Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2024


Musings at the edge of eternity

The World of Appearances moves visibly towards a series of possible Apocalypses. Now as never before, I am doing all I can to maintain a clear focus on my innervision of heaven on earth – which does NOT include the triumph of Big Brotherism in some dystopic New World Order Fourth Reich!

With the December Solstice Stargate Activation approaching on 21 December 2020 (exactly eight years after the Galactic Alignment of 2012), massive shifts in consciousness and spiritual maturity will bring about a rapid meltdown of dysfunctional institutions and societies.

All that is mechanical and regimented will abruptly run out of political charge. The “princes and principalities” won’t surrender without a desperate fight, in the vain hope that they can at least drag everyone else down to “hell” with them.

However, Mother Earth (Pachamama, Gaia-Sophia) herself will no longer support their parasitic adventures as she attains to full awakening...

Those governed by fear and greed and trapped in egocentric skepticism will be subject to their own Twilight-of-the-Gods scenario – despite all efforts to help them experience a paradigm shift. The rest of us will bear witness as self-governing sovereign entities to the birth of a New 5D Octave of Consciousness wherein beauty and truth will replace money and military might as focal points of endeavor. Timelines that have been splitting apart since 2012 will separate into different evolutionary trajectories. If you're reading this, chances are that you have long prepared yourself for this unprecedented event. 

Those who insist on clinging to 3D intellectual materialism and Sarumanic (or Ahrimanic) scientism wouldn't have made it past the third paragraph. In any case this Stargate Activation marks a pivotal moment in which each soul in physical embodiment will consciously cross a threshold, towards true individual sovereignty and freedom - or deeper enslavement in the 3D Matrix (which appears to be accelerating swiftly towards a digital dystopia centrally controlled by Artificial Intelligence).

You may wonder what will happen to all the encrusted egos hellbent on keeping the Duality Scam going? The Fear Merchants, trading in terror and scarcity conditioning, clinging tenaciously to ancestral privilege or ruthless ambition - are they a nightmarish mass delusion that’s absolutely no concern of mine? 

I can see bits of myself embedded in ancient - nay, primitive - programs going by descriptions like Neo-Darwinism, Sabbatean Frankism (you know, elite pedovores and predatory practitioners of ritual blood sacrifice, the privileged adrenochrome addicts, the pathological Never-Trumpers, in political parlance, who infest the airwaves and, at least till very recently, greatly influenced public opinion). 

Survival of the Fittest, indeed. How is “fit” defined? The ones gifted at making money, or the ones with universal empathy? Is it possible to accumulate wealth as measured by consensus – and still feel a tender compassion for all life?

The way I used to see it: since I already feel oceanic ripples of deep affection for All That Is, I need only gain access to unlimited wealth to be in a position to answer that question truthfully. It’s so easy to dismiss money as a spurious concoction of the Khazarian-Zionist banking fraternity, but so long as it’s in use, I’d love to have a huge pile fall in my lap. I could get the entire contents of my rusty filing cabinet published, release some sonic dreamscapes I recorded ten years ago, set up simple but efficient recording facilities for talented young singer-songwriters and composers, offer grants to imaginative youngsters with videocams, visit old flames in Europe, lounge around on a Thai island or in Sacha Stone's Akasha New Earth Haven for weeks... 

But that was how I felt 15 years ago. I feel a whole lot different now. In the last few years I have grown a very deep root and am perfectly content to remain exactly where I am. Let the rest of the Yoniverse come to me!

My definition of Heaven on Earth has long been: infinite possibilities (where merely knowing that every desire can be fulfilled is enough). Hell, of course, is utter impossibility (where the woman who excites me most begrudges even a smile).

Do I envisage a  Vegan or Vegetarian Future?

It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it that changes the essential equations. Having lived amongst hunter-gatherers who generally prefer to get their protein by fishing and snaring wild game, and who are content to subsist on tapioca leaves and dried anchovies the rest of the time, I’d be glad to see an end to commercial exploitation of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. It’s not meat-eating, per se, that constitutes a problem – it’s industrial farming methods that treat other lifeforms as mere commodities to be processed and sold which greatly saddens my soul.

Times when my atoms were oscillating at close to light speed, I have been able to sustain myself for days on prana and photons – which is why I’m sympathetic to breatharians, though I lack the ascetic impulse to willfully embark on such a course. I eat to live as a matter of habit, and I bless and enjoy whatever’s on my plate. 

Food is NOT the issue. Famine is invariably the unhappy result of ecocidal and megalomaniacal human activities driven by scarcity conditioning. The fact that “developed” countries have problems with anorexia AND obesity reflects a deep spiritual imbalance. Speaking of food, here's an old internet joke with a timely teaching. It’s called “God’s Test”:

God put the angels and the devils to a test. He set up a huge banquet hall with a wonderful feast. First He invited the devils to the feast. They were delighted until they found out that they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows! How were they to eat all the delicious food when their hands wouldn't go to their mouths? They tried eating off the plate, which was messy and undignified. They tried throwing the food in the air and catching it in their mouths. Nothing worked very well. After 15 minutes of this mayhem, God told them that time was up. They trooped out cursing Him.

Next, He invited the angels into the hall. A fresh feast was laid out, and the same thing happened - they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows. The angels all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "What a great game!" they said as they fed each other.

Well, if you happen to be an atheist - don’t worry, so is God. 

Hmmm, maybe it's time to revert to my original name. From now on, don’t call me "Antares" – “God” will do.

Heh heh, just kidding. I have enough problems trying to get some people to pronounce “Antares” correctly.

[First posted 2 December 2008. Reposted 28 November 2020]

Monday, November 18, 2024

A 10-minute summary of the world situation... (repost)

Found this video on a friend's Facebook wall in November 2011. The narrator looks a bit sinister but if you can overlook this detail, what he says is pretty much accurate (though it applies only within the 3D Matrix where the majority of us remain unwittingly trapped). 13 years down the line how do we respond?

[First posted 21 November 2011]

Friday, January 12, 2024


It was definitely worth the wait.

26,000 years... was that how long it took? Then... ZAP! Nightmare over. The Dream Come True. Dripping wet.

Got to get rid of the old skepticism. Survival mechanism. No need for that anymore. Well, maybe a hint of irony now and again won't hurt. Call me a sentimental old fool. I still have a calendar from the Old Reality. It's in a rusty filing cabinet along with ancient letters, photographs, yellowed newspaper articles from the 1980s; personal memorabilia from the days when I was still a "person."

There it is: the last United World College Global Concerns Calendar, marked 2030. Whew, what a year THAT was...

Noia, ink'ala ne hav'la vo ki'a. Vek'ila ya nei'a, a'vo?

Aion gazed at his young wife and smiled.

She looked up from the VR monitor and winked at him. Fascinating stuff, the early history of the Pleiades. I was just starting on Merope.

Aion had been wedded to Noia long enough to receive her thought signals with almost full resolution. She'd never really been into speech all that much though when she felt particularly cheerful she was known to babble like a mountain brook.

Watch out! You've inspired another poem, Aion flashed back at his mate. He kissed her smooth brown shoulder and rested his hand on her belly. "I'm hungry, how about you?" he asked, vocally.

Noia cocked her head and then nodded enthusiastically, hitting the pause control on her Virtual Reality console. They strolled out into the palace gardens, hand in hand, clucking to the cockatoos who were, as usual, clowning around with Saint Peter the pangolin.

"Eh Pedro, getting more than a little cocky, aren't you?" Aion quipped, bending to tickle the scaly anteater under his furry snout. The gentle creature licked Aion's hand with lazy flicks of its sticky tongue and gazed affectionately at the humans. Noia giggled and flung off her pareo, enjoying the perfect sunshine on this truest of blue-sky days.

"And to think you used to keep your sarong on in the shower," Aion laughed and followed suit - only he wasn't wearing a pareo but his favorite Chinese silk loon pants.

Aion and Noia had met and married back in the mid-Nineties, just before the Old Reality phased itself out. She had been a mere 22 Earth years and he already a well-preserved 44. Age was a major concern in the Age of Death, Disease, and Decay.

Incredible, really, to have witnessed and participated in the Transition. Never before in the entire history of Creation had such a phenomenon been experienced. Linear Time quantum-jumping the Spiral of Galactic Synchronization and bursting forth into Spherical Time. Science fantasy, sword and sorcery, fairy tale and News of the World all rolled into one. Real estate, insurance, politics, banks, and bureaucracy all a thing of the so-called Past... ha, remember when there were lawyers all over this planet? There were even humans who played the role of Judges. They sometimes sentenced other humans to death. Unbelievable... but it wasn't all that long ago, to use an old-fashioned and now totally meaningless phrase.

"Let's see... what shall we eat?" Aion said, more to himself than to Noia, who was already keying in her order at the dining pavilion. He scanned the day's menu on the smoky quartz screen built into the oval table of polished stone. Broccoli with cheese sauce? Chee cheong fun with cordyceps? Ghee rice with pumpkin curry? Macaroni soup and asparagus spears? Wild honey on buttered toast? How about some good old yong tow foo?

Noia was grinning impishly when Aion glanced up at her. On the grail table sat two tempting plates of Hainanese chicken rice, two steaming bowls of leek soup, and a side serving of juicy bean sprouts. Feeling a touch nostalgic for the vanished ways, after all that history! "What's your drink? Preserved kumquat and honey?"

Aion had to smile. "Why not?" Back in the old 3-dimensional reality, humans ate a fantastic amount of chicken. Billions of birds were slaughtered each day to feed the "dominant species." Incubator-hatched from eggs and raised in "scientifically designed” batteries, the poor fowls never once got to peck at real dirt in a farmyard. The same foul treatment was meted out to pigs, goats, cattle, fish, sheep, and even plant species.

And if you consider that inhuman, you won't believe some of the ways humans treated other humans - especially those deemed inferior or a potential threat to their excessive lifestyles.

As they tucked into the totally delicious, molecularly reconstituted meal, Aion slipped briefly into a meditative retroscan of the amazing breakthrough in +2026 O.R. (Old Reality) when a critical mass of humans, determined to stop exploiting other lifeforms, began expressing their collective will. This resulted in a switch to the trinary code (IAO) which made it possible to obtain holographically perfect digital samples of all bio-matter on the planet and store it permanently in the crystalline hard memory of the Earth - dubbed the Diamond Sutra - and retrieve the information at will for high-speed organic reconstitution and 3D printing.

For instance, we were able to extract a complete hologram sample of the healthiest, happiest hen that ever ranged freely on a well-kept farm - and use the basic data to generate an infinite supply of chicken to every finger-lickin' chicken-lover in the universe - without ever having to catch a live specimen and kill it and boil the feathers off and so on. The same technique was applied to pigs, goats, cattle, fish, sheep, and every edible plant species on the planet.

This was how we ushered in the Age of Abundance, which instantly rendered all previous notions of strategic survival behavior irrelevant and obsolete. The Quest for the Grail was finally over: the sacred vessel that sustained all life, the proverbial cornucopia, the fountain of eternal renewal had been discovered - and her name was Gaia-Sophia, also known as planet Earth.

People still planted vegetables and flowers and kept poultry and other animals around their yards; and sheep and cattle continued to graze on green pastures. And fish continued to swim in streams and lakes and oceans. Everything carried on more or less as before. But now no lifeform existed merely to play a part in the endless food chain. Now they existed for the sheer pleasure of it.

And when that wore thin, each could seek out a Transmutation Vortex where its vital force could release itself into new adventures, while the organic structures were destructured and recycled into the energy-matter continuum ad infinitum.

It wasn't till +2033 that humans embarked on the process of translating themselves into pure trinary encodings and immersing themselves wholly in the Diamond Sutra, thus freeing themselves of their dense hydrocarbon-protein spacesuits - which could be swiftly reconstituted and worn anytime they felt like an excursion into the lower frequency zones.

Just for "old time's sake," Aion lit a reconstituted cigarette and leaned back contentedly. Noia cleared the grail table with a few deft movements of her right index finger on the recessed keyboard. DELETE LUNCH? OK. Done. Then she burst into an expression of radiant joy. "Oy, tengok siapa datang!" she broke out in her ancient mother tongue. Look who's here!

"Chuen!" Aion leapt to his feet and hugged his 29-year-old son, who had reconstituted his physical form in the garden. Noia lost no time joining the embrace: One again! Divine bliss rippled through the dimensions, causing some single-celled organisms somewhere in a different universe to divide and reproduce prolifically.

Chuen had just returned from his latest mission in some remote Hypoallergenic Zone of the galaxy where diehard divisionists with chronic dystopia were insistent on living by the deadly laws of Duality. Even the Corpus Christi had to endure the occasional breakout of moral scabies.

At 29 Chuen was the youngest Star Commander of the ICYF (Intergalactic Confederation Youth Fleet). He grinned, impish just like his mother, and wrinkled his nose at his father's tobacco smoke. "Long time since I indulged," he said in English (one of 17 languages at his command) and accepted a nicotine stick from his never-aging Old Man. Chuen took a long drag and exhaled like some retro French movie star. "Hey, how about a nice cup of tea to go with this?"

"Susu mau?" Aion looked up from the grail keyboard. Milky tea for everyone? Noia and Chuen nodded, and plonked themselves into a giant hammock under the mango trees.

Knew I'd find you both frolicking in your favorite paradise program. Chuen generally communicated telepathically with his mother. Noia kissed her son on his nose. You know we're comfortable here, but it would be great to have you with us more often.

Aion came over with three mugs of tea and placed two on the mossy turf below the hammock. "Room for one more?"

Noia gave Chuen a wet kiss and wriggled out of the hammock. "You can take my place, darling. I promised to meet Sembo, Hani, Maye, Halus and Titit at the waterfall. Women's splashabout, but you two are most welcome. I'm sure the girls would be surprised and delighted to see Chuen."

"Give me a few moments with Daddy," Chuen said. "I have information for him to download. Metaphysical stuff, Mum. Hey, don't tell the girls I'm here. I want to play a little trick on them."

You were well named, Chuen the monkey!
Noia tweaked both their noses affectionately and danced off towards the river, singing.

Aion snuggled into the hammock beside Chuen, sipped his tea, and sighed. "Okay, I'm ready." Chuen put down his mug of tea and placed his right hand on Aion's upturned left palm. He waited till his father's breathing rhythm was in perfect synchronization with his own, and then began downloading.

Soon Aion could feel a tingle in his forebrain as Chuen locked frequencies with him. A huge videoscreen lit up in Aion's mind's eye. Chuen was in his Sananda aspect, the one he favored when transmitting factual information. It was a sort of pharaonic face: gentle, wise, and bearded like the archaic Jesus icons. Chuen chose his Sananda image because he knew Aion's deep memory would be more receptive to inputs from an archetypally recognizable source.

The dreamtime documentary was in 5th dimensional hypertext and cybernetically compressed. Only certain fragments of it can be stepped down into linear language.

All that pain and suffering and seemingly endless horror was necessary, though not inevitable. The experiment could have taken a very different turn. Which it did, in another time track, now flowing concurrently with the present.

What people called "the stony path" - the pilgrimage through the Valley of Death - provided valuable tactile experience which has enriched all realities everywhere. Especially now that it is accessible in mesonic code and no longer virulent to nascent intelligence.

In the separation of inner from outer lies the origins of the self-exploratory game of Us vs Them. Each camp locked in perpetual conflict with its illusory opposite, its Nemesis, each struggling for dominance over the other, the outcome always doomed from the outset - since each would transform into the other at the height of its hostility or fear.

However, the bi-polar combustion was the engine for the Earth's emotional evolution. As she awoke to her true nature, she was able to transmute the fission energy into fusion force, and project her inner crystalline form outward into the heliocosm.

Thus did the Earth attain radiant illumination and initiation into the stellar community via the higher intelligence network within her mineral core and upon the semi-elastic surface of her Dream Body. As she emerged from the Density Beam that marked "recorded history" (i.e., the period from -3113 to +2023 O.R.) the Cosmic Context was reinstated in her consciousness.

Every sentient being on the planet that was receptive to the surge of expanded frequencies was able to ride the crest of that electromagnetic tidal wave into the subtle dimensions beyond the third. The rigid structures upholding economic and political systems rapidly buckled as the electromagnetic grid realigned itself with the Galactic Core and sociocultural control mechanisms immediately broke down. Artificial barriers evaporated like mirages and ancient taboos turned on their heels and died of shock.

You have a question: what became of the tinpot despots, the trigger-happy generalissimos, the secret policemen, and the brigand chiefs? Yes... just a moment. Well, the ones working consciously as anchor points were easily debriefed and transferred to the harmonic heavens on Level Eleven. The ones operating in total unconsciousness are still shadow-boxing in their sleep, safe in their own Quarantine Area, along with others unwilling to let go of their predator programming.

What was the casualty rate? As far as we know, only one-seventh of the human population chose to remain in the Old Reality. For them nothing has happened. The illusion of linear time and history continues to bind them in oscillating melodrama for another 26,000-year Evolutionary Cycle. Or at least till they realize what the Game Plan is all about and release their fearful deathgrip on their inner beings.

Incredible revelations had been accumulating since the final years of the 19th century and by +2019 there was no longer any excuse for any human being anywhere on Earth to plead ignorance. News of clandestine genetic experiments conducted on human and animal specimens by deluded aliens and sanctioned by a secret government had broken. The fantastic origins of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid Complex at Giza had been disclosed and discussed with excitement around the planet. The mysterious designs on the Nazca plains, the magical calibrations on Mayan monuments, the universal resonance of aboriginal myths and legends had been pointed out and publicly disseminated.

T'he last of the media moguls had converted to the truth - and had committed themselves wholeheartedly to alerting the entire human population to the gigantic electromagnetic tidal wave rippling out from the Alpha and Omega points of the Galactic Core, as our Sun began to merge with its etheric double to form a Greater Central Sun.

Rainbow warrior tribes which had been gathering for two generations were already anchored in their various bioregions, awaiting the signal to take over responsibility as members of the Earth Council for Solar-Planetary Affairs. Over many decades their concerted campaign for the Earth had successfully cushioned the impact of ecocidal destruction, keeping it to a survivable limit.

The Masters had coordinated one final mass illumination exercise in December +2024 when millions of incarnate stellar emissaries ascended amidst celestial displays of unimaginable beauty. Their missions accomplished, they were home free at last. You have only partial recall of that initiation because of your addiction to physical sensory data, but I am helping you to transmute gradually.

Remember when the Temples of Mammon were converted to Community Arts Centers wherein the aesthetically handicapped were able to rehabilitate their perceptions in a colossal celebration of the Creative Spirit? Well, all of this seemingly happened overnight, over a 23-hour period between one Frequency Zone and the next. There will be much deep memory diving to be performed for those of you who were caught in the thick of the action and experienced the Dimensional Shift in semi-trance states.

The final segment of the session required Aion and Chuen to connect breaths and fuse their etheric bodies into a disc-shaped ball of Light. By this means Chuen piloted his beloved father to a Midway Station where a lively conference was in progress.

Aion had attended a few of these celestial powwows before, even in the Old Reality. But the impressions had usually faded like fax images by the time he regained "normal" consciousness on the physical plane. On this occasion Aion was thrilled to return with the energy imprints intact. He felt euphoric and supercharged.

Noia had sneaked up and squeezed herself between Aion and Chuen on the hammock. She giggled like the child she still was in particularly happy moments, hair wet from the waterfall. "Liars! I waited an hour for you two to show up! It was getting too cold."

"Eeesh! You're cold and wet!" Aion yelled, biting her on the nape of her elegant neck. Chuen laughed and laid his curly-haired head on his mother's bosom, sighing with pleasure.

After dinner Noia went off with Chuen to the Sanctuary for some deep healing on her leg. It had been slightly deformed by infantile poliomyelitis - a common disease in the Old Reality - but was now rapidly regaining its proper form and function under Chuen's loving ministrations.

Aion decided to treat himself to some virtual 3D loveplay on the Bionet. Life's a ball, as they used to say, and forever may it be so.


[Originally published in JOURNAL ONE, May 1996 © Antares. First posted 2 May 2007, reposted 27 December 2017 & 24 December 2020]

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Drunvalo Melchizedek's extraordinary mission on Planet Earth! (reprise

Immortal Teachings of
The Flower of Life
by Antares

How often have you looked at the stars on a clear night and wondered: "This is so beautiful, so inspiring... but what does it mean to my life on this tiny planet?"

And then have you not wished, for a whimsical moment, that a very ancient and wise person would magically appear and tell you the story of how Life came to be on Earth, and the Purpose of it all, if any?

What if such a Person did appear and told you the true story of Earth and her place among the stars... would you believe any of it? Or would your "scientific" education prevent you from listening with your heart and remembering the stories that already live within your cells, like a wondrous tapestry of evolutionary tales woven with the very strands of your DNA?

Well, a very wise and ancient person appeared before Drunvalo Melchizedek in 1972, not long after Drunvalo "arrived" on this planet. This phantasmal being gazed intensely with babylike eyes at Drunvalo, as if scrutinizing him without judgement... and then disappeared.

Twelve years later on November 1, 1984 (Drunvalo seems very specific about particular dates), the strange apparition appeared again, at first in the form of a golden, egg-shaped light; and then as a compact, brown-skinned, twinkling-eyed man. This time, Drunvalo was ready to receive his distinguished visitor, whose name - or one of them at least - was Thoth.

His mission, it turned out, was to transmit to Drunvalo (and whoever was interested) everything he knew of Earth's tumultuous history since 50,000 B.C., when he was a mighty Atlantean king named Chiquetet Arelich Vomalitos. Actually, Thoth was a bit of a Time Traveler and had juicy information dating back 5.5 million years. Beyond that point, Thoth said, the Akashic Records had been scratched or completely deleted by an inexplicable occurrence.

Now, any mystic worth his sacred mantram will tell you that every thought, word and deed is indelibly imprinted in the akasha (etheric timetrack). What could possibly have happened 5.5. million years ago around this planet to have obliterated the records? Oh well, never mind the hoary past but what of the future?

Thoth wasn't too concerned about that, since he was looking forward to completing his mission and departing this Dimensional Octave altogether. Which he did, according to Drunvalo, with 31 other Ascended Masters on May 4, 1991 (if these precise dates have any significance, I have yet to discover it).

Goodbye, Thoth! Hello, Drunvalo! But this won't be the last you'll be hearing of Thoth. Indeed, much of the historical data presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his extraordinary Flower of Life workshop comes directly from Thoth's vast memory banks. No wonder the early Egyptians worshiped Thoth as the God of Scribes, depicting him with an ibis head. Later he incarnated in Greece as Hermes Trismegistus (the Thrice-Bom Master) and initiated Pythagoras into the Great Mysteries. The Romans called him Mercury, Messenger of the Sun (and, by extension, the Stars).

You see, Thoth succeeded in penetrating the Veils of Time and Space, and ascended to Immortality about 52,000 years ago. He could have moved on to other realities but chose instead to stay close to Earthbound humanity till every laggard soul was ripe for graduation to "higher levels" of consciousness.

The fact that Thoth and his wife have finally fused with a soul group of Ascended Masters and zoomed off way beyond the Time-Space Horizon augurs very well indeed for all of us. It means we are nearing the Time of Completion in our evolution.

Between now and January 2013, hints Drunvalo, every human being will have made it through the proverbial Eye of the Needle - even the grossly overweight ones (although some very drastic transformations of lifestyles and perceptions may be necessary).

What about the rest of the planet - the oceans, the forests, the plants and animals, the indigenous peoples? Don't worry about them, Drunvalo advises, they're perfectly fine; it's the technology-addicted human race that's going through a major initiation. We simply have to lay down our weapons and quit judging or trying to control other people's behavior or beliefs.

Not at all an easy order to fill. But we really have to think and act and play WIN-WIN for EVERYONE - and we've got to do it NOW. Or else? Or else we won't know what hit us when the Earth's magnetic field collapses, erasing our synthetic realities and our memories.

Is that an inevitable scenario? "Don’t ask me, I only work here," Drunvalo quips impishly. "Actually, nobody knows anymore, not even the Ascended Masters. Events are accelerating way beyond predictability. But it's no use worrying. Just open up your heart and activate your living Merkaba field. It's no big deal - we've only forgotten how to do it, that's all - because we stopped breathing prana directly when we 'fell' about 13,000 years ago.”

In March 1994, at the Archangel Michael Conclave in Banff, Canada, Drunvalo Melchizedek broke the Good News: The aeons-long war between Good and Evil is OVER! 

At least on the "higher levels" it's over - even if a few stragglers are still roaming the jungles of dense reality, sniping at imaginary enemies and dodging illusory bullets. The Great Archangels Lucifer and Michael have reached a special new understanding. The drama of duality has finally played itself out. Heroes and villains will share the stage with the entire chorus at the curtain call, while the audience jumps to its feet for a standing ovation.

And we can all celebrate with a drink of ambrosia (what else?) afterwards - although questions of "before" and "after" will get trickier and trickier when linear time transforms itself into spiral or even spherical time (which could mean No-Time at all!)

Er.. can you PROVE any of this?

Actually, no, Mr Jones. However, that's not really a problem. Picture it this way: what sort of proof could you show a frog living under a coconut shell that there's a whole reality "out there" which is utterly beyond its conception? Or how do you explain to a tankful of aquarium fish that their "owner" has moved house - and that they're in fact in a completely different city? City? What's a "city"? See what I mean? Now if you’ve been experiencing weird intimations that there’s a whole lot more going on around here than meets the socially conditioned “I” – or you’ve had vivid dreams which make you feel that waking reality may not be all that real – you won’t be demanding any concrete proof, just validation and elaboration.

Drunvalo Melchizedek doesn't know everything. After all, he's only been on this planet twice. But what he says, and the way he says it, resonates with my own feelings about reality. His stories, Thoth's stories, stir the depths of my soul, bringing to light a great many long-forgotten truths. I can recognize the SHAPE and the SOUND of what's “true.” I don't need an official document to prove I am who I am.

So what else did I learn in 6 long days (from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)? Well, for one thing, I learned how God or Prime Creator or Great Spirit managed to generate a universe in 6 simple movements. That's the great secret concealed in the Flower of Life emblem. It's all holographic. The great contains the small and vice versa. Or, as Hermes succinctly put it to Pythagoras: "As above, so below." Sacred geometry - or synergetic-energetic geometry, in Buckminister Fuller's terms - explains it best.

The original Flower of Life workshop included 44 hours of videos. In six days I watched more videos than I have since the advent of television (I believe someone has compressed and edited the info to less than 33 hours now). The participants took turns nodding off (there were only four of us, owing to last-minute cancellations, so it was easy to keep tabs on who was asleep and who wasn't. 

Korton (aka Lloyd Taylor) our greybearded, grandfatherly, bighearted facilitator from Maleny, Queensland, told us not to worry about "missing" some segments. "Trust that your Higher Self knows when to knock out your conscious mind so your subconscious can record it for later use."

What came across most powerfully, watching Drunvalo's impeccable classroom manner during a couple of FOL workshops conducted in 1992 and 1993, was how he so seamlessly merged the Scientist and the Mystic in his personal being. Here was a man who had started out studying Physics and Mathematics, only to switch abruptly to Fine Arts; and then Alchemy, followed by crash courses in Judaism, Sufism, Hinduism, Tantrism, Tibetan Buddhism, Islam, Shamanism, Sacred Geometry, the Kaballah, Mineralogy, Crystallography... not bad for someone who began his present life as a Roman Catholic.

Thermodynamic Horizon by Adam Scott Miller
As Drunvalo candidly explains, he "walked" into his physical body on April 10, 1972 (he doesn't say what time) by prior arrangement with the previous tenant. As a new-kid-on-the-block by earthly standards, Drunvalo needed a fully customized vehicle to ease his entry into the density and complexity of 3-dimensional living. Prior to accepting this assignment, Drunvalo remembers his free and formless state in the 13th Dimension (but only vaguely, or the nostalgia would have been too painful to endure). He’s a Melchizedek from outside the System, from beyond the 12 Dimensions of our Reality Octave.

Unity Consciousness is the Alpha and Omega state of being, and Drunvalo originally knew no Polarity (he has since learned a hell of a lot about it, he says with a wry grin). That's precisely why he was chosen for this special mission by the Great White Brotherhood (on the recommendation of his great-great-great-grandfather Machiavinda Melchizedek, the very same Mysterious Melchizedek mentioned casually in the Bible as a powerful Priest-King of Salem).

As you may have guessed, the Great White Brotherhood (not to be confused with the Ku Klux Klan, a degenerate modern mutation of an ancient Druidic clan of Melchizedek Initiates) has nothing to do with racist notions of Black or White. Branches of the GWB have also been called the Brotherhood of Light or the White Lodge - and its ordained task has ever been to assist in the evolution of Consciousness throughout the Cosmos.

Now this traditionally placed the GWB at odds with the Great Dark Brotherhood or the Dark Lodge, whose avowed objective has been to thwart the evolutionary process by preying on less conscious lifeforms and arresting their spiritual growth. You can think of it as the intricate interplay of footwork between accelerator and brake pedals. Or some suspenseful species of intergalactic James Bond movie - complete with Spectre and SMERSH Agents, MI6, the CIA, KGB, Mossad, Dr No, and Secret Cabals. As above, so below.


In order to even begin to sense the relevance and truth of everything Drunvalo discusses in the FOL teachings, one needs to quickly scan the general outline of the curriculum and get a rough idea of the wild assortment of heavy topics we're grappling with... sorry, I mean LIGHT topics! Ready for this?

Although starseeds began germinating on this planet about 500 million years ago, most of these early civilizations have evolved beyond the Waveform Universe. Their stories are inaccessible to us at this juncture, but perhaps at some point in our distant future we shall reconnect with our remote past and gain direct experience of life processes at this level.

However, it is possible to get a glimpse of the numerous Great Cycles our Earth has passed through in the last 5.5 million years once our consciousness has broken through the dense shell of 3D Time-Space. It's the most recent 200,000 years that directly affects us - especially the last 13,000 years since the Great Deluge that came in the wake of the Atlantean Disaster.

A specific landmark year was 1972, the year our Sun underwent an unscheduled Pole Shift. The resulting solar wind would have obliterated all lifeforms on the physical plane - had it not been for timely extraterrestrial intervention sanctioned by the highest Spiritual Authority. Those deemed responsible for our genesis undertook a radical experiment, hoping to save at least two or three Earthian humans from annihilation. As events turned out, the results exceeded all expectations. Not only was the human race saved in biological terms, we are now potential saviors in the theological sense.

Thanks to this deus ex machina Holographic Virtual Reality Insert, humanity is now a species on the very brink of attaining Christ-consciousness en masse (I know the evidence from consensus reality makes it virtually impossible to believe this, but this is veritably the darkest hour before the New Dawn). In fact, millions have already experienced this mysterious effect without understanding what it's all about.

In the Hebrew scriptures, the beings behind our creation were called the Elohim and the Nephilim. But we may call them by their more "upbeat" names - how about Sirians (from the Dog Star Sirius) and Nibiruans (from the 4th-dimensional planet Nibiru, known in Greek mythology as Typhon?... and even as I write this, swiftly approaching the Earth in its 3,600-year orbit around our Sun).

These were indeed the Sky Gods described in the Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets as Anunnaki (Those Who From Heaven To Earth Descended) - the saga was subsequently paraphrased as the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament (read Zecharia Sitchin's extensive studies on the subject of the 12th Planet available from Bear & Co).

While Drunvalo makes no mention of the role of the Pleiadians in our planet's life history, I feel that a very significant aspect of our "higher selves" originates from what the Maya/Inca and other indigenous peoples regard as our original home constellation. Stay tuned for further revelations...

[First published 1997 in JOURNAL ONE. Posted 11 June 2012 & 1 August 2014]

Friday, August 19, 2022

APOCALYPSE… OR EPIPHANY? (revisited & updated)

Lotus flowers blossom in the Khao Sam Roi Yot national park 
in southern Thailand (AFP/Roberto Schmidt)
Musings at the edge of eternity

The World of Appearances moves visibly towards a series of possible Apocalypses. Now as never before, I am doing all I can to maintain a clear focus on my innervision of heaven on earth – which does NOT include the triumph of Big Brotherism in some dystopic New World Order Fourth Reich!

With Galactic Alignment come and gone (refer, if you like, to John Major Jenkins’s Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 for the mind-boggling details), massive shifts in consciousness and spiritual maturity have brought about a rapid meltdown of dysfunctional institutions and societal conventions. All that is mechanical and regimented will swiftly and abruptly run out of political charge. The “princes and principalities” (or Archon-infested golems in suits) won’t surrender without a desperate fight, in the vain hope that they can at least drag everyone else down to “hell” with them.

However, Mother Earth (Gaia-Sophia) herself will no longer support their parasitic and piratic misbehavior as she attains to full awakening. Those governed by fear and greed and trapped in egocentric skepticism will be subject to their own Twilight-of-the-Gods scenario – despite all efforts to help them experience a paradigm shift. The rest of us will bear witness as self-governing sovereign entities to the birth of a New Octave of Consciousness wherein beauty and truth will replace money and military might as focal points of endeavor. (All this is unlikely to happen right after 2012, but the preceding years will prove to be pivotal era in which each incarnate soul will consciously cross a threshold, towards true individual freedom or deeper enslavement in the Matrix.)

But what happens to all the encrusted egos hellbent on keeping the Duality Scam going? The Fear Merchants, trading in terror and scarcity conditioning, clinging tenaciously to ancestral privilege or ruthless ambition - are they a nightmarish mass delusion that’s absolutely no concern of mine?

I can see bits of myself embedded in these primitive programs going by descriptions like "Neo-Darwinism." Survival of the Fittest, indeed. How is “fit” defined? The ones gifted at making money, or the ones with universal empathy? Is it possible to accumulate wealth as measured by consensus – and still feel a tender compassion for all life?

The way I see it: since I already feel oceanic ripples of deep affection for All That Is, I need only gain access to unlimited wealth to be in a position to answer that question truthfully. It’s easy to dismiss money as a spurious concoction of the banking fraternity, but so long as it’s in use, I’d love to have a huge pile fall in my lap. I could get the entire contents of my rusty filing cabinet published, release some sonic dreamscapes I recorded some 30 years ago, fund radical social and artistic projects, visit friends all over the planet, lounge around on a Thai island for weeks, help a few fellow humans who happen to require a reboot, and so on.

How about The Vision? Well, it’s all part of it. My definition of heaven: infinite possibilities (where merely knowing that every desire can be fulfilled is enough). Hell, of course, is utter impossibility (where the woman who excites me most begrudges even a smile).

Do I envisage a Vegetarian Future?

It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it that changes the essential equations. Having lived among hunter-gatherers who generally prefer to get their protein by fishing and snaring wild game, and who are content to subsist on tapioca leaves and dried anchovies the rest of the time, I’d be glad to see an end to commercial exploitation of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. It’s not meat-eating, per se, that constitutes a problem – it’s industrial farming methods that treat other lifeforms as mere commodities to be processed and sold which greatly saddens my soul.

Times when my atoms were oscillating at close to light speed, I have been able to sustain myself for days on prana and photons – which is why I’m sympathetic to breatharians, though I lack the ascetic impulse to wilfully embark on such a course. I eat to live as a matter of habit, and I bless and enjoy whatever’s on my plate. Food is NOT the issue. Famine is invariably the unhappy result of ecocidal human activities driven by scarcity conditioning. The fact that “developed” countries have problems with anorexia AND obesity reflects a deep spiritual imbalance.

Speaking of food, I recently received an internet joke with a timely teaching. It’s called “God’s Test”:

God put the angels and the devils to a test. He set up a huge banquet hall with a wonderful feast. First He invited the devils to the feast. They were delighted until they found out that they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows! How were they to eat all the delicious food when their hands wouldn't go to their mouths? They tried eating off the plate, which was messy and undignified. They tried throwing the food in the air and catching it in their mouths. Nothing worked very well. After 15 minutes of this mayhem, God told them that time was up. They trooped out cursing Him.

Next, He invited the angels into the hall. A fresh feast was laid out, and the same thing happened - they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows. The angels all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "What a great game!" they said as they fed each other.

If you happen to be an atheist - don’t worry, so is God. In 2022 I’ve decided to revert to my original name. From now on, don’t call me Antares – “God” will do nicely. Heh heh, just kidding, folks. I've had enough problems trying to get old friends to call me Antares... or cash cheques (back in the analog days) with three E's in my former surname Leee.

© Antares Maitreya, written in January 2003 (updated October 2005, August 2018 & August 2022). First posted 2 December 2006, reposted 30 August 2018.

Friday, April 22, 2022


Holy Fire by Alex Grey
I became aware of the cosmic backdrop to my own existence only at the age of 19, following a spontaneous kundalini experience which opened up my chakras to the perception of multidimensionality. In that heightened state of awareness which mystics call satori (Japanese) or samadhi (Sanskrit), there is absolutely no doubt that every single atom is a living entity endowed with consciousness and that we are integral parts of a magnificent and mysterious web of dynamic energies governed by precise mathematical, musical, and geometric principles.

In effect, to conduct our human lives upon this earth with so little consideration of other lifeforms - mineral, vegetable, animal, elemental, angelic, and deific - is a recipe for calamity and eco-apocalypse.

Yet, that is how most humans have been programmed over the course of many generations - particularly since the introduction of alphanumeric intelligence and the start of so-called history (which really exposes the Male bias, because what about herstory?)

The difference between Aboriginal and Industrial consciousness can be found in the divide between Animism and Book Religion. The animistic mind experiences life as a magical continuum and anything and everything can be charged with spiritual power, even a rock or a river or a tree or a bird.

However, the industrial mind tends to quantify and calculate and manipulate, opting for an anthropocentric, anthropomorphic view of the concept of sacredness or divinity. The notion of God as Father or Celestial Lord (with no reference to the Mother Principle or Earth Goddess) marks the beginning of our self-destructive hubris as a technology-using and abusing species.

Technology is neutral and can be useful (Internet, digital video, free chat) or totally useless (nuclear weaponry, top-secret crowd and climate control tech like ELF and HAARP and chemtrails).

HAARP: the secret technology of climatological warfare?
Unfortunately, the warlike gene in Homo sapiens, fueled by testosteronal urges, has pushed us into an evolutionary dead-end where more than 75% of our precious resources are squandered on warfaring when they could easily be utilized for welfaring (to paraphrase holistic thinker Bucky Fuller).

No doubt a tiny cabal of well-connected families profit obscenely from perpetual war - while the rest end up enslaved by a benighted economic system or wiped out by large-scale epidemics and unnatural disasters (I won't discuss the possibility of man-made earthquakes, droughts, cyclones and tsunamis but the debate rages on this).

Now if you're curious where this is leading... I'm suggesting we take stock of our ontological bearings and re-evaluate what our Book Religions have indoctrinated us into unquestioningly believing: that Man is the Crown of Creation, granted dominion over Nature by none other the Archetypal Patriarch, God Himself! This mode of thinking severs us from the flow of life, makes us insensitive to natural beauty and harmony, and causes us to believe we have a right to colonize other lifeforms and cultures and build vainglorious empires wherever we go. And yet it has been the dominant ethos of human civilizations (so-called) since the Year Dot.

Blue Gate of the Anunnaki by Ray Alex

To understand where this imperialistic and warlike tendency originates, we shall have to open our minds to the distinct possibility that our "creator gods" were not some "Supreme Being" - but a very much watered-down shadow aspect of the Procreative Force. Sumerian cuneiform tablets dating back 6,000 years refer to these creator gods as Anunnaki; and in the Hebrew version of the Old Testament, they are called the Nephilim (meaning: "Those Who from Heaven Fell to Earth"). This is a very large study and I shall skip the details, leaving the reader a few links with which to begin in-depth research, if so prompted.

The way out is also the way back in to our own Core Essence - which is a fractal of the Nuclear Intelligence of All Existence. It doesn't create and enforce artificial hierarchies, nor does it demand sheeplike obedience, or exclusive worship. The idea of a "jealous god" that we should fear is utter crap!

What Nuclear Intelligence does do is EMPOWER each of us as INDIVIDUALS to reclaim our evolutionary heritage as Cosmic Citizens sojourning on a beautiful physical planet who has undertaken our education, redemption and transformation even as she prepares to quantum jump to the next spiral of her own evolution as a baby star. When we realign our core beings with Mother Earth and Father Sun, our agendas and priorities will also get realigned and rectified. Spiritual maturity, physical beauty and cosmic wisdom will become our goals - not economic, political and military dominance over others!

[Antares © 2008-2022. First posted 23 May 2008, reposted 25 March 2016 & 
28 July 2016]