Manor House
"They are constantly saying upstairs that they understand how downstairs feel
but they haven't really got a clue"

Dried rose-heads for making a fragrant pot-pourri or for scenting the linen cupboard
Dried rose-heads for making a fragrant pot-pourri or for scenting the linen cupboard
If by chance you meet a Lower Servant, you should walk past, leaving them un-noticed... you will spare them the shame of explaining their presence
Lower Servants: if you meet one of your betters in the house, endeavour to make yourself invisible – 'give room', turn your back, and avert your eyes
"I really don't have problem with having servants...if I'm not being served, they don't have a job. This is absolutely magnificent. I'm enjoying it."
Sir John Olliff-Cooper

Recipes from the Edwardian Era

Treats conjures up all the indulgence and extravagance of the age: the smell of roses and lavender in the bath and linen cupboard; the sight of exotic fruits and whole flowers suspended in quivering jellies; the taste of champagne and oysters and home-made pistachio ice cream... To find out more, please click on one of the links below.

Flowers (Champagne and Primrose Jelly, Keeping Orchids, Lavender Bath Soaks and Turkish Delight)

Everyday Life (Devilled Kidneys, Scones, Beewax Polish, Hand Cream, Household Hints and Shaving Tips).

Entertaining (Potato Soup with Oyster Crouton, Rolled Mutton Joint, Alexandretta Bombe, Apple Sorbet, Pineapple Ice, Pistachio Ice)

Kitchen Garden (Chinese Artichoke and Asparagus Salad, Pimms, Pink Shocker, Poires a la Marquise, Rhubarb Bellini, Seakale with Garlic Cream, Strawberry and Oatmeal Face Mask)

Herbs and Spices(Cleavers Infusion, Dandelion and Burdock Beer, Mushroom Ketchup, Mustard Bath, Peppermint Tincture

Leisure and Pleasure: (A Ribbon Flower, Edwardian Champagne Cup, Iced Biscuits, Pork Pie, Potted Mackerel or Caveach, Potted Shrimps)

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