
We are currently looking for volunteers with experience with the following:

  • Graphics Design
  • HTML Coding
  • XML
  • PHP
  • DB2
  • JavaScript
  • PLI

We also need volunteers to do the "grunt work"

  • Scour the Internet for useful Information and Links
  • Input DATA into the database tables
  • provide links to WarpDoctor from personal and business Websites

Join VOICE and enjoy the benefit of WarpDoctor's expertise and experience!

OS/2 is a stable multitasking environment but even the best of operating systems may have some niggly little glitch with the occasional program. Naturally, someone somewhere has found that glitch and fixed it - but how can you - the average user - find that solution when you need it?

WarpDoctor is a skills base of people - from programmers to users - who have agreed to pool their expertise and experience so that you - the average user - can quickly find the solution to that niggly little glitch that is stopping you from enjoying the trouble free application environment we all know and love! Whether it is some lingering Y2K problem or a bug in Windows code, WarpDoctor is ready!

The WarpDoctor is a fully funded and integrated project of VOICE. Your membership dues help to support any and all of the Projects that VOICE manages.

Join the Warpdoctor Mailing List and become part of the Team.

Every little bit helps!

Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is Copyright © 2004, VOICE