken. 2. Distressed, mentally disturbed. |
fucker | Noun. 1. A contemptible person. 2. A person or thing. Used loosely when perhaps the person/thing is unknown to the user, and occasionally affectionate use. 3. An annoying or disappointing occurrence. E.g."Crashing my car was a real fucker." |
fuckery | Noun. 1. Treachery, unjust treatment, unfairness. 2. Nonsense. |
fuck-face | Noun. A despicable or contemptible person. |
fucking | Adj./Adv. A general intensifier. E.g."That fucking idiot deserves
what he got, a black eye." Noun. An act of sexual intercourse. |
fucking Ada! | Exclam. Used to express anger, surprise etc. |
fucking hell! | Exclam. An exclamation similar to 'fuck!' (exclam). Most likely to be heard as fuckin'ell. |
fucking Nora! | Exclam. Used to express annoyance, surprise etc. |
fuck it! | Exclam. A general dismissive exclamation. |
fuck knows (!) | Phrs. I don't know, it's unknown. E.g."Fuck knows why I always watch the news on TV, because afterwards I always end up depressed." |
fuckload | Noun. A large amount of something. E.g."There's a fuckload of washing up to do after last night's meal." |
fuck me (!) | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or amazement. Adj. Inviting sexual attention; usually said of clothes and occasionally eyes. E.g."She looked across the room with those fuck me eyes, how could I resist! And that short fuck me dress really topped it off." |
fuck me backwards! | Exclam. Expressing surprise. |
fuck me ragged! | Exclam. Expressing surprise. |
fucknugget | Noun. An idiot, contemptible person. Also as fuck-nugget. [Orig. U.S.] |
fuck-nut | Noun. An idiot, a contemptible person. Also as fucknut. |
fuck off (!) | Verb. 1. To go away, to leave. E.g."Bob felt sick and fucked off home after the show, but we went on to a strip club." 2. To disregard, to discard, to end, to reject. E.g."I'm definitely fucking off my job next week, 6 months travelling in Asia beckons." 3. To anger or annoy. E.g."He's really fucking me off with his moaning." Exclam. Used either aggressively, in a sense of go away, or with a lighthearted slant such as don't be stupid. Adj. Powerful, imposing. E.g."This big fuck off bloke came up and punched me, just for talking to his girlfriend!" |
fuckpig | Noun. 1. A contemptible person. Also fuck-pig. [Orig. U.S.] 2. Exclam. Expressing anger. |
fucksocks! | Exclam. Expressing surprise or anger. |
fuck someone's brains out | Vrb phrs. To copulate vigorously and with enthusiasm. E.g."She was hot! I fucked her brains out for 3 hours." |
fucktard | Noun. A contemptible, idiotic person. Probably a combined form of fucking retard. [Orig U.S.] |
fuck the arse off (someone) | Vrb phrs. Essentially meaning the same as 'fuck someone's brains out'. Not necessarily intimating anal intercourse. E.g."The night we first met I fucked the arse off him and he came back for more the next day." * The elements ..the arse off are often added to verbs as a general intensifier, such as 'bore the arse off'. |
fuck this for a game of soldiers! | Exclam. See sod this for a game of soldiers. |
fuck this for a lark! | Exclam. See sod this for a lark. |
fuck up | Verb. To mess up, or 'to have fucked up' meaning to have messed things up severely. 'To be fucked up' would announce one's poor state of mental or physical health. Noun. 1. A shambles. E.g."My wedding day was a total fuck up, right from when I was found groping one of the bridesmaids." 2. An inept person. |
fuckwit | Noun. An idiot. |
fuck with someone / something | Vrb phrs. To bother with, to become involved with, to interfere with. E.g."Don't fuck with me, just get back in your car and leave town." |
fuckwittery | Noun. Foolish, idiotic behaviour. From 'fuckit'. E.g."Is it any wonder the business is failing with all this fuckwittery?" |
fuck you! | Exclam. An exclamation of anger, defiance, or contempt. |
fud | Noun. The female genitals. [Scottish use] |
fuddle | Noun. 1. A confused state, a muddle. 2. An intoxicated state. E.g."He was in a fuddle so we stopped him driving home and made him sleep at ours." 3. An informal event or party, often based around a food, such as a buffet or picnic. [East Midlands/Yorkshire use] |
fuddled | Adj. 1. Muddled 2. Drunk. |
fudge nudger | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
fudge packer | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
fugly | Adj. Very ugly. A combination of the words fucking ugly. Also as fuggly. [Orig. U.S.] |
(the) full monty | Noun. The complete amount. The Monty is also spelt with a capital M. E.g."No we didn't do the full monty but I think next time I can persuade her." See associated article the full monty. |
full nine yards | Phrs. The complete amount. Less common variation on 'the whole nine yards'. Much speculation as to its origins but essentially unknown. [Orig. U.S.] |
full of beans | Phrs. Full of energy and enthusiasm. {Informal} |
full of crap | Phrs. Talking nonsense, mistaken, lying, exaggerating. |
(be) full of it | Phrs. 1. Be full of energy, excitement, enthusiasm. {Informal} 2. Talking nonsense, lying, exaggerating. Short for 'full of shit' or 'full of crap'. |
full of shit | Phrs. Mistaken, exaggerating, talking nonsense. E.g."I'm not listening to you anymore, you're full of shit and everything you say is a lie." |
full screw | Noun. A corporal in the army. [Army use] |
full whack | Phrs. The maximum price or rate. Cf. 'top whack'. {Informal} |
fumble | Noun. Sexual foreplay, with the implication of clumsy groping and fondling. E.g."We had a fumble in the car outside her parent's house." Verb. To fondle or grope sexually. E.g."The dark periphery of the club was full of couples fumbling." |
fun-bags | Noun. Women's breasts. |
fundy | Noun. A fundamentalist, a devout religious follower. Also as fundi, and fundie. |
funky | Adj. 1. Of music, earthy, bluesy and very rhythmic. 2. Exuberantly fashionable. |
funny business | Noun. Misbehaviour or deception. |
funny-farm | Noun. A mental institution. |
funny tummy | Noun. An upset stomach. Occ. shortened to funny tum. |
funny turn | Noun. A sudden period of feeling unwell, perhaps with faintness, dizziness or queasiness. {Informal} |
fur-burger | Noun. The female genitals with particular allusion to pubic hair. Also as furburger. |
fur coat and no knickers | Phrs. Of a woman, all appearance and nothing beneath, no substance. Derog. |
fur pie | Noun. The female genitals, inclusive of pubic hair. |
furry cup | Noun. The vagina. |
furry muff ! | Exclam. That's reasonable! A pun on fair enough. Cf. 'fairy snuff'. |
(the) fuzz | Noun. The police, as an organisation. [Orig. U.S. 1930s] |
fwap | Verb. To masturbate. E.g."Why should you feel guilty about fwapping whilst thinking about your best friend's mother?" Noun. An act of masturbation. |
f-word | Noun. A euphemism for 'fuck'. Cf. 'c-word'. |