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Last Updated: Monday, 1 March, 2004, 06:46 GMT
In pictures: Oscar winners
Peter Jackson
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Peter Jackson crowned an historic triumph for The Return of the King with prizes for best director and film, as well as wins in nine other categories.
Charlize Theron
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Charlize Theron thanked "everyone" in her native South Africa after winning the best actress prize.
Sean Penn
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Best actor winner Sean Penn, known for his outspoken anti-war views, referred to weapons of mass destruction in his acceptance speech.
Renee Zelwegger
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Cold Mountain star Renee Zellweger was emotional as she took to the stage for her best supporting actress award.
Tim Robbins and Catherine Zeta Jones
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Tim Robbins received his best supporting actor prize from one of last year's recipients, Catherine Zeta Jones.
Annie Lennox
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Former Eurythmics singer Annie Lennox was honoured for the song Into the West from The Return of the King.
Blake Edwards (r) with Jim Carrey
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Film-maker Blake Edwards indulged in some slapstick as he received an honorary Oscar from presenter Jim Carrey.
Sofia Coppola
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Sofia Coppola missed out on best director but won best original screenplay for Lost In Translation.


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