Showing posts with label Paperback. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paperback. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Who is Janey Travis….?

Now that we are back here on the island for the summer, I’m focussing with renewed vigour on my writing career. I've decided that in future I will be publishing my books under two separate genres of the romantic fiction umbrella .

To Explain: I’m going to continue to write Romantic Adventure fiction under my own name of Janice Horton and I'll also be writing Romantic Comedy fiction under the pen name of Janey Travis.

Right now, as Janice Horton, I’m busy working on a brand new romantic adventure novel entitled Island in the Sun, which will be released later in 2016.

I’m also re-releasing, re-branding and re-packaging my existing books How Do You Voodoo? Voodoo Wedding and Voodoo Child and bringing them together under one new romantic comedy title of I Need A Doctor using a pen name of Janey Travis.

Right now, all my Janice Horton titles will all remain exclusive to Amazon worldwide in eBook format to buy at £1.99 or $3.00 or to download free under their Kindle Unlimited and Select programmes. Paperbacks are also available for all titles for those who prefer a real book reading experience.

But I Need a Doctor by Janey Travis will be published in all ebook formats and will be available worldwide not only from Amazon but from Kobo and with Apple for iBooks and with dozens of other premium distribution outlets. Paperback format is also available.

I Need a Doctor will be officially published and available for instant ebook download from 15th July 2016.

Why not click on the book cover on the side bar to read a free page turning preview of the book?

So who is Janey Travis? She is me!

You can follow Janey Travis on:

Website (under construction just now)

Please wish me luck!

Janice xx

“Just the right sprinkling of romance and humour.” Brook Cottage Books 
“A very clever plot. Different, fresh and enjoyable.” Jenny in Neverland 
“I couldn't help but like Nola even though at times she is a proper diva.” Comet Babe’s Books 
“I love all the quirky characters in the story and just the pure madness and fun of it all!” Books4U 
“A nice balance of humour, sweet romance, morals and a spooky side!” The Little Reader Library 

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Paperback Books and The Festival of Romance

This week, while my lovely editor is working away on Voodoo Child (planned launch date 31st October) I’ve been busy preparing and formatting the paperback editions of Bagpipes and Bullshot and Reaching for the Stars. This means I’ll have ‘real’ books to offer alongside my ebooks at last and I’ll be able to carry paperback copies with me when I do my personal author appearances.
Bagpipes and Bullshot and Reaching for the Stars will be available to order from Amazon sites very soon if you’ve been waiting to read my full length novels in paperback!
These are the paperback covers!
It’s only four weeks to the Festival of Romance in Bedford! (8th-10th November) I’m going to this event for the first time and I’m really looking forward to spending the whole weekend talking about books and celebrating romantic fiction.

There are some fabulous events planned – check out the website and grab your tickets now.

I’m really looking forward to meeting up with writer friends I already know really well, those I have been friends with online for ages but haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet in person, and catching up with what’s going on in the romantic fiction industry - as there will be publishers and agents and editors to chat to about such matters.

I’m speaking at the Coffee and Cake morning on Saturday 9th November at The Lane, Bedford. I’m also looking forward to attending the Festival of Romance Ball on the Saturday night!

Are you going…?

Do let me know so we can say hello!

Monday, 17 December 2012

Author Showcase - Glynis Smy

Author of 'Ripper, My Love', Glynis Smy, is celebrating the launch of her second novel today. 'Maggie’s Child' has been born into the world of ebook and paperback.

When farmer’s wife Maggie Sawbury gives birth to her fifth child, the only one that has lived and the result of an extra-marital affair, she is heartbroken and desperate. Maggie knows her joyless life with a bully of a husband is not one a child should endure, and she leaves the baby at the roadside to be found by passers-by.
Her money-driven husband announces he has found her another job in the village of Redgrave, aside from the many tasks she has on Windtop farm. He is totally unaware the position comes with a secret. One that frightens and yet brings joy to Maggie. She is to become wet-nurse to her abandoned child.
Love, and the possibility of incest, threaten to open old wounds, and Maggie has several decisions to make. However, will they be the right ones? If she tells all she knows, it will bring about the destruction of three families. Equally, her silence could be just as destructive. She shares her secret with another, the result changes her life, and a death brings with it more secrets. Will Maggie stay or will she walk away and find the love she craves?
The ebook will be available at a Christmas - New Year price of 99c via Amazon
Want to win a paperback copy?
If you can tell Glynis the name of the prostitute friend in her novel, Ripper, My Love, you will be put into a draw for a prize copy of 'Maggie’s Child' in paperback format. The email address you need to send the answer to can be found in the sidebar of NEW BOOK BLOGGER.

Glynis Smy, (nee Honeycombe), was born and raised in the coastal town of Dovercourt, near Harwich, in the county of Essex, England. She married her school sweetheart, Peter, in 1979 and they produced three amazing children, Darren, Nicola, and Emma. The long hours of a nursing career, and running two pharmacies ended in 2005, when she and her husband moved from the UK to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Glynis spends her time writing historical novels, poetry and various other projects. When she is not tapping at the keyboard she makes greeting cards to sell for charity, or enjoys a spot of cross-stitch on the back porch. Failing that, she and friends sit chewing the fat over a glass of village wine.

To find out more about Glynis’s books: Books by Glynis Smy
Meet and Tweet with Glynis:. @Ghunibee
Facebook Page: Glynis Smy
Author Blog: Glynis Smy


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Strings Attached Blog Tour

Tuesday 1st November 2011 was the official launch date for Mandy Baggot’s fabulous new hot, contemporary romance, Strings Attached!

I am thrilled to be hosting Mandy and her book today as part of her Blog Tour.

Mandy, tell us more about Strings Attached!

Strings Attached is the story of tom-boy caterer George Fraser and gorgeous rock god Quinn Blake. George is called to cater for Quinn’s after-show party and when they meet we’re talking sparks, magnets and an attraction as intense as it gets! But relationships are never that clear cut and there are plenty of obstacles in the way of their getting together! We learn about George’s passions, Quinn’s complicated relationships and we meet Marisa Thomas, a Welsh seventeen year old who knows everything about celebrity and fashion and is determined to get a little limelight for herself! It’s a complex mix of sex, drama, family relationships and humour! Dallas in paperback perhaps?

Quinn Blake is on Twitter isn’t he? What gave you the idea for this?

Yes! You can find him on Twitter @quinnblakemusic and he does like to interact with the ladies! I went to a talk by Lorelai Mathias at the Romantic Novelists Association conference this year and she had used one of her characters on-line to promote her novel involving speed dating. I thought this was an excellent idea and wanted to see how readers would react to being able to interact with a character from a novel. He has been getting quite a few people hot under the collar and has helped build the excitement for the book. Promoting a book in a new and different way is always going to add something to your profile. Even if some people don’t take to the idea you’ll be remembered!

Half the novel is set in England, the other half in Spain. How much research did you have to do?

I had to travel to Spain a lot on holiday for research purposes obviously! I set the Spanish part in La Manga and I have never been there but it sounded like the celebrity hangout Quinn would travel to. I spoke to two friends who had been to the area and one of them worked in the property industry in La Manga for a number of years. I told her about the castle that features in the book and she looked at me openmouthed and said that there was a viaduct in La Manga that was built to look like a castle and that it was a standing joke in the region. Spooky! I have however, been to the Murcia area and that also features in the book.

Finally, tell us something about you that hasn’t been published before!

Hmm, that’s a tough one because I do like to share! Some people might know this, but I have a tattoo of a Tasmanian Devil somewhere on my body…you’ll have to guess where! LOL!

You can buy Strings Attached in Paperback and for Kindle on:

Mandy Blogs here and you can follow her on Twitter @mandybaggot & @quinnblakemusic

Join in Mandy’s blog party all next week!

Monday 7 November - Turning the Pages here
Tuesday 8 November - Reabookreviews here
Wednesday 9 Nov - Chick Lit Reviews and News here
Thursday 10 November - Sarah's Book Reviews here
Friday 11 November - Love Reading Love Books here

Next Friday I’m unveiling my own exciting December 14th Launch Day Plans and subsequent Blog Tour Dates for Reaching for the Stars - not to be missed!

New visitors - please do consider 'Following' my blog and I'd love you to leave a comment!

Janice xx

Friday, 19 August 2011

Author Interview with Bert Johnston

Bert Johnston is an Author and Presbyterian minister who in his retirement has turned from the writing of sermons and articles on church life to the writing of fiction. He has just launched his second novel Sunrise in the Cloud Forest which explores the themes of ambition, trust and forgiveness.

Bert was one of the lovely people I met as a direct result of my Bagpipes & Bullshot launch on 1st April. He and his wife Betty were a great support on the day. I’m currently reading Bert’s new book Sunrise in the Cloud Forest on my Kindle. It’s such a great read, so I invited Bert to come over from Spanish Fort, Alabama, to tell us more about his writing.

Bert, can you tell us a little more about your book, Sunrise in the Cloud Forest?
Sunrise is primarily the story of Dr Matthew Landry, the founder and senior pastor of Harmony Temple in Mobile, Alabama and of Georgia Landry, his wife and co-pastor. Dr. Matt's great desire is to make the Temple the largest Protestant church along the Gulf Coast, but that goal and his marriage are threatened by the public confession of a woman who claims to be the pastor's lover. While a private investigator labours to prove the pastor's innocence, a wounded Georgia Landry flees to Costa Rica to carve out a new life for herself. But is Matt guilty or innocent? The couple's own sons, who are themselves divided in their religious loyalties, are divided on this question also. The future of a family, as well as the future of a great church, is at stake.

Tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been writing and was there any particular author or book that made you want to be a writer?
I have been writing ever since my fourth grade poetry was printed in the Wheeling (West Virginia) Intelligencer. In high school I edited my school’s weekly newspaper and aspired to be a journalist. My major life work has been that of a Presbyterian minister, and for many years, I was preoccupied with the writing of weekly sermons and church news letters. In retirement I wrote my memoirs, then my family history, and belatedly turned to fiction at the age of eighty when prodded by my oldest son to join him in National Novel Writing Month. My fiction writing has, so far, been only a five-year chapter in my multi-chapter life.

How much personal experience do you put into your novels and how much is research?
A lot of my personal experience as a young minister in rural Virginia found its way into Parson Campbell’s Breakthrough, my first novel. Sunrise in the Cloud Forest bears almost no trace of my personal experience, and required many hours of research, both online and off.

To plot or not to plot – as a writer how much of a planner are you?
In writing Parson Campbell’s Breakthrough, I began with a story line, let the story run away from me, and never looked back through its many turns, twists, and revisions. In writing Sunrise, I worked out a plot, a scene chart, a character time-line, and character profiles. There were, of course, changes and revisions, but only a dozen or so drafts this time, a number that reveals that even with planning I am a slow and picky writer. If I were to write another novel, I would plot and plan again as I did for Sunrise.

Do you have a favourite place to work?
Not just a favourite place, but almost my sole place: an easy chair with a computer on my lap, a dictionary at my right hand, and a revolving stash of books surrounding me.

Can you tell us what you are planning next or working on now ?
I have made a tentative beginning (a prologue) on The Canterbury Hall Tales, a contemporary take on Chaucer. These will not be travellers’ tales, but the stories of a half dozen or more people who like to spin yarns around their retirement centre dining table. I have no end in sight for this project. First, I must learn to write short stories, and then endeavour to translate them into Chaucer-style verse.

You can find out more about Bert on his website:

You can buy his books in either paperback or Kindle format from or

Parson Campbell's Breakthrough (2009)
Sunrise in the Cloud Forest (August 2011)