Showing posts with label superstitions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superstitions. Show all posts

Friday, 13 January 2023

Folklore: Horseshoes for Protection and Lucky Charms

Horseshoes are one of the most instantly recognised symbols for good luck. You'll see them on charm bracelets, greeting cards, and of course as gifts to a happy couple getting married. At one time real ones were regularly nailed above doorways to protect all within from harm, although that's less common in cities nowadays simply because you don't get so many horses there. 

The best kind of horseshoe for luck is the one you find by chance. I picked up the one in the picture when I was on a country walk. I've not got round to putting it over my doorway yet - although perhaps I should do as I've had a run of misfortune recently.

According to folklorist Steve Roud, in the Penguin Guide to the Superstitions of Britain and Ireland, finding a horseshoe was considered lucky at least as far back as the 14th century. That's a good couple of centuries before recorded evidence of them being stuck to walls. If you did find one, you were supposed to pick it up, spit on it, throw it over your shoulder, and make a wish. 

Nailed above doors, horseshoes were at one time specifically thought to ward against witches entering your home. Melusine Draco in The Secret People mentions an old rhyme that goes:
The first thing you will see
At the house of rich or poor
To keep the witches out
A horseshoe’s o’er the door;
I can vouch for the fact they don't act as a barrier to modern witches, but historically the word "witch" was often used to mean any kind of cursing. Nowadays, the most they're likey to do is make a witch pause and nod in approval at your magical house protection. 

One frequent debate is about which way the horseshoe should go. Some say you should have it with the points upwards to keep the luck in, while others say the round bit should be a the top so the bad luck can run off. Another theory is that the pointy bits represent the horned god (or sometimes the devil) and witches should hang their horseshoes that way in honour of whatever horned one they prefer. However, there's no evidence that belief is particularly ancient, according to Steve Roud. 

While my horseshoe is genuine, you can make lucky charms with pretty much whatever you want. I go by the theory that what a thing symbolises and how you feel about it is the most important thing when doing magic. You could use materials such as card, clay or wood to make a horseshoe shape. Decorate it how you like, then visualise it protecting your home and bringing luck to all within.

(Note: I earn commission from advertisers for some links. This helps support my blog at no extra cost to those who read my posts.)

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Monday, 22 February 2021

Crafting, Folklore & Magic: Lockdown and Sockdown

All of these amazing socks where knitted by my fellow blogger Jane Mortimer. She wrote: "My sister put a spell on me and now I can't stop knitting socks! So Lockdown has become Sockdown, with 13 pairs completed to date and another two on the way. Some are knitted using printed wool that comes out with instant stripes and patterns, and some are scrappy socks knitted from all the odd bits and bobs in my stash. Some of it's so old, it's still in ounce balls!"

Crafting is a wonderful way of being creative and taking one's mind off one's worries. I also understand the fascination with knitting socks. Last year I got rather obsessed with knitting miniature socks that I eventually turned into an advent calendar. But there's more than just Yuletide traditions when it comes to the folklore and superstition associated with socks. 

When I was little, my grandma told me that holes in socks should always be darned, otherwise your money would trickle away. I don't think she meant you should keep all your money in your footwear, although one superstition says putting a coin into a sock and wearing it all day should attract wealth. I wouldn't want to walk far like that though!

According to Sockgaim, wearing a new pair of white socks will help you break a run of bad luck. However, the Dartmoor Folklore Archive records an almost opposite superstition among modern-day US military personnel. Marines serving in Afghanistan believed that wearing white socks increased your chance of being blown up. In terms of colour magic, white can symbolise innocence, so perhaps that relates to fears that lack of experience would mean you stepped in the wrong space.

You could use colour symbolism to work magic through your choice of socks. I've blogged in the past about colours in planetary magic, but here's a brief list of correspondences you could use to pick your foot attire for the day:

  • Blue: Women’s mysteries, illusion, glamour, sleep, peace, beauty, prophecy, dreams, emotions, travel, fertility, women’s health, insight, wisdom
  • Red: Battles, courage, victory, success, strength, conviction, rebellion, defence, wards, protection, anything military
  • Orange: Communication, the arts, writing, transport, change, luck, gambling, fortune, chance, creativity, making deals, trickery, crimes (solving them), work issues needing discussion
  • Purple: Abundance, protection, prosperity, strength, health, wealth, management roles
  • Green: Love, birth, fertility, romance, gentleness, pregnancy, friendship, passion, happiness
  • Black: Banishing, protection, wisdom, spirituality, cleansing, astral magic, weeding the garden, honouring or remembering the dead
  • Yellow: Success, fame, wealth, health, prosperity, promotion, getting a new job

You'll find slight differences to that list in various traditions, so feel free to use your own charts or your intuition if you prefer. Some people prefer pink for love magic and green for wealth spells, for example.

Striped socks, like those in Jane's pictures, could combine a number of different colour correspondences. Or, of course, you can wear them just because they are fun and make you feel more cheerful. 

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Shrove Tuesday Folklore: Eat Pancakes to be Wealthy

If you want to have plenty of money in the year ahead, you should make sure you eat plenty of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. That's a bit of folklore related in Are You Superstitious? by Lore Cowan. The book  actually goes further than that and says that it is unlucky not to have pancakes in the house on the day.

Shrove Tuesday is a Christian tradition dating back to Medieval times in England. It was the day on which people were expected to go to church to be shriven before the start of Lent. However, people were given a half day's holiday in which to do that, so naturally it also became a time for lots of other fun and games - including football matches in the streets and fields - as well as going to church. 

Pancakes have been a traditional food eaten on Shrove Tuesday for hundreds of years. Eggs, fat and dairy products were supposed to be avoided during Lent, so it became customary to eat them up during the days before, including making them into pancakes. 

Another piece of old folklore is that if you happen to have chickens and a cockerel, you should throw one of your pancakes to the cock. If he eats it all himself, then bad luck will come to your home. If he shares it with the hens, it is a sign of good fortune.

I realise some pagans try to avoid any Christian festivals, so might not be making pancakes today. Personally, I'm happy to celebrate customs simply because they are the traditions of my country. And I do enjoy pancakes.

You can find out more about festivals in February in my video talk on Magic for the Month.

Picture credit: Leo Johannes

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Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Folkloric Items Viewed at York Castle Museum

This post was written by Adele Butler for A Bad Witch's Blog. It is about items she saw when she visited York Castle Museum.

Ceramic Victorian Witch Ball
This item (to the left) appears in a Victorian montage dated to 1872 and the witch ball was mentioned in the description of the décor as a fashionable item of the day.

One appeared at auction on Google called a Victorian decalcomania internally decorated glass “witch ball”. One similar to the York example, called a free-blown glass potichomania-decorated witch ball, was advertised in an auction.

Chiara Montani, who works in collections and loans management at Historic Environment Scotland says:
"In the early 18th century, watch balls became popular features in nurseries with the name later evolving into witch’s balls. 
"These pretty toys were hung up in nurseries to catch a child’s eye. These were called ‘watch balls’ and were possibly intended for the protection of children from malevolent spirits. 
"With time, their name was corrupted into witch ball. This caused immediate association of these toys with superstitions of witches and evil eye."
The witch’s ball in the HES collection originally belonged to two sisters, Jane and Louisa Macdonald, of Arbroath, who helped to establish a local history museum in the Abbot’s House at Arbroath Abbey. Last December, experts at HES were able to establish the date of the object for the first time by analysing the glass.

Ms Montani said an “important breakthrough” was made in understanding the witch’s ball and its use.

Dr Maureen Young and Aurélie Turmel, who work within the HES science team, used a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer to test the chemical composition of the object.  A peak in the presence of arsenic suggested the object may have dated to 1835-1870. However, the high level of pigmentation additives such as chromium, iron and copper strongly points to the 20th century as possible date of production.

During the Victorian era, the ball may have been placed at the front of the house to see calling visitors or used in the dining room to help the service, Ms Montani said. However, she added: “Objects of this kind show superstitions of witches and evil eye were very much alive in the Victorian period. Witch’s balls had a steady market, being manufactured in many different sizes."

I was surprised and interested to learn that these decorative ceramic balls were actually a desirable item in the Victorian home – also that they were thought to derive from the term “watch ball”.
My understanding formerly was that witch balls had once been the glass floats from fishermen’s nets that the superstitious adopted.

The Blessing Parson
There were two of these in a glass case and this was a photo of one of them. They were prevalent from 1730 – 1840 and were made from the vertebrae of a bullock or horse and were kept in the house as a good luck charm.

Now I have never come across these before. According to an article on the York Museums website:
"Made of a horse or bullock vertebra, a Blessing Parson was a painted bone ornament. In the past, many people believed that certain objects such as these would help protect them from evil. Superstitions and good luck charms were prevalent in rural Yorkshire and took a variety of forms. Many superstitions are still believed today while others have long been forgotten. Dr Kirk collected a variety of talismans that were an important part of rural life in Yorkshire."
The photos and text are copyright Adele Butler

Friday, 10 May 2019

Folklore & Superstitions: Shoes in the Walls and Attics

I'm superstitious about shoes - and so were a lot of people in the past.

A BBC News story, "Northampton museum 'concealed shoes' index to go online", says that an index of 3,000 shoes discovered in walls is to be digitised. That's great news for anyone interested in folklore. The news story also says the superstition of concealing shoes in buildings started around the Middle Ages in England, but died out in the 1900s. I'm honestly not so sure it has died out. For a start, putting old shoes in the attic is something I do myself.

I don't mean I just put shoes in the attic along with other old stuff I'm storing; I mean I put them there because I am superstitious about them.

My superstition is this: I feel that shoes I have worn almost daily for ages, which have been like a second skin to me and have soaked up my sweat and sometimes the blood of my blisters, have a deep connection to me. If you think about it, we wash the sweat off our clothes, but rarely wash our shoes - although sometimes a pair of stinky trainers have gone in the washing machine. Our shoes are our interface with the Earth beneath us, they protect our feet as we wend our way in daily life. They help us walk towards our goals and they help us safely home again afterwards. They can become almost a part of us - even a part of our identity.

I am reluctant to throw that away into the rubbish, even when a pair of shoes has worn out. That picture at the top of the page shows one of my favourite pairs of canvas shoes. I haven't worn them for years because they have holes and let in water, but I haven't thrown them away. I'm too superstitious.

Once, I had another pair of canvas shoes that I wore and wore for years, and loved. They had a pattern of little dancing stick figures around the edge that reminded me of a Sherlock Holmes story, which was why I bought them. I was wearing them when I first kissed a boyfriend who was my soulmate for 10 years. The shoes lasted as long - which is pretty amazing for canvas shoes. I finally decided to leave them behind in a rubbish bin at the end of a lovely holiday that my boyfriend and I had shared. They really were not wearable any more and I wanted lighter luggage.

Shortly after we got home, the relationship started to go wrong. I knew I should not have thrown those shoes away.

When my mother died, I put her favourite slippers into the loft. I feel they keep something of her energy in the house. That pair of canvas shoes in the photo will soon join them. Yes, I am superstitious about shoes. Does anyone else share my feelings?

What are your thoughts about your old shoes? Do you happily throw away your favourite footwear when it is worn out, or do you feel that doing that means throwing away a little bit of yourself?

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Thursday, 26 July 2018

Folklore: Lucky Charms at the Horniman Museum

Lucky charms are probably the most widely spread example of popular magic. Even today, many people have them in the form of items of jewellery, trinkets or ornaments.

They might be things that are commonly held to be symbols of protection or good fortune, or they might be something personal for the individual, like a favourite mug or a cuddly toy given by a loved one.

The newly refurbished World Gallery at the Horniman Museum in south London has a whole new display of English magical charms and amulets. They are mostly from the 19th and 20th century and were collected by folklorists including Edward Lovett.

The photos here show some of the items in the display. I took the picture at Wonderful World Late. One case shows a map of England indicating where each charm was found and a bit about its history. You can see a close-up of a couple of items in the picture at the top.

I'm guessing that today few of us - even witches - would choose to stick pins in a sheep's heart to "take off" a spell, but many might still consider holey stones - or hag stones - to be lucky. Personally, I've got quite a collection of them. I've even blogged about a spell to keep the holiday spirit, which involves finding a pebble on a beach - ideally one with a hole in it.

Another part of the magical charms display shows modern photos of people wearing jewellery they believe is lucky or protective. One image shows someone wearing a pentacle, which is a symbol with many different meanings. For pagans, it is protective and also represents the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Some see it as a symbol of Venus, while for Christians it represents the five wounds of Christ.

The Horniman Museum is at 100 London Road, Forest Hill, London, SE23 3PQ. You can find out more here about its collection of magical charms and amulets here:

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Friday, 13 October 2017

Superstitions: What Are You Doing on Friday 13?

It is a Friday 13, at a waning moon, close to Halloween. What could possibly go wrong today?

Well, statistically, nothing more than usual.

However, I have had so many disastrous Friday 13s - from medical emergencies to expensive equipment failures and, one Friday 13, my blog post about the day going missing - that I get wary around this date. In fact, I'm going to be pinning a rowan cross to my front door to ward off trouble.

But what are your thoughts on the matter?

Do you take magical or mundane precautions to avoid mishaps or do you carry on as usual?

What are you going to be doing today - and will you be taking risks, or avoiding them?

Do leave a comment.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Sussex Folklore: A Twin to the Wishing Face?

Many years ago I went on a quest to find the Wishing Face - a little goblin’s head set into a flint wall opposite a St Margaret's Church in the village of Rottingdean, Sussex. You can see it in the photo at the top of this post. According to folklore, if you rub his nose and make a wish it will come true.

I originally learnt about the Wishing Face from the book Where Witchcraft Lives by Doreen Valiente.

Then last week, quite by chance, I think I found the Wishing Face’s twin – in the Battle Museum of Local History. In one of the cabinets was the little head pictured right. The label said it was an unidentified small face in clay, but I think it is so similar to the one in Rottingdean that it might have been made at around the same time – maybe even by the same artist.

According to Doreen's book, the date "1306" used to be inscribed in the cement under the Wishing Face, but that wasn’t there any more when I visited in 2010. Also, his name seemed to have changed from the Wishing Face to the Wishing Stone in a description at the church.

I wonder if there are more little clay goblin faces to be found in Sussex?

You can view Where Witchcraft Lives on Amazon.

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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Superstitions and Rituals About Bingo

Bingo players are an oddly superstitious bunch that believe in a whole host of different rituals. While they might not believe in pagan magic, they do believe in their ability to change their fortunes with a few well-placed totems.

There’s not much in the way of strategy when it comes to playing bingo, so it makes sense that people turn to a bit of magic to help them succeed instead. They can include a number of different things, from playing at the same time to wearing some lucky socks. Make no mistake, these small rituals can make an impact when believed in.

Some of these charms are pretty standard, perhaps a four-leafed clover, and others are a bit more whacky. They can include things like troll dolls or other tchotchkes that have some meaning to the player. Even bingo sites in the UK like play on this by decorating their sites with the luckiest symbols around.

Mantras are also used to this effect, with players repeating their own spells to themselves. Given enough weight, these players on bingo sites are able to make up their own private lucky charms. Rituals have to start somewhere and this craft can have a huge effect on their luck.

The simple act of invoking luck might seem fruitless, but it can have some very real psychological effects. This can allow people to attribute their success to a specific series of actions or items, which means they are more likely to experiment with this again. Though they may not be consciously associating this with their success on bingo sites, they may be likely to spend more when they feel lucky.

Conversely there are also unlucky aspects that a lot of players will steer well clear of. In British culture, we have so many day to day items and animals that we consider to be unlucky. Ivory and peacock feathers are traditionally thought to be unlucky as well as black cats, magpies and other animals.

Bingo is intrinsically linked with the culture of the UK so it makes sense that many UK players are at least aware of them. Within superstition there is a phenomenon that it doesn’t matter if it really works, but there’s no harm in doing it anyway. This way of thinking means that many people that don’t class themselves as being superstitious will take part in this kind of activity.

There are many small things that the average bingo player will do, wear or simply have around to help them win. Whether this helps or not is unclear but there could be something giving these players an extra chance to win. Combine this with special offers and research then you can be a lucky player too.

This article was written by Jane Gordon

The photos show a couple of things that, in folklore, are considered to be lucky.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

News: Vampire, Occult, Supernatural, Magic

"Do you remember the Highgate Vampire?" - story at Borehamwood Times:

"Muslim magic – Islam has always dabbled in the occult" - story at

"Why we are still in thrall to the occult and the supernatural" - story at

The photo is of Highgate Cemetery and is copyright Lucya Starza.

Monday, 29 February 2016

Leap Year Day Work, Sheep, Folklore and Superstition

If you are someone who hates having to go to work on a Monday morning, the fact that this Monday morning is Leap Year Day must surely make it worse. For those on a regular monthly salary, working a 29-day February brings in just the same paycheck as a normal 28-day one.

Not fair, is it? In fact, some people have called for Leap Year Days to be made bank holidays - which I am all in favour of.

If you are wondering why there is a photo of sheep at the top of this post, it is because in Scotland shepherds consider leap years to be unlucky. A Scottish saying is: "Leap year was ne’er a good sheep year."

In Italy, leap years are considered back luck in general. Italians say: "anno bisesto, anno funesto", which translates as "leap year, doom year." I've never noticed leap years to be particularly unlucky myself, but maybe that's because I'm not Scottish, Italian or a shepherdess.

Of course the most famous folklore about Leap Year Day is that women are allowed to propose marriage then. Maybe that tradition still helps very shy women pluck up courage to pop the question, but to be honest it doesn't seem that important now. I guess it was more of a big deal in Victorian times - although Steve Roud is of the opinion it is more of a myth than a genuine old custom of the English year.

If you are going to give it a go apparently you should wear a red petticoat or trousers when you ask, and if a man says no they are supposed to take you shopping for clothes to make up for it. Fine gloves and silk frocks were the favourite consolation prizes in times of yore, according to folklore.

Links and previous related posts
Wear Red for Leap Year Day
The English Year

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

News: Witches, Witchcraft, Salem, Ghosts, Persecution

"Proctor's Ledge in Salem confirmed as witch execution site" - story at The Salem News:

"We Talked to a Witch Who Casts Viruses Out of Computers With Magic" - story at Motherboard:

"Does this photo show ghosts carrying the body of a witch?" - story at the Sun:

"‘The Witch’ Trailer: Something Wicked (and Great) This Way Comes" - story at Film:

"The sinister truth behind India’s 'witch' killings" - story at Channel NewsAsia:

Friday, 13 November 2015

Friday 13: Cats, Tombs, Pubs and Witchcraft

So here we are at another Friday 13th. As those who have been reading my blog will know, I have had some disastrous Friday 13ths in the past. This time, I have been so busy I almost didn't have time to write a post for this morning - but I've got so much planned for today that I'm excited and wanted to share.

And the thing I'm most looking forward to is having lunch at London's cat cafe - Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium. I've been wanting to visit ever since it opened, but it gets booked up so far in advance I kept not being able to make a reservation.

However, perhaps there is something about the association between cats and bad luck that meant fewer people wanted to take a risk on a Friday the 13th of going to a place full of felines. I found a table was available and I booked it.

Personally, I don't think cats are bad luck at all - witches and cats are natural companions and I am sure the company of a bunch of friendly moggies can only make my day better.

After that I am planning doing something else that the more superstitious minded might say was a tad unlucky - going for a walk in a graveyard. My list of resolutions for this year including going to Tower Hamlet's Cemetery - the only one of the Magnificent Seven Victorian cemeteries that I haven't yet seen. I thought I'd take the opportunity to tick another thing off the list while I was in East London and the weather forecast was good. Of course, being Friday 13, maybe that will change to dark and stormy. I've got my finger's crossed.

And, apparently, there are a lot of cat-related superstitions about the weather. According to Are You Superstitious?by Lore Cowan, if a cat sneezes it is a sign of wet weather, and if it sits with its back to the fire there will be a storm. I'll be watching the cat cafe residents carefully for signs.

In the evening, I have a ticket booked for a talk called Margaret Murray: Witchcraft theory and the ‘lunatic’ fringe? at The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. Margaret Murray was an academic at University College London, which the museum is attached to.

Although her theories on witchcraft, published in her book The Witch Cult in Western Europeare now largely discredited, her importance as one of the people who influenced and inspired modern pagan witchcraft is unquestionable. The talk should be interesting - but apparently I will need luck to be on my side to get a seat as it is completely sold out.

If that isn't a busy enough day, In between all those things I am hoping to check out a pub that might be the venue for an exciting new monthly meeting, due to start next year.

I can't give any more details yet, but watch this space.

So, with such an event-packed day, taking in so many different things, what could go wrong - even if it is Friday 13? Do wish me luck.

Photos: The picture at the top is from the Cat Wisdom Oracle.

Links and previous related posts
The Witch Cult in Western Europe

Sunday, 27 September 2015

September 28: Blood Supermoon, Eclipse and Magic

If you stay up late tonight you will have a chance to witness a supermoon and a lunar eclipse. It is a particularly rare astronomical event as there have only been five supermoon lunar eclipses before this one since 1900 - in 1910, 1928, 1946, 1964 and 1982.

A supermoon happens when the Moon is closer to the Earth than usual, and tonight it is the closest it will be all year. When it rises in the night sky it will appear 14 per cent larger than usual, which should be pretty spectacular on its own. However, later that night – or rather very early the next morning – there will also be a lunar eclipse. The eclipse will begin at 2.07am in the morning of 28 September in London and last until 5.27am. The maximum effect will be at 3.47am. This event is also called a Blood Moon, because the moon will appear to turn blood red.

It should be really spectacular to watch – and the good news is that if the sky is clear, London is one of the places to get a perfect view. It will also be a great time for witchery. Spells work best when the moon is full, and the power of the moon will be particularly potent tonight. Eclipses are also the perfect time to work for change and for divination and introspection.

Of course the question a lot of people ask is, is a bloodmoon an omen of doom and gloom? Well, the time of the equinox always brings high tides and a supermoon can bring higher tides than usual, so I would say beware of flood warnings if you live near the coast. Apart from that, supermoons and eclipses are not to be feared.

One book on how to do eclipse magic is the Eclipse Magic Workbook by Mani Navasothy. It gives lots of ideas on how to use the power of eclipses to work magic for personal change and development.

Here are links to current news stories and articles about tonight's blood supermoon eclipse:
"Supermoon Lunar Eclipse: Paris, London and Lisbon Among Best Sites in Europe to View Rare Celestial Event" at

"Preparing for the Supermoon Eclipse" at Patheos:

"Blood supermoon: Why do people still associate astronomical phenomena with the apocalypse?" - at International Business Times:

"Supermoon lunar eclipse or “blood moon” to wow UK" at The Weather Network:

"Sunday treat in store as supermoon meets total eclipse" at The Guardian:

The above photo is copyright James C. Wallace II.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

News: Occult, Wicca, Witchcraft, Superstition

"‘Nosferatu’ Director F. W. Murnau’s Skull Stolen, Bizarre Clue Suggests Occult Motives" - story at Inquisitr:

"Wiccan witch charges $200/hour to help ‘possessed’ tech companies in Silicon Valley" - story at The American Bazaar:

"‘Witch’ and why: Ore-rich Keonjhar in Odisha continues to believe in superstition" - story at The Indian Express:

"Lewis Bradbury Legacy: BradBury Building, Downtown Los Angeles landmark with Weird Occult Origins" - story at Realty Today:

Friday, 13 March 2015

Friday 13, Solar Eclipse, Death, Tower and 10 of Swords

Today is the second Friday the 13th in two months and next Friday there is a solar eclipse. How many more days of ill omen do you need so close together before you start thinking there might be trouble ahead?

Personally, I have had a series of unlucky Friday 13ths, but I know statistically people are no more likely to have bad things happen on a Friday 13 than on any other day. Likewise, solar eclipses are not necessarily bad news.I am often more concerned if I repeatedly draw tarot cards that traditionally mean misfortune.

About this time last year I drew the spread you can see above - Death, The Tower and the Ten of Swords. They are among the scariest cards in the set. The deck I drew them from - The Victorian Steampunk Tarot - has some particularly dark images too.

It was at a time when things were not running smoothly in my life. Among various problems, my husband had lost his job in a particularly unpleasant way, my freelance work was going through a lull and we were struggling to find enough money to live on. When I drew the cards above one morning, I was worried about what might be coming next. I photographed the cards and waited. Whatever happened would be a learning experience - and perhaps something to blog about in the future. This Friday 13 seems the right time.

First, a look at what the cards mean.

Death: As I said on my blog last October: "Death comes to us all and all that lives must die. Of course, drawing the Death card, number 13 in Tarot's Major Arcana, doesn’t usually mean we are about to meet an untimely demise. It does, however, remind us that death is always all around us as an essential part of the cycle of life."

The Tower: This is a card about sudden loss or destruction. It is a card I kept drawing in the weeks leading up to the unexpected ending of a long-term relationship many years ago. Like Death, it is a card of transformation, only less gentle and natural. Nevertheless, the change it brings can eventually turn out to be for the best even if it doesn't seem like that initially.

Ten of Swords: This is another card about things coming to an unpleasant end. The Victorian Steampunk Tarot (in which the suit is represented by bees) says: "The Ten...shows dramatic endings; it is a common card for betrayal, redundancy, or the end of a relationship or friendship."

You can understand I was at least a little concerned for the future. But what happened?

The next day a stray cat I had been feeding in my garden (the grey tabby in this photo) had a bad accident. I heard him meowing at my door, which he usually did when he wanted food. When I opened the door, I saw the poor moggy's tail was almost severed. It was badly broken and dripping blood. He was obviously in great pain and distress. I popped him in a pet carrier and took him to Cats Protection.

The vet at the animal charity kept him in to run tests on his general health before deciding what to do. I was by now certain that once the cat had been treated, I would give him a home. The next day, I had a phone call from Cats Protection with even more bad news. The poor cat had tested positive for FIV - feline Aids. I would not be able to keep him because of the risk of infection to my other cats. It was touch and go whether the beautiful, friendly creature would have to be put down. I was heartbroken.

Thankfully, Cats Protection does everything it can to save cats. It managed to find the stray (minus its tail) a home willing to take in an FIV-positive moggy.

Was that what my cards had been about? I don't know for sure, but it seems possible. In any event, the ending was better than it could have been and I trust that the cat is still alive and happy and having the best care possible.

Why I am blogging about this now, is that I think it shows however bad omens might be - from Friday 13ths and eclipses to scary tarot cards - the outcome isn't necessarily a complete tragedy.

I hope you have a day in which only good things happen.

Links and previous related posts

Thursday, 15 January 2015

News: Pagan Temple, Wicca, Magic, Superstitions

Here's a round-up of some news stories that caught my eye over the past week:

"Construction of a pagan temple to begin in Reykjavík next month" - Story at Iceland Magazine:

"Wicca lecture at museum" - An illustrated lecture on the founding father of modern Wicca, Gerald Gardner, will be held at the Manx Museum on Friday, January 30, at 7.30pm. Full details at IoM Today:

"Robin R. Bennett on 'Healing Magic A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living'" - Author interview at The Examiner:

"Facebook group against superstition in Thailand stirs debate" - Story at The Straits Times Asia:

"Kwale witch doctors try to resurrect man who died in October 2013" - Story at The Star -

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Review: A Curious Guide to London

I'm more a lunchtime at Waterstones than Breakfast at Tiffany's kind of woman, but while temping in an office recently I've been browsing bookshops during my lunch hour rather than sitting in cafes, to save money. Mind you, resisting the urge to buy books has sometimes been hard too, so I was delighted when I saw in my local library one book I'd been tempted to buy. It was A Curious Guide to Londonby Simon Leyland.

Publisher Transworld Books says on its website:
"From petticoat duels and lucky cats to the Stiffs Express, Lord Nelson's spare nose, the Piccadilly earthquake and the Great Beer Flood of 1814, A Curious Guide to London takes you on a captivating, wildly entertaining tour of the city you think you know, unearthing the capital's secrets and commemorating its rich, colourful and unusual history.
"Brimming with tales of London's forgotten past, its strangest traditions and its most eccentric inhabitants, this book celebrates the unique, the unusual and the unknown. Perfect for tourists, day-trippers, commuters and the millions of people who call London home, this alternative guidebook will make you look at the city in a whole new light."
The book covers areas of London from Kensington to the East End and from Kings Cross to Southwark, each section having a little map and trivia about people, buildings and strange goings on around there. Some I've previously blogged about, such as Postman's Park, Bunhill Fields Burial Ground and St Bride's Church. There were plenty of things I didn't know though.

One of my favourites is the Thirteen Club in High Holborn. This was founded in the 1890s by historian William Harnett Blanch as an "antidote to superstition". It met on the 13th of every month and all tables had 13 diners. Dinner was announched by waiters smashing mirrors, who led the way to the restaurant down a corridor lined with ladders and criss-crossed by black cats. The tables were coffin-shaped and decorated with unlucky items such as peacock feathers and lamps in plaster skulls. Money raised from membership was distributed to the poor of Southwark.

When I first picked up  A Curious Guide to London I wondered if the book had any connection to the Curio City publications, as it seems a bit similar. I don't think it does, but it is just as entertaining and in a similar sort of way.

Links and previous related posts
A Curious Guide to London

Friday, 8 August 2014

News: Grail, Witch Persecution, Religion, 'Magic' Hill

"Village pub raided by police in hunt for Holy Grail" - story at The Telegraph:

"Owl Set On Fire Because Villagers Think It Is Witch" - story at Austrian Times:

"Groups to propose atheist, Universalist and Pagan displays at Government Plaza" - story at

"'Magical' Iron Age hill fort older than Stonehenge bought by the National Trust to be preserved for the nation" - story at the Mail Online: