Given a grammar and a parse tree obtained by parsing a term over this grammar, construct a subgrammar that still parses the same term.
Given a grammar G and a term t over that grammar, a subgrammar that still parses t can be obtained in the following steps.
Assume that L.def is an Sdf grammar for language L, and t is a term over L.
# sdf2table -i L.def -o L.tbl # sglr -p L.tbl -i t -o t.asfix # asfix2sdf -i t.asfix | sdf-de-normalize -o # sdf2text -a -i -o L.sub.def
See Also
Sdf2TablePGEN, sglrSGLR, asfix2sdfGT, sdfdenormalizeGT, HowToPrettyPrintAGrammar.