There were a few requiems in November I was involved in that didn't get their own blog-posts.
Above all, I didn't post any photos of the Latin Mass Society's own Annual Requiem, which had to be moved from Westminster Cathedral to Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, on 7th November. It was accompanied with polyphony from the Southwell Consort and celebrated by Fr John Scott. Photographs by John Aron.
The first Monday of each month is usually offered for the intentions of the Catholic Police Guild, so this requiem was jointly for their deceased members and benefactors as well. The Guild of St Clare is also repairing their amazing banner, which was made for them in 1939. (At that time they were the Metropolitan and City Police Guild, now they cover the whole country.)
Every year for many years I have organised a Requiem for St Benet's Hall, in Oxford. Since the closure of the Hall in 2021 I've been unsure how best to continue this. In any case, a Mass has been said, though with less solemnity than in the past, and I had the privilege of serving it myself.
As every year, in the context of a specific legacy, the Latin Mass Society offers a Sung Requiem Mass for the late Prince Rupert Loewenstein. This year it took place in Maiden Lane.
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