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- POSH가 의미하는 바를 알아야 합니다. Learn what it means to be POSH.
- 마이크로포멧 정보, 최근 소식, 기사, 발표자료, 책, 팟캐스트, & 스크린캐스트를 확인하세요. See the about page, latest news, press, presentations, books, podcasts, & screencasts.
- 질문이 있으세요? FAQ를 확인해보세요, 그리고 용어집에서 새로운 단어도 참고하세요. Have questions? Read the frequently asked questions and see the glossary for new terms.
- 같은 공간에서 배우고 싶으세요? 마이크로 포멧의 [[events|이벤트]를 확인하세요. Want to learn more in person? Check out microformats events.
마이크로포맷은 웹 문서의 인물 정보, 사건 정보, 태그 등을 표현하는 HTML 코드입니다.
마이크로포맷을 이용하면 웹의 본질에 더 충실한 정보를 제공할 수 있고, 웹 사이트의 API와 피드를 더 간단하게 제공할 수 있습니다. 자세한 설명은 마이크로포맷이란?(영어)와 마이크로포맷의 사용 범위(영어)를 참고해주세요.
참여 방법
마이크로포멧이 한단계 더 발전하기를 바라십니까? 아래사항들을 통해 참여하실수 있습니다. Do you want to help take microformats to the next level? You can:
- Get started by adding microformats to your website, services, and products.
- Advocate the use of microformats on other web sites, especially those you use.
- Write a testimonial.
- Do something on the to do list.
- Join the IRC Channel and mailing lists to learn and help answer questions (read the general guidelines before posting).
- Translate this microformats wiki into other languages to make microformats more accessible to readers of languages around the world.
- Before proposing any new microformats, make sure your website is POSH, uses existing microformats, and then read the process.
마이크로포멧은 표준 명세를 공개한다. Microformats open standards specifications.
- hCalendar - hCalendar 생성기
- hCard - hCard 생성기
- rel-license
- rel-nofollow
- rel-tag
- VoteLinks
- XFN - XFN 생성기
- adr - for marking up address information
- geo - for marking up WGS84 geographic coordinates (latitude; longitude)
- hAtom - syndicating episodic content (e.g. weblog postings)
- hResume - for publishing resumes and CVs
- hReview - hReview creator
- rel-directory - to indicate that the destination of a hyperlink is a directory listing containing an entry for the current page
- rel-enclosure - for indicating attachments (e.g. files) to download and cache
- rel-home - indicate a hyperlink to the homepage of the site
- rel-payment - indicate a payment mechanism
- robots exclusion
- xFolk
Design Patterns
Design patterns are common uses of markup across microformats.
- abbr-design-pattern
- class-design-pattern
- date-design-pattern
- datetime-design-pattern
- include-pattern
- value-class-pattern
- rel-design-pattern
- elemental microformats
- compound microformats
Exploratory Discussions
See: exploratory-discussions for details of research and analysis of real-world examples, existing formats, and brainstorming of possible new microformats, per the microformats process.
See resources.
User centric development
Tools, test cases, additional research
The first place to look for examples, code, and test cases is in the pages for each individual microformat. There are only a few cross-cutting tools and services that need to process more than one microformat. That section is intended for editors, parsers, validators, test cases, and other information relevant across multiple microformats.
Microformats wiki translations
You may read and edit microformats articles in many other languages:
- languages with over 100 articles
- Français (French) mis à jour!
- languages with over 10 articles
- languages with over 2 articles
- languages just started
- elsewhere
- Wikipedia's article on microformats has been translated into a number of languages.
See also other-languages, and how-to-start-a-new-translation.