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Exemplum kitsch Germanici: pumilus horticus
Vidua, lithogramma e pictura festiva a Friderico Dielman facta populoque saeculo undevicensimo exeunte grata.
Casiformes olla theae et urceus lactis.
Kitsch iaponicum: feles maneki-neko.
Exempla rerum kitsch hodiernarum.

Kitsch (lingua Theodisca[1]) (Latine: inepta[2]) est ars vel aliae res quae culturam popularem alliciunt, potius quam iudicium culturae summae. Quae res aliquando modo scienter ironico vel festivo magni aestimantur.[3][4][5] Vocabulum primum operibus artis adhibitum est quae certis artis saeculi undevicensimi notionibus respondebant cum aesthetica rebus faventibus quas critici posteriores sentimentalitatem et melodrama in maius elata putarent. Ergo, ars kitsch cum arte sentimentali artius coniungitur. Kitsch etiam cognatum est cum notione camp, propter eius festivum ironicumque ingenium.

Artem visualem kitsch appellare plerumque est deprecari, quia verbum significat opus esse nimis lautum, aut eius propositum tantummodo decorum esse, potius quam opus veri meriti artificis. Idyllicas scaenas terrestres a Thoma Kinkade "artifice capsarum socolatae" (1958–2012) factas critici artis saepissime deprecabantur, maximum exemplum generis kitsch hodierni habentes.[6][7][8]

Nexus interni

  1. Etiam Anglice cheesiness et tackiness appellatum.
  2. Christian Helfer: Lexicon auxiliare, tertia editio, Saraviponte 1991, p. 310
  3. Dictionary.
  4. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
  5. Kitch. Oxford Living Dictionaries.
  6. Orlean, Susan (8 Aprilis 2012). "Thomas Kinkade: Death of a Kitsch Master" .
  7. Mike Swift, Painter Thomas Kinkade faced turmoil during his final years, San Jose Mercury News, 8 Aprilis 2012.
  8. Perl, Jed (14 Iulii 2011). "Bullshit Heaven". tnr.com .


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Adorno, Theodor. 2001. The Culture Industry. Routledge. ISBN 0415253802.
  • Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten. 2008. Wabi and Kitsch: Two Japanese Paradigms. Æ: Canadian Aesthetics Journal 15.
  • Braungart, Wolfgang. 2002. Kitsch: Faszination und Herausforderung des Banalen und Trivialen. Max Niemeyer Verlag. ISBN 3484321121.
  • Calinescu, Matei. 1987. Kitsch. In Five Faces of Modernity: modernism, avant-garde, decadence, kitsch, postmodernism. Ed. retractata. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Cheetham, Mark A. 2001. Kant, Art and Art History: moments of discipline. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521800188.
  • Deschner, Karlheinz. 1991. Kitsch: Konvention und Kunst: Eine literarische Streitschrift. Ed. nova. Francofurti: Ullstein. ISBN 3548348254.
  • Dettmar, Ute, et Thomas Küpper, eds. 2007. Kitsch: Texte und Theorien. Stutgardiae: Reclam. ISBN 3150184762.
  • Dorfles, Gillo. 1969. Kitsch: The World of Bad Taste. Ex Il Kitsch (19680, libro Italico, conversus. Universe Books. LCCN 78-93950.
  • Elias, Norbert. 1935, 1998. The Kitsch Style and the Age of Kitsch. In The Norbert Elias Reader, ed. J. Goudsblom et S. Mennell. Oxoniae: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Friedlander, Eli. 1997. Some Thoughts on Kitsch. History and Memory 9(1/2): 376–392.
  • Gelfert, Hans-Dieter. 2000. Was ist Kitsch? Gottingae: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 3525340249.
  • Giesz, Ludwig. 1971. Phänomenologie des Kitsches. Ed. 2a, magnopere aucta. Monaci: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. ISBN 3596120349. ISBN 9783596120345.
  • Gorelik, Boris. 2013. Incredible Tretchikoff: Life of an artist and adventurer. Londinii: Art / Books. ISBN 9781908970084.
  • Greenberg, Clement. 1939. Kitsch and Avant-Garde. Partisan Review 6(5).
  • Greenberg, Clement. 1978. Art and Culture. Beacon Press. ISBN 0807066818.
  • Holliday, Ruth, et Tracey Potts. 2012. Kitsch! Cultural Politics and Taste. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719066160.
  • Karpfen, Fritz. 1925. "Kitsch: Eine Studie über die Entartung der Kunst." Hamburgi: Weltbund-Verlag.
  • Kristeller, Paul Oskar. 1990. The Modern System of the Arts. In Renaissance Thought and the Arts. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691020105.
  • Kulka, Tomas. 1996. Kitsch and Art. Philadelphiae: Pennsylvania State University Press. ISBN 0271015942.
  • Moles, Abraham. 1977. Psychologie du Kitsch: L'art du Bonheur. Ed. nova. Denoël-Gonthier.
  • Nerdrum, Odd, ed. 2001. On Kitsch. Distributed Art Publishers. ISBN 8248901238.
  • Olalquiaga, Celeste. 2002. The Artificial Kingdom: On the Kitsch Experience. University of Minnesota. ISBN 081664117X.
  • Reimann, Hans. 1936. Das Buch vom Kitsch. Monaci: Piper Verlag.
  • Richter, Gerd. 1972. Kitsch-Lexicon. Bertelsmann. ISBN 3570031489.
  • Shiner, Larry. 2001. The Invention of Art. Sicagi: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0226753425.
  • Thuller, Gabrielle. 2006. Kunst und Kitsch: Wie erkenne ich? Stutgardiae: Belser-Verlag. ISBN 3763024638.
  • Thullerr, Gabrielle 2007. Kitsch: Balsam für Herz und Seele. Stutgardiae: Belser-Verlag. ISBN 9783763024933.
  • Ward, Peter. 1994. Kitsch in Sync: A Consumer's Guide to Bad Taste. Plexus Publishing. ISBN 0859651525.

Nexus externi

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