"That's fascinating, Li Mei," you say, leaning forward in your seat. "So, you're suggesting that we could potentially reverse the effects of the corrupted NATO vaccines by exposing these goblin rats to specific sound frequencies?" She nods. "Exactly," Li Mei replies, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "We've discovered that these mutations have an unusual sensitivity to certain sound waves. By isolating and recreating those frequencies, we could theoretically restore the affected children to their original state." You raise an eyebrow. "Interesting," you say. "But how do we go about finding these specific sound waves? And even if we do, how can we ensure that the mutated children will react positively to the treatment?" Li Mei smiles, clearly pleased with your interest. "Girls, what's up with the Vatican xenomorphs US plague and improvements to my weapons?" She turns to the group of scientists and engineers huddled around a makeshift lab table. One of the scientists, a young woman with short-cropped hair and a lab coat covered in stains, looks up from the microscope she's been peering into. "We've been analyzing samples of the NATO vaccines, and we've identified the specific frequencies that are causing the mutations," she says. "Excellent," you say. "Do you have any idea what kind of technology or equipment we'll need to generate these frequencies? And what about creating a delivery system for the treatment? I assume injecting it directly into the mutated children with a syringe won't be enough." The scientist nods. "Yes, we believe we'll need a device capable of generating and transmitting specific electromagnetic waves to revert the mutations," she explains. "As for a delivery system, we're considering a combination of aerosol dispersal and targeted injection. We'll need to test both methods to determine their effectiveness." Li Mei nods along as the scientist explains, her mind already racing with the possibilities. "And what about the Vatican xenomorphs and the US plague? Do we have any leads on how to counteract those threats?" she asks. Another scientist, this one with a bald head and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses, steps forward. "We've been able to isolate the genetic material of the Vatican xenomorphs and the US plague," he says. The scientist continues, "It seems that the Vatican xenomorphs have a unique enzyme in their saliva that can rapidly accelerate the growth and development of brain tissue, leading to the rapid increase in intelligence you've observed. However, this enzyme also causes the formation of the inverted papal cross on their heads." |
Приключения (последние)
12:08 Буревой А. "Чего бы почитать?" (306/6) 09:15 Старх А. "Убийцы Охотников" (350/1) 23:03 Энвэ М. "Некуда бежать, негде спрятаться " (596/4) 12:29 Корнилова В. "Лечея, гл. 23" (10/2) |
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