1 B.C. 171
2 Cf. above, xvi. and the note. For the plot against Eumenes as an occasion of the war cf. Polybius XXII. 18 and XXVII. 6.
3 B.C. 171
4 Cf. above, xii. 3, and Appian, Mithridatic Wars, XII. i. 2.
5 Cf. XXXVIII. xxxix. 6; on Ariarathes' pro-Romanism, above, xix. 3-6.
6 Cf. Polybius XXVII. 19; Ptolemy VI Philometor was about 16 at this time, having succeeded to the throne in 181 B.C. His tutors were Eulaeus and Lenaeus; the former is accused of cowardice by Polybius XXVIII. 21.
7 The district of Damascus, and extending to the north, between Lebanon and Antilebanon; it had first belonged to Seleucus, was conquered by Ptolemy Philadelphus in 280 and held by Egypt till 218; it was retaken by Antiochus the Great in 201-198, and given by him as dowry for his daughter Cleopatra, mother of the reigning Ptolemy.
8 B.C. 171
9 As used here, the name covers only the north-western part of the continent.
10 Cf. above, xxvi. 2.
11 Polybius XXVII. 12 speaks highly of Cotys' ability; he was counter-balanced by other Thracians, cf. above, xix. 7; for his help to Perseus, cf. below, li. 10.
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