Wherefore, if the same
principles of law prevail with respect to replacing a man in his property who has been driven
from it by violence, when that is once understood, it certainly has nothing to do with the
matter, what is the exact force of each word and name. You must replace me just as much if
your freedman drove me away, though he was not appointed to manage any of your business, as if
your agent did it; not that every one is an agent who transacts any of our business, but
because it is of no importance to the matter to inquire into that point. You must replace me
just as much if one slave of yours drove me away, as if your whole household did it; not that
one slave is the same as a household, but because the question is, what action has been done,
not, in what language every point is expressed. Even (to depart still further from the exact
wording of the law, though there is not the least atom of departure from equity,) if it was no
slave of yours at all who did it, but if they were all strangers or hired people, still they
will be comprehended under the description and name of your household.
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