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a dangerous business
mcwane story

Los Angeles Times Mark Sachs

"The figure seems preposterous at first glance, surely a mistake, or perhaps based upon a report from some Third World country, not the preeminent power in the world.

"But tonight on 'Frontline: A Dangerous Business', you will learn some of the reasons why 6,000 Americans die each year on the job, and what is being done, or not being done, to address the situation.

"The program narrows its focus to what it claims is one of the most dangerous firms in the United States, the McWane Corp., a giant pipe-manufacturing concern with iron foundries in 10 states and Canada. ...

"'Frontline' warns viewers up front of the 'disturbing images' they are about to see, and it's not hyperbole. But after seeing the photos of bloodied, crushed bodies and interviews with maimed survivors of industrial accidents, you might look at your own workplace a little differently."

Houston Chronicle Ann Hodges

"PBS' Frontline turns its investigative guns on 'one of the most dangerous companies in America' tonight...

"And they did their homework: 'a close reading of thousands of pages of documents from official files and internal company memos,' Frontline says.

"It is pretty one-sided though. McWane executives would not be interviewed or allow access to any of their plants, but they did respond in writing -- letters and e-mail -- which Frontline acknowledges. ...

"I'll not tip the kicker, but Frontline aims straight for McWane's heart. It doesn't pay to be on the bad side of Frontline in full investigative throttle. ... Grade: A-"

The New York Times Nancy Ramsey

"... The tale of McWane is one worthy of Charles Dickens and Upton Sinclair but with a 21st-century global spin. ...

"The disturbing content of 'A Dangerous Business' is augmented handsomely by the hour's tone and occasional film-noir style. ... For the most part the stories of those injured are recounted without sentimentality. ...

"At times 'A Dangerous Business' seems a little self-congratulatory in uncovering corporate malfeasance and cornering government officials... -- scenes, for instance, of the three reporters toiling over documents is gratuitous and distracting. But that's a minor point in an hour that effectively engages the viewer and ends with a clever twist..."

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