I say that Statius Albius
gave Caius Attius Stalenus the judge a large sum of money to influence his decision. Does any
one deny it? I appeal to you, O Oppianicus; to you, O Titus Attius; the one of whom deplores
that conviction with his eloquence, the other with silent piety. Dare to deny it, if you can,
that money was given by Oppianicus to Stalenus the judge. Deny it—deny it, I say,
where you stand. Why are you silent? But you cannot deny it, for you sought to recover what
had been paid. You have admitted it,—you have recovered it. With what face now do
you dare to mention a decision given through corruption, when you confess that money was given
by the opposite side to the judge before trial, and recovered from him after the trial?
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