Everyone has asked themselves: When will I use math? Believe it or not, hundreds of careers use skills learned in high school math on a daily basis. The truth is virtually every career you could choose will build on the basic skills learned in High School Math. Below we’ve highlighted some of these careers. Want to go further in math? Check out our page on math majors.

DAVID ANDRIST Actuary The Hartford Insurance Company BS Math BYU “I am a casualty actuary at The Hartford Insurance Company. Casualty actuaries
Read more.Air Traffic Controller
Air traffic controllers coordinate the movement of air traffic to make certain that planes stay a safe distance apart. Their
Read more.Animator
An animator is an artist who creates multiple images called frames and key frames that form an illusion of movement
Read more.Architect
Architects design buildings and other structures. They make sure buildings are functional, safe, and economical. They draw plans of every
Read more.Astronaut
ROBERT L. STEWART NASA Astronaut BA Math U. of Southern Mississippi “It should be evident that each step in my
Read more.Attorney
EMILY GUBLER CLARK Columbia Law School BS Math BYU “After graduating from BYU in Mathematics in April 2004, I moved to
Read more.Biologist
Biologists study living organisms and their relationship to the environment. They perform research to gain a better understanding of fundamental
Read more.Biostatistician
Biostatisticians design research studies and analyze data related to human health, animals or plants. The healthcare, biomedical, and pharmaceutical fields
Read more.Budget Analyst
Budget analysts develop, analyze, and execute budgets, which are used to allocate current resources and estimate future financial needs. They
Read more.Cartographer
Cartographers design, prepare and revise maps, charts, plans, three-dimensional models and spatial information databases, often using computer-based techniques, and applying
Read more.Chemical Engineer
Chemical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the application of physical science and life sciences with mathematics
Read more.Chemist
Chemists study the composition of matter and its properties such as density, acidity, size and shape. They carefully describe the
Read more.Climatologist
Climatologists study climate conditions averaged over a period of time. They use climate models for a variety of purposes, from
Read more.College Professor
PACE NIELSEN “Mathematics has an unearthly beauty and majesty… At the University of California, Berkeley, I earned my Ph.D.. During
Read more.Computational Biologist
A computational biologist (bioinformatics) applies the techniques of computer science, applied mathematics, and statistics to address biological problems. His/her main
Read more.Computer graphics engineer
Did you know that even your favorite movies were created using math? Doug Roble at Digital Domain Productions, Inc. has
Read more.Computer Scientist
Computer scientists work as theorists, researchers, or inventors. They use innovation to solve complex problems and create or apply new
Read more.Cost Estimator
Cost estimators figure out how much a project or product will cost. This helps business owners and managers decide whether
Read more.Cryptanalyst
Cryptanalysts design, implement, and analyze algorithms for solving problems. They analyze and decipher secret coding systems and decode messages for
Read more.Data Scientist
Data scientist/analytics consultant: Data science deals with analyzing extremely large amounts of data. Think of all the data being created
Read more.Economist
Economists study how society distributes resources, such as land, labor, raw materials, and machinery, to produce goods and services. They
Read more.Electrical Engineer
Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of electrical equipment. Some of this equipment includes electric motors; machinery
Read more.Epidemiologist
An epidemiologist investigates and describes the causes and spread of disease and develops the means for prevention or control. They
Read more.Financial analyst
Financial firms that deal with banking, investing, and trading employ mathematicians. These firms include Goldman Sachs, Capital One, RBS, ING,
Read more.Foreign Exchange Trader
A foreign exchange trader looks at the various factors that influence local economies and rates of exchange, and then takes
Read more.Forensic Analyst
Forensic analysts use scientific techniques to solve criminal cases. They may use traditional methods such as fingerprinting, assisted by computers;
Read more.Geographer
A geographer is a scientist whose area of study is geography, the study of Earth’s physical environment and human habitat.
Read more.Geologist
A geologist is a scientist who studies the solid and liquid matter that constitutes the Earth and terrestrial planets. Geologists
Read more.Government agencies and national laboratories
National laboratories hire students with strong mathematics backgrounds. Robert Berry is a mathematician who worked at Sandia National Labs on
Read more.Hydrologist
Hydrologists apply scientific knowledge and mathematical principles to solve water-related problems in society, such as problems of quantity, quality, and
Read more.Inventory Control Specialist
The inventory control specialist maintains the perpetual master inventory listings of all property, coordinates the annual inventories of all property
Read more.Market Research Analyst
Market researchers gather information about what people think. They help companies understand what types of products people want and at
Read more.Mathematical Biophysicist
Mathematical biophysicists develop theories and methods of the physical sciences for the investigation of biological systems.
Read more.Mathematical Physicist
A mathematical physicist applies mathematics to problems in physics and develops mathematical methods suitable for the formulation of physical theories.
Read more.Mathematician
Mathematics is one of the oldest and most fundamental sciences. Mathematicians do research in fields such as logic, set theory,
Read more.Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical engineers research, design, develop, manufacture, and test tools, engines, machines, and other mechanical devices. Mechanical engineering is one of
Read more.Medical scientist
As medical fields become more immersed in data, mathematics can provide more insight in the study of medicine. Helen Moore
Read more.National Security Analyst
National security analyst, also known as intelligence analysts, use the process of taking known information about situations and entities and with appropriate
Read more.Nuclear Engineer
Nuclear engineers devise how to use radioactive materials in manufacturing, agriculture, medicine, power generation, and many other ways. Many nuclear
Read more.Operations Research Analyst
ROBIN ROUNDY BS Math BYU “BYU’s math department launched me on a very exciting career in operations research – the
Read more.Operations researcher
Operations research applies analytical and mathematical methods to help make better decisions. It deals with such questions as “What is
Read more.Petroleum Engineer
Petroleum engineers work in the technical profession that involves extracting oil in increasingly difficult situations as the world’s oil fields
Read more.Physician
JEFF ANDERSON, MD PHD Director of Functional Neuroimaging University of Utah Department of Neuroradiology BS Math BYU “Most people who train in
Read more.Political Scientist
Political scientists study the structure and theory of government and seek practical and theoretical solutions to political problems. Most current
Read more.Psychometrician
A psychometrician is a person who practices the science of measurement, or psychometrics. The term psychometrics refers to the measurement
Read more.Purchasing Agent
Purchasing agents are in charge of all buying for their company. They buy the raw materials, goods, and services their
Read more.Quantitative Financial Market Analyst
A quantitative financial market analyst, also known as a quant, is a person who works in finance using numerical or
Read more.Software Engineer
Programming or coding is an essential skill for any mathematics student who wants a career in industry or business since
Read more.Statistician
Statistics is the scientific application of mathematical principles to the collection, analysis, and presentation of numerical data. Statisticians apply their
Read more.Stockbroker
A stockbroker invests in the stock market for individuals or corporations. Only members of the stock exchange can conduct transactions,
Read more.Teacher, High School
High-school math teachers teach students subject like geometry, statistics, algebra and calculus. Daily tasks include planning lessons, creating sample problems,
Read more.Technical Writer
A technical writer is a professional writer who designs, writes, creates, maintains, and updates technical documentation—including online help, user guides,
Read more.Technology consultant/engineer
Technology and engineering companies such as Raytheon, Boeing, Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Bell Helicopter, Ford Motor Company,
Read more.Urban Planner
Urban planners develop long- and short-term plans for the use of land and the growth of urban, suburban, and rural
Read more.