Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of unoriented colorings of the facets of a regular n-dimensional orthotope using exactly k colors. Row n has 2n columns.
1, 1, 1, 4, 6, 3, 1, 8, 29, 52, 45, 15, 1, 13, 84, 297, 600, 690, 420, 105, 1, 19, 192, 1116, 3933, 8661, 11970, 10080, 4725, 945, 1, 26, 381, 3321, 18080, 63919, 150332, 236978, 247275, 163800, 62370, 10395, 1, 34, 687, 8484, 66645, 346644, 1231857, 3052008, 5316885, 6483330, 5415795, 2952180, 945945, 135135
Also called hypercube, n-dimensional cube, and measure polytope. For n=1, the figure is a line segment with two vertices. For n=2 the figure is a square with four edges. For n=3 the figure is a cube with six square faces. For n=4, the figure is a tesseract with eight cubic facets. The Schläfli symbol, {4,3,...,3}, of the regular n-dimensional orthotope (n>1) consists of a four followed by n-2 threes. Each of its 2n facets is an (n-1)-dimensional orthotope. Two unoriented colorings are the same if congruent; chiral pairs are counted as one.
Also the number of unoriented colorings of the vertices of a regular n-dimensional orthoplex using exactly k colors.
T(n,k) = Sum{j=0..k-1} binomial(-j-2, k-j-1) * binomial(n+binomial(j+2, 2)-1, n).
T(n,k) = A325009(n,k) + A325010(n,k) = 2*A325009(n,k) - A325011(n,k) = 2*A325010(n,k) + A325011(n,k).
The triangle begins with T(1,1):
1 1
1 4 6 3
1 8 29 52 45 15
1 13 84 297 600 690 420 105
1 19 192 1116 3933 8661 11970 10080 4725 945
1 26 381 3321 18080 63919 150332 236978 247275 163800 62370 10395
For T(2,2)=4, there are two squares with just one edge for one color, one square with opposite edges the same color, and one square with opposite edges different colors.
Table[Sum[Binomial[-j-2, k-j-1]Binomial[n+Binomial[j+2, 2]-1, n], {j, 0, k-1}], {n, 1, 10}, {k, 1, 2n}] // Flatten
Cf. A325008 (oriented), A325010 (chiral), A325011 (achiral), A325005 (up to k colors).
Other n-dimensional polytopes: A007318(n,k-1) (simplex), A325017 (orthoplex).
Sequence in context: A204174 A086467 A197731 * A325017 A338147 A338143
Robert A. Russell, May 27 2019