Thomas Charron wrote in message <35AF7974.6A2C5A24@nermail.ups.com>...
> Well, that's all and well, but it doesn't solve the fact that I want to
>generate some of these objects from publically available .INC files that
>macro's to create the objects. I COULD write my own, but to be totally
>I don;t have the time with 5 side-projects, and trying to get one or two
>to irtc finished up..
I don't see the problem :-) since the INC file of the UDO/INC pair can
contain any POV-Ray code, even #includes or even macros (POV 3.1 etc.)
The only work would be to write the UDO file, with a nice and suitable
representation of the object in Moray (made up out of vertices and
connecting edges).
I guess that writing such an UDO even for a complex object can be faster
than going through a lot of conversion steps.
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