
Revision History for A242424

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Bulgarian solitaire operation on partition list A112798: a(1) = 1, a(n) = A000040(A001222(n)) * A064989(n).
(history; published version)
#22 by Joerg Arndt at Tue Mar 07 13:16:25 EST 2017



#21 by Antti Karttunen at Tue Mar 07 12:33:03 EST 2017



#20 by Antti Karttunen at Tue Mar 07 12:32:56 EST 2017

<a href="/index/Pri#prime_indices">Index entries for sequences computed from indices in prime factorization</a>




#19 by N. J. A. Sloane at Wed Jun 18 22:29:42 EDT 2014



#18 by Antti Karttunen at Wed Jun 18 13:12:08 EDT 2014



#17 by Antti Karttunen at Wed Jun 18 13:04:27 EDT 2014

a(1) = 1, a(n) = A000040(A001222(n)) * A064989(n) = A105560(n) * A064989(n).

#16 by Antti Karttunen at Wed Jun 18 11:17:31 EDT 2014

Integer sequence induced by Bulgarian solitaire operation on partition list A112798: a(1) = 1, a(n) = A000040(A001222(n)) * A064989(n).


In "Bulgarian solitaire" a deck of cards or another finite set of objects is divided into one or more piles, and the "Bulgarian operation" is performed by taking one card from each pile, and making a new pile of them, which is added to the remaining set of piles remaining. Essentially, this operation is a function whose domain and range are unordered integer partitions (cf. A000041) and which preserves the total size of a partition (the sum of its parts). This sequence is induced when the operation is implemented on the partitions as ordered by the list A112798.


a(A000079(n)) = A000040(n) for all n>=1.

#15 by Antti Karttunen at Tue Jun 17 12:06:27 EDT 2014

In "Bulgarian solitaire" a deck of cards or another finite set of objects is divided into one or more piles, and the "Bulgarian operation" is performed by taking one card from each pile, and making a new pile of them, which is added to the set of piles remaining. Essentially, this operation is a function whose domain and range are nonordered unordered integer partitions (cf. A000041) and which preserves the total size of a partition (the sum of its parts). This sequence is induced when the operation is implemented on the partitions as ordered by the list A112798.

#14 by Antti Karttunen at Tue Jun 17 12:03:02 EDT 2014

In "Bulgarian solitaire" a deck of cards or another finite set of objects is divided into one or more piles, and the "Bulgarian operation" is performed by taking one card from each pile, and making a new pile of them, which is added to the set of piles remaining. Essentially, this operation is a function whose domain and range are nonordered integer partitions (cf. A000041) and which preserves the total size of a partition (the sum of its parts). This sequence is induced when the operation is implemented on the partitions as ordered by the list A112798, from which follows that we, for example, have: A056239(a(n)) = A056239(n) for all n.


a(A000079(n)) = A000040(n) for all n>=1. [Maps powers of two to primes.]

A056239(a(n)) = A056239(n) for all n.

#13 by Antti Karttunen at Tue Jun 17 11:55:39 EDT 2014

In "Bulgarian solitaire" a deck of cards or another finite set of objects is divided into one or more piles, and the "Bulgarian operation" is performed by taking one card from each pile, and making a new pile of them, which is added to the set of piles remaining. Essentially, this operation is a function whose domain and range are nonordered integer partitions (cf. A000041) and which preserves the total size of a partition (the sum of its parts). This sequence is induced when the operation is implemented on the partitions as ordered by the list A112798, from which follows that we, for example, have: A056239(a(n)) = A056239(n) for all n.

In "Bulgarian solitaire" a deck of cards or another finite set of objects is divided into one or more piles, and the "Bulgarian operation" is performed by taking one card from each pile, and making a new pile of them. The question originally posed was: on what condition the resulting partitions will eventually reach a fixed point, that is, a collection of piles that will be unchanged by the operation. See Martin Gardner reference and the Wikipedia-page.

Because Bulgarian solitaire operation doesn't change the total sum we have: A056239(a(n)) = A056239(n) for all n.

Maps powers of two to primes: a(A000079(n)) = A000040(n) for all n>=1.


a(A000079(n)) = A000040(n) for all n>=1. [Maps powers of two to primes.]


Row 1 of A243070 (table which gives successive "recursive iterates" of this sequence) and converges towards A122111).