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First photograph of Wodehouse on Russian Internet

Wodehouse and his wife Ethel. (Rare photo!)

Watercolor portrait of Sir Pelham (or P. G. Wodehouse) by Erik Thomsen.
Photo from Joseph Connolly. P G Wodehouse: An Illustrated Biography with Complete Bibliography and Collectors' Guide, 1979, 1987 |

A signed presentation portrait of Plum, who seems only vaguely terrified.

Wodehouse in 1928, sitting in, rather then driving, a shimmering AC. The nearest he ever came to being Wooster.

Plum, in his mid-forties, at work with his beloved Monarch typewriter.

Plum being quite convincing in Hunstanton Hall in 1928, wearing plus-fours at the very least.

Plum in 1928.

Wodehouse, pictured in 1930, arriving at Los Angeles to embark upon his Hollywood stint,
accompanied by his daughter Leonora.

Plum in 1930, at the age of forty-nine.

P.G. and pipe, 1933.

Plum, Ethel and a brace of Pekes aboard the S.S.Normandie in 1936 - arriving in America for a second crack at Hollywood.

The War years. P.G. in Berlin in 1942.

One of the last known pictures of Plum and Leonora together.

Plum and Ethel in Paris in 1945, complete with the Royal typewriter that replaced the Monarch.

A gaunt and rather sombre Wodehouse in Paris at the end of the War, in 1945.

Arriving in New York, one of them displaying influences of Paris couture.

American publication of Full Moon. The manic grin and the uncharacteristic cigarette do not testify to an innen tranquillity.

P.G. at home in Long Island, swinging from the hip. The swivel chair and desk in the background
are now in the P.G.W. Corner in Dulwich College.

Wodehouse at work. He is now approaching his nineties and seems to have come to terms with
the electric typewriter.

Plum, introducing an episode of the BBC Wodehouse Playhouse. The photograph was taken in 1975, one week before his death.

Plum's nineth birthday celebrations in Riverhead, Long Island. A sad photograph, though. The hearing aid,
the unfamiliar cigar between hardened fingers, and Plum's distant gaze do not add up to a picture of revelry.

A photograph taken on the 1st January 1975, when the new of Plum's knighthood broke.
The sword was a gift from his American agent and publisher.

A picture taken very shortly before Plum's death. He is savoiring again the delights of The World of Mr.Mulliner.
Photo from Barry Phelps. P.G.Wodehouse: The man and myth |

Eleanor Wodehouse.

Henry Wodehouse.

The demon bowler of Dulwich in 1899.

The Anglo-American author in 1904 when he was hair apparent.

A woman is only a woman but a good cigar can be shredded for pipe tobacco.

At Remsenburg it rained dogs but only showered cats.

Wodehouse, Ethel and mutt at the P. G. Wodehouse Shelter for stray animals at Westhampton on Long Island.

The daily walk down Basket Neck Lane, Remsenburg to collect the papers and post.

Wodehouse and Peke both find somewhere comfy to relax.
Photo from different sources





From rear cover of Plum Pie



From rear cover of Iain Sproat's Wodehouse at War






From rear cover of Much Obliged, Jeeves

From rear cover of Bachelors Anonymous


From rear cover of Pearls, Girls and Monty Bodkin

From rear cover of Company for Henry


Wodehouse with dachshund (Photograph from rear cover of Cat-Nappers).

From BBC web site.





From Wodehouse Playhouse

From Wodehouse Playhouse

From Wodehouse Playhouse

From Wodehouse Playhouse

From Wodehouse Playhouse


From cover of David A. Jasen. P G Wodehouse. A Portrait of a Master

The author and friend on their regualr morning walk across the ground of the Wodehouse home
on Long Island. From rear cover of The Girl in Blue

P.G.Wodehouse and Bill the foxhound.

From cover of Richard Usborne. Wodehouse at Work to the End
On September 9, 2000 the Mayor of Huy and the British Ambassador in Belgium unveiled a plaquette in
commemoration of P.G. Wodehouse's internment at the Fort of Huy by the Germans
in 1940.
PGW was living France at the time of the Nazi overrunning of France, Belgium
and the Netherlands in May 1940. He was interned because he was a British
In commemoration of P.G.Wodehouse's internment at this fort 3 August - 8 September 1940. (The Belgian Drones Club, September, 2000).
Photo of Marjanne Otten.




Remsenburg, 2003