Tag Archives: Weird Yal Ankovic

The Union Forever

another year, another bout of Ranch Farts

you know the drill – eat, drink, eat, fart, repeat…


state your case

btown best worst

more like ‘Whitest State Ever’


since we’re all old and billionaires, we stepped up our game
and stayed at the Union


where the views are to die for
but not to diet for

the carpets scream redrum


and the eating made for red-bums

oh ranch sauce 


men want to be you
and women want you inside of them

and oh divine swine

btown divine swine

how you make us sin, even though we brought a rabbi with us

speaking of
the Rabbi thinks I should do
a gallery show of our ranch sauce pics

btown ranchy

fart art?

the owner of BuffaLouies is my hero


literally, a larger than life
personality – with the wings
to back it up

he’s like the second greatest man behind Neon Jesus 


Bobby Knight’s in white ranch sauce


 want to know what lonely is?


this pencil shapener, sitting at the bottom of a stairwell, probably barely used or ever noticed

each trip back to Bloomington brings back old memories but sometimes provides new ones

like these amazing headshots of ‘talent’ from the 80s that played Bear’s Place


ah, M&Mc – the dynamic duo to end all dynamic duos

btown this guy

I’d choose this guy’s
‘stache in a pinch!


more like jester.  off with his head!



who, me???


btown this guy2

uh, um, uh?


btown banks

Banks, so money!!!

btowbn weird al

Weird Yal Ankovic?


btown youuu



btown dj 2

yes, me – DJ Tanner of the Mike & Jonah & Terry Milk Show! it’s like 1997/98 all over again!! big ups to BFinx for the tour!!

btown rfarts

I’m a slow starter / fast farter


btown thing

but I won a super amazing hat (not pictured) from this crane-game thing


btown juggles

can’t wait for #RanchFarts2015!!!!
the year we juggle!!!



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