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THE Andria derives its name from Glycerium, the heroine of the play; who was from Andros. Upon her previous history turns the dénouement of the plot. Chremes and Phania were brothers, two Athenian citizens. On occasion of a voyage to Asia Chremes had left his only daughter Pasibula with Phania, who shortly afterwards followed his brother to Asia to escape from a war that was raging in Greece. He was overtaken by a storm, and shipwrecked, together with Pasibula, upon the island Andros. He there attached himself as a client to a citizen, who entertained him liberally, and upon his death, which occurred shortly after, adopted Pasibula and brought her up with his own daughter Chrysis, having changed her name to Glycerium. Chrysis upon the death of her father went to Athens with her reputed sister, and, after making shift for an honest livelihood, at last took up the profession of a courtezan. At her house many young men congregated, and among others Pamphilus, the son of Simo, who there saw and fell in love with Glycerium, and became her accepted lover, making her a promise of marriage, which was rendered more binding by the parting injunctions of Chrysis, who upon her deathbed commended Glycerium as a sacred trust to Pamphilus. Meanwhile Pamphilus has another affair on his hands. For Chremes has had another daughter since the loss of Pasibula, and is very anxious that she should be well married to such an excellent young man as Pamphilus, who, happily, while enjoying himself in his own way, has gained a character which is the admiration of every one. So Philumena and Pamphilus are betrothed by their parents, entirely without the knowledge of the bridegroom elect. All this time Simo has fully believed in his son's excellence; but is undeceived by an event which takes place at the funeral of Chrysis, where Pamphilus shows something more than an ordinary solicitude for a young woman whom Simo ascertains to be the sister of Chrysis. The matter takes wind, and reaches the ears of Chremes, with the additional circumstance of Pamphilus' connexion with her, upon which he breaks off the match. This brings us to the point at which the action of the play commences. Simo determines to tell Pamphilus that he is to be married to Philumena, hoping to place him in a dilemma; for if he refused, then he could take him severely to task; if he consented, then Chremes might be gained over, and after all the match might take place. Accordingly he tells Pamphilus by the way in the Forum that he is to be married that very day. Pamphilus returns home in amazement; but is met by Mysis, servant of Glycerium, who revives his old affection for her mistress. Davus meanwhile sifts the whole matter to the bottom; finds that the marriage is a pretence, and accordingly recommends Pamphilus to humour his father to the utmost, and express his entire readiness to marry as soon as he pleases. At the same time he is to keep up his intimacy with Glycerium, that Chremes may be as shy of his connexion as he is now. Meanwhile there is a by-plot at work. One Charinus, a friend of Pamphilus, who is in love with Philumena, hears with dismay that she is to be married to his friend, and urges him to do all in his power to defer the marriage if possible. So affairs stand when Glycerium is brought to bed of a son, Simo, who hears what is going on, imagining, and being confirmed by Davus in the belief, that this is merely an artifice of Glycerium and her friends to prevent Pamphilus' marriage. He accordingly again treats with Chremes on the subject of the marriage of Pamphilus and Philumena, and extorts a reluctant consent. This places Davus in a great strait; for Pamphilus now reproaches him with his untoward advice, which has got him into this mischief; and Charinus too is indignant to the last degree at the treachery of Pamphilus. As a last resource Davus places the child before Simo's door, and contrives that Chremes shall hear its history from Mysis. This causes a fresh rupture between Chremes and Simo. At this moment there arrives a native of Andros, Crito, next of kin to Chrysis, who has come to Athens to claim her property. He clears up the previous history of Glycerium, who is joyfully recognized as Chremes' daughter, and all parties are made happy; Simo being with some difficulty gained over to forgive past offences, and to receive his son and Davus into favour again.

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