A child's life is full of firsts.
First teeth, first milestones and first
The first time he saw a Christmas tree and
the first time he went on holiday.
The firsts can follow them throughout many
years of their life.
Leo's latest first was just
When he visited the Dentist for the very
first time.
In true Leo style they certainly knew he
was in the building.
Only moments after arriving he managed to
knock my milkshake all over waiting room floor.
This prompted a very embarrassed Mummy to
attempt mopping it up with baby wipes.
It prompted the receptionist to grab a mop
in order to get a more thorough job done...
Needless to say we both sat very quietly
after this...
We waited in almost silence for our names to be called.
We were beckoned in to see the dentist.
Leo sat with Granny while I was having my pearly whites checked.
And then it was time for Leo to have his very first check up.
Leo didn't want to sit on the big chair all alone,
so he sat on my lap.
Then we had to persuade Leo to open up his mouth so that the dentist could get a proper look inside.
The dentist confirmed that Leo had his full set of milk teeth now,
a suspicion I had been carrying around for months.
Leo sat there looking a little bewildered but co-operated the entire time.
I just wonder if they welcome us back in November for Leo's second check up...
After the milkshake/waiting room incident that is!