Damsel Hats
These Damsel hats came with the First set of princess ponies. Damsel hats released in Europe tend to have a slightly different colour variation.

- Regular US
Came with Princess Tiffany
Came with Princess Primrose
Came with Princess Sparkle
Came with Princess Starburst
Came with Princess Serena
Came with Princess Royal Blue
Came with the Dream Castle
Came with Lavender Dream Castle
- Europe/UK
Came with UK Princess Amethyst and UK Princess Sapphire
Came with Princess Amber Variant III
Came with UK Princess Aquamarine
Came with German Princess Aquamarine
Came with German Princess Ruby
Came with Princess Ruby
Came with Princess Amber
Came with Princess Pearl
European/German, came with Princess Starburst?
- Love a Bye Baby (Non-MLP)
Hasbro's Love a Bye Baby doll series shared a few moulds with the My Little Pony line. One use was the re-purposing of Princess Pony damsel hats into party hats for their baby doll range, which had small pompoms instead of ribbons at their tips.