Widget Information

You can manage installed widgets and widget instances in various ways, such as retrieving information about widgets, or getting the widget instances and receiving notifications when the state of the widget changes.

This feature is supported in mobile and wearable applications only.

NoteDo not use "widget" as a name for any of your global variables, as it is the name of a global W3C object.

The main features of the Widget Service API include:

  • Widget retrieval

    You can retrieve widgets, for example, get the widgets installed on the device or information about their primary ID or size.

  • Widget management

    You can manage individual widgets by getting the widget name and a list of widget instances and widget variants, and by receiving notifications about the widget life-cycle events.

  • Widget instance management

    You can manage widget instances by changing the instance data update interval and managing the instance content.

Widget Retrieval

Using the WidgetServiceManager interface (in mobile and wearable applications), you can:

  • Retrieve a widget or widgets using the getWidgets() method.
  • Receive information about the primary widget ID or size related to the specific size type.

Retrieving a Widget

Learning how to retrieve the installed widget list is a basic widget management skill:

  1. Define a success handler implementing the WidgetArraySuccessCallback interface (in mobile and wearable applications). Optionally, you can specify an error handler too.

    var successCallback = function(widgets) {
        console.log('There are ' + widgets.length + ' installed widgets');
    var errorCallback = function(error) {
        console.log('Error ' + error.message);
  2. To get a list of all installed widgets, use the getWidgets() method of the WidgetServiceManager interface. If the optional packageId parameter is given, only the widgets belonging to the given package are returned.

    var packageId = 'org.tizen.contacts';
    tizen.widgetservice.getWidgets(successCallback, errorCallback, packageId);

    You can also get a specific widget object by using the getWidget() method of the WidgetServiceManager interface:

    var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget('org.tizen.gallery.widget');

Retrieving ID and Size Information

Learning how to retrieve the primary widget ID or size makes using the Widget Service API easy and convenient:

  • To get the primary widget ID of a given application or package ID, use the getPrimaryWidgetId() method of the WidgetServiceManager interface:

    var widgetId = tizen.widgetservice.getPrimaryWidgetId('org.tizen.music-player');
  • To get the size of the corresponding size type, use the getSize() method of the WidgetServiceManager interface, specifying the size type:

    var widgetSize = tizen.widgetservice.getSize('4x4');

Widget Management

Using the Widget interface (in mobile and wearable applications), you can:

  • Get the name of the widget in a given language using the getName() method.
  • Get all instances belonging to the widget using the getInstances() method.
  • Get variants of a specified size type.
  • Monitor state changes in an installed widget.

Retrieving the Widget Name

To retrieve the widget name:

  1. Retrieve the widget whose name you need:

    var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget('org.tizen.gallery.widget');
  2. To get the widget name, use the getName() method of the Widget interface. If the locale parameter is omitted, the system locale is used.

    var name = myWidget.getName('en-us');

Retrieving Widget Instances

Learning how to retrieve information about installed widget instances makes the Widget Service API more useful:

Note The WidgetInstance.id value (in mobile and wearable applications) is volatile and can change after device reboot.
  1. Define a success handler implementing the WidgetInstancesCallback interface (in mobile and wearable applications). Optionally, you can specify an error handler too.

    var successCallback = function(instances) {
        console.log('There are ' + instances.length + ' instances');
    var errorCallback = function(error) {
        console.log('Error ' + error.message);
  2. To retrieve a list of all instances belonging to the widget, use the getInstances() method of the Widget interface:

    myWidget.getInstances(successCallback, errorCallback);

Retrieving Widget Variants

To retrieve variants representing all the supported widget size types:

  1. Define a success handler implementing the WidgetVariantsCallback interface (in mobile and wearable applications). Optionally, you can specify an error handler too.

    var successCallback = function(variants) {
        console.log('There are ' + variants.length + ' variants of the widget');
    var errorCallback = function(error) {
        console.log('Error ' + error.message);
  2. Retrieve the widget whose variants you need:

    var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget('org.tizen.gallery.widget');
  3. To get a list of all variants, use the getVariants() method of the Widget interface:

    myWidget.getVariants(successCallback, errorCallback);

    You can also get a specific variant by using the getVariant() method with one of the supported size types as a parameter:

    var variant = myWidget.getVariant('4x4');

Monitoring Widget Changes

Learning to receive notifications when the state of the widget has been changed is a useful widget management skill. There are 4 states that can be noticed: CREATE, DESTROY, PAUSE, and RESUME.

  1. Define the event handler for state notifications using the WidgetChangeCallback listener interface (in mobile and wearable applications):

    var WidgetChangeCallback = function(instance, event) {
        console.log('The instance ' + instance + ' has state ' + event);
  2. Retrieve the widget object using the getWidget() method of the WidgetServiceManager interface (in mobile and wearable applications):

    var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget('org.tizen.music-player.widget');
  3. Add the listener to use the defined event handler with the addStateChangeListener() method of the Widget interface:

    var watchId = myWidget.addStateChangeListener(WidgetChangeCallback);
  4. To stop receiving notifications for the defined listener, use the removeStateChangeListener() method of the Widget interface with the previously obtained listener ID:


Widget Instance Management

Using the WidgetInstance interface (in mobile and wearable applications), you can:

  • Change the update period of the instance using the changeUpdatePeriod() method.
  • Send or get content to and from the widget instance.
Note These features are not supported by Web widgets. You can only use them in Web applications to manage installed widgets. For more information, see Web Device API supported by Widget Engine.

Changing the Update Period

To change the update interval for the widget instance:

  1. Retrieve the widget instance with the getInstances() method:

    var instance;
    var successCallback = function(instances) {
        instance = instances[0];
    var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget('org.tizen.gallery.widget');
  2. To change the update interval, use the changeUpdatePeriod() method of the WidgetInstance interface with the new value (in seconds):


Sending and Getting Content

Learning how to send and get the widget content is a useful widget management skill:

  1. Obtain the widget instance with the getInstances() method:

    var instance;
    var successCallback = function(instances) {
        instance = instances[0];
    var myWidget = tizen.widgetservice.getWidget('org.tizen.gallery.widget');
  2. To send data to the widget, use the sendContent() method of the WidgetInstance interface. The second parameter defines whether the instance is updated even if the provider is paused.

    instance.sendContent(data, true);
  3. To retrieve widget instance content, define a success handler implementing the WidgetContentCallback interface (in mobile and wearable applications). Optionally, you can specify an error handler too.

    var successCallback = function(object) {
        console.log('Data successfully retrieved');
    var errorCallback = function(error) {
        console.log('Error ' + error.message);

    Afterwards, use the getContent() method of the WidgetInstance interface:

    instance.getContent(successCallback, errorCallback);