Poincaré series for invariant polynomial functions on the space of binary forms of degree 13.
1, 0, 2, 0, 22, 33, 181, 375, 1120, 2342, 5467, 10668, 21660, 39562, 72816, 125484, 215161, 352424, 572086, 897867, 1394315, 2110350, 3159826, 4635480, 6731131, 9612072, 13595657, 18964299, 26221103, 35828058, 48562922, 65155439, 86777107, 114549589, 150198041, 195400674, 252651242
Many of these Poincaré series has every other term zero, in which case these zeros have been omitted.
Andries Brouwer, Poincaré Series (See n=13)
The Poincaré series is (1 + t^4 - t^6 + 19t^8 + 31t^10 + 157t^12 + 321t^14 + 885t^16 + 1756t^18 + 3794t^20 + 6856t^22 + 12788t^24 + 21324t^26 + 35633t^28 + 55326t^30 + 85174t^32 + 124064t^34 + 178645t^36 + 246238t^38 + 334814t^40 + 439321t^42 + 568305t^44 + 712862t^46 + 881834t^48 + 1061455t^50 + 1259989t^52 + 1459221t^54 + 1666984t^56 + 1860904t^58 + 2049854t^60 + 2209072t^62 + 2349306t^64 + 2446352t^66 + 2514111t^68 + 2530530t^70 + 2514111t^72 + 2446352t^74 + 2349306t^76 + 2209072t^78 + 2049854t^80 + 1860904t^82 + 1666984t^84 + 1459221t^86 + 1259989t^88 + 1061455t^90 + 881834t^92 + 712862t^94 + 568305t^96 + 439321t^98 + 334814t^100 + 246238t^102 + 178645t^104 + 124064t^106 + 85174t^108 + 55326t^110 + 35633t^112 + 21324t^114 + 12788t^116 + 6856t^118 + 3794t^120 + 1756t^122 + 885t^124 + 321t^126 + 157t^128 + 31t^130 + 19t^132 - t^134 + t^136 + t^140)/ (1 - t^4)(1 - t^6)(1 - t^8)(1 - t^10)(1 - t^12)(1 - t^14)(1 - t^16)(1 - t^18)(1 - t^20)(1 - t^22)(1 - t^24)
nmax := 120 :
(1 + t^4 - t^6 + 19*t^8 + 31*t^10 + 157*t^12 + 321*t^14 + 885*t^16 + 1756*t^18 + 3794*t^20 + 6856*t^22 + 12788*t^24 + 21324*t^26 + 35633*t^28 + 55326*t^30 + 85174*t^32 + 124064*t^34 + 178645*t^36 + 246238*t^38 + 334814*t^40 + 439321*t^42 + 568305*t^44 + 712862*t^46 + 881834*t^48 + 1061455*t^50 + 1259989*t^52 + 1459221*t^54 + 1666984*t^56 + 1860904*t^58 + 2049854*t^60 + 2209072*t^62 + 2349306*t^64 + 2446352*t^66 + 2514111*t^68 + 2530530*t^70 + 2514111*t^72 + 2446352*t^74 + 2349306*t^76 + 2209072*t^78 + 2049854*t^80 + 1860904*t^82 + 1666984*t^84 + 1459221*t^86 + 1259989*t^88 + 1061455*t^90 + 881834*t^92 + 712862*t^94 + 568305*t^96 + 439321*t^98 + 334814*t^100 + 246238*t^102 + 178645*t^104 + 124064*t^106 + 85174*t^108 + 55326*t^110 + 35633*t^112 + 21324*t^114 + 12788*t^116 + 6856*t^118 + 3794*t^120 + 1756*t^122 + 885*t^124 + 321*t^126 + 157*t^128 + 31*t^130 + 19*t^132 - t^134 + t^136 + t^140)/ (1 - t^4)/(1 - t^6)/(1 - t^8)/(1 - t^10)/(1 - t^12)/(1 - t^14)/(1 - t^16)/(1 - t^18)/(1 - t^20)/(1 - t^22)/(1 - t^24) ;
taylor(%, t=0, nmax) ;
gfun[seriestolist](%) ;
seq( %[1+2*i], i=0..nmax/2-1) ; # R. J. Mathar, Oct 26 2017
For these Poincaré series for d = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 24 see A097852, A293933, A097851, A293934, A293935, A293936, A293937, A293938, A293939, A293940, A293941, A293942, A293943 respectively.
Sequence in context: A256303 A156438 A282134 * A254042 A368014 A009378
N. J. A. Sloane, Oct 20 2017