Februrary 8, 2017: It's been fun hosting this for... almost 10 years! But all good things must come to an end. I'll be retiring this page at the end of the month. Hope you had fun too, cheers.
And if you just can't get enough...
April 10, 2013: ...and we're back!
February 10, 2013: Hey folks, I know the page has been broken for a while. Unfortunately I don't have the time (nor probably the technical skill) to troubleshoot this right now. Though if you do, drop me a note...
April 16, 2012: Nice tip from user Lazybuttons: use your adblocker to filter out the porn spam! With Adblock installed, right click on the offending image and it'll walk you through the setup. I just block the entire offending domain, as they all seem to be coming from the same place.
Hope this helps. You can reach me at: info@fuzzysquid.com