Microformats Wiki:Copyrights
This page is inspired by and loosely based on the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Copyrights. You may find additional clarification of Copyright at that page.
The license that the microformats.org wiki uses places all content added on or after 2007-12-29 into the public domain. Content added before that date by authors who have added a public domain declaration to their user pages is also thus placed into the public domain.
Thus the following pages on the microformats.org wiki are placed into the public domain and can be re-used accordingly:
- all pages created on or after 2007-12-29
- all pages whose contributors have added a public domain declaration to their user pages
- all other pages with non-public-domain content removed
As more contributors add a public domain declaration to their user pages, and more non-public-domain content is removed, more pages fully enter the public domain. After reviewing such pages, the microformats admins will add the http://microformats.org/wiki/Template:cc-pd-license template to them to explicitly indicate that all content of the page is in the public domain.
Such explicitly labeled microformats.org wiki pages therefore will remain free in the public domain, and can be used by anybody, without restriction.
IMPORTANT: If you want to reuse content from the microformats.org wiki, read the Creative Commons Public Domain declaration.
contributors rights and obligations
Similar to Wikipedia's contributors' rights and obligations, by placing your work on the microformats.org wiki, you release your work to the public domain, and thus grant microformats.org wiki users permission to use, copy, distribute and/or modify your work under the terms of the Creative Commons Public Domain License, the original at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ or any later version published by Creative Commons; with either a waiver of rights, or an assertion that no rights attach to a particular work.
In order to contribute, you must be in a position to agree to the terms of this license, which means that either:
- you hold the copyright to the material, for instance because you produced it yourself, or
- because the material is in the public domain
In the first case, you release copyright to your materials. You can later republish them in any way you like. However, you can never retract the public domain license for the copies of materials that you place here; these copies will remain under public domain license.
using copyrighted work from others
As Wikipedia's Using copyrighted work from others, says:
All works are copyrighted unless either they fall into the public domain or their copyright is explicitly disclaimed. If you use part of a copyrighted work under "fair use", or if you obtain special permission to use a copyrighted work from the copyright holder under the terms of our license, you must make a note of that fact (along with names and dates).
It is our goal to be able to freely redistribute as much of the microformats.org wiki as possible. Original media in the public domain are greatly preferred to copyrighted media used under fair use.
For more, please read Wikipedia's:
- Using copyrighted work from others
- Linking to copyrighted works
- Image guidelines
- Comments on copyright laws by country
reusers rights and obligations
Similar to Wikipedia's Reusers' rights and obligations, if you want to microformats.org wiki materials in your own books/articles/web sites or other publications, you can do so without restriction for those pages which are in the public domain. See above. For other pages, you must check to see who contributed the materials you wish to re-use, and get their permission. The best way to do this is to encourage those contributors to add the Creative Commons Public Domain release template to their user pages.
fair use materials
Similar to Wikipedia's Fair use materials and special requirements, all original microformats.org text contributed after 2007-12-29 or by contributors who have released their contributions to the public domain by inclusion of a public declaration template on their user pages is in the public domain. The microformats.org wiki may also include quotations, images, or other media under the U.S. Copyright law "fair use" doctrine in accordance with the guidelines described in Wikipedia's guidelines for non-free content (we've chosen to re-use Wikipedia's guidelines rather than invent our own).
On the microformats.org wiki, such "fair use" material should be identified as from an external source on the page itself (as this page does with its citations and quotations of Wikipedia's "Copyrights" page). This also leads to possible restrictions on the use, outside of the microformats.org wiki, of such "fair use" content retrieved from microformats.org: this "fair use" content does not fall under the public domain license as such, but under the "fair use" (or similar/different) regulations in the country where the media are retrieved.
respect others copyrights
Please do not put others' copyrighted material on the microformats.org wiki without permission. Works in the public domain can be used freely; works from copyrighted sources that grant permission for use can often be used, but additional steps may be required such as crediting the original author. If you obtain permission to use a copyrighted work, please note that fact (along with names and dates) in a footnote in a "Sources" section at the bottom of the page, and link to it from the use of the copyrighted work.
If you find copyrighted material here that does not appear to be used with permission, notify one of the microformats admins to have it removed. If you are not sure, please indicate as such in a "Sources" section at the bottom of the page.
see also
- Creative Commons
- Wikipedia. Keep in mind that the microformats.org wiki uses the Creative Commons Public Domain license in contrast to Wikipedia's use of the GFDL, and thus Wikipedia's Copyrights and FAQ pages should be interpreted with that difference in mind.