Measure Examples
This page collects examples of measures on the Web.
Search for "feet", "mpg", "mph", "sec" on eBay, you will find examples similar to the following ones:
<h1 class="itemTitle">S-Video TV Out 1.5m 5 Feet Extension S Video DVD Cable</h1>
<li>Measures 60" (1.5m) long</li> <li>Extend your S-video cable by 1.5m long</li>
<DIV><BR><STRONG>Power:<BR></STRONG> <LI>620 hp @ 5,200 rpm <LI>650 lb-ft @ 4,000 rpm <BR><BR><B>Performance:</B> <LI>0 - 60 mph: 3.7 sec. * </LI></DIV> <DIV> <LI>1/4 mile: 12.1 sec. @ 114 mph</LI></DIV> <DIV>
Royal Palms Hotel
- Use of "hightemp" as class name
- Link to a page with detailed weather
<div id="nav-weather-footer"> Local Time: <span id="localtime">11:52 am</span><br />Local Temp: <a href="weather.php"><span class="hightemp">88F/31</span>C</a> </div>
On the web page with detailed weather.
- Use of "temp" as class name
- Use of "high" for high temperature (this would be more relevant for a weather forecast microformat)
- Use of "low" for low temperature (this would be more relevant for a weather forecast microformat)
<td class="temp"> <br/> Rain Showers Likely <div class="high">Hi: 88°F</div> <div class="low">Lo: 67°F</div> </td>
National Institute of Standards and Technology
un-POSH Table-based template, the measurement and its uncertainity are on separate table rows:
<tr valign="bottom"> <td bgcolor="#cce2f3" align="right"> Value</td> <td nowrap="" bgcolor="#cce2f3"> <font size="4" color="red"> <tt><b> 9.109 382 15 x 10 <sup>-31</sup>kg</b> </tt> </font> </td> </tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td bgcolor="#cce2f3" align="right"> Standard uncertainty</td> <td bgcolor="#cce2f3"> <font size="4" color="black"> <tt><b>0.000 000 45 x 10 <sup>-31</sup>kg</b> </tt> </font> </td> </tr> 5-days weather forecast
<abbr> title attribute to describe the unit-measure.
<td class="weathertext" bgcolor="#ffffcc" align="center" headers="w2"> <div class="tempsym"> <span class="temptxt"> 15 <abbr title="Day Temperature in degrees Celsius"> °C </abbr> </span> </div> </td>
Bendicks nutritional info
<table width="100%"> <tr> <td class="borderbottom"><b>TYPICAL VALUES</b></td> <td align='right' class="borderbottom"><b>Per 100g</b></td> <td align='right' class="borderbottom"><b>Per bar(25g)</b></td> </tr> <tr><td>ENERGY</td> <td align='right'>2410kJ</td> <td align='right'>600kJ</td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align='right'>580kcal</td> <td align='right'>145kcal</td> </tr> <tr> <td>PROTEIN</td> <td align='right'>6.2g</td> <td align='right'>1.5g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CARBOHYDRATE</td> <td align='right'>49.0g</td> <td align='right'>12.2g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>(of which sugars)</td> <td align='right'>47.3g</td> <td align='right'>11.8g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>FAT</td> <td align='right'>39.8g</td> <td align='right'>10.0g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>(of which saturates)</td> <td align='right'>23.8g</td> <td align='right'>5.9g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>FIBRE</td> <td align='right'>0.3g</td> <td align='right'>0.1g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SODIUM</td> <td align='right'>0.05g</td> <td align='right'>0.01</td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align='right'></td> <td align='right'></td> </tr> </table>
more examples for nutritional infos:
a Scientific Journal, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
HTML articles only available to subscribers, Unit-measures are present only in the table headers, which are not connected with the data-values with the correct semantic headers/scope HTML arguments. Many similar HTML-Tables found in other scientific journals.
In order to skip HTML parsing, data is often shared by means of extra txt/csv files, a measure microformat would be most useful in such cases.
<tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td> 0.030 (m) </td> <td> 0.0002 </td> <td align="char" char="."> 0.7 </td> <td align="char" char="."> 0.7 </td> </tr>
XML solutions/proposals for measures
- XSIL: Extensible Scientific Interchange Language
- XDMF: eXtensible Data Model and Format
- DFDL: Data Format Description Language
- Describing Astronomical Catalogues and Query Results with XML
- Chemistry Markup Language