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frontline: pope john paul II - the millennial pope

tapes & transcripts


Home videos of "Pope John Paul II-The Millennial Pope" are available for purchase online through ShopPBS.

Educational videotapes of "Pope John Paul II-The Millennial Pope" are available for purchase by schools, libraries and other educational institutions online through PBS Video, by calling 1-877-PBS-SHOP, by faxing your order to 866-274-9043 (include item title and number and credit card information), or by mailing your order to:

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You can download and print out a transcript of "Pope John Paul II-The Millenial Pope" here on this page of the web site.

This is the only place you can access a transcript of this report. It is not available anywhere else. You can look on this page which lists all the transcripts we currently offer.

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