Further south is the Gulf of Cyparissus, with the city of Cyparissa1 on its shores, the line of which is seventy-two miles in length. Then, the towns of Pylos2 and Methone3, the place where Helos stood, the Promontory of Acritas4, the Asinæan Gulf, which takes its name from the town of Asine5, and the Coronean, so called from Corone; which gulfs terminate at the Promontory of Tanarum6. These are all in the country of Messenia, which has eighteen mountains, and the river Pamisus7 also. In the interior are Messene8, Ithome, Œchalia, Arene9, Pteleon, Thryon, Dorion10, and Zancle11, all of them known to fame at different periods. The margin of this gulf measures eighty miles, the distance across being thirty.