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Showing posts with label Theme 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theme 1. Show all posts

First Grade Houghton Mifflin

Hi there Friends!

I'm actually on a little family vacation but I wanted to share a product that I has been a LABOR OF LOVE for me. Some of you already know that I create resources for 2nd Grade Houghton Mifflin. Last year I taught 1st grade so naturally I began creating these for 1st grade so that I could use them in my classroom. I was only able to complete a few of them and am planning to come back around to creating the themes I missed over the summer. Well, 350+ pages later... and now IT.IS.FINISHED! It is by far my largest resource so far and PACKED with SO many great and engaging activities. 

Since I'm on vacation with my family, I promised that I wouldn't spend much time on my computer so I will make this quick. :)

Here is a sneak peak into my unit... 

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 cover

All my units come with a suggested list for literacy center/Daily 5 activities that goes along with the printables in the resource.  

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 Literacy center/Daily 5 suggestions

Here are some close ups...

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 1

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 3

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 4

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 5

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 2

I added Depth and Complexity icons so students can dig a little deeper..

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 6

I included a lot of Thinking Maps and even included the blackline masters so that you can create your own.
1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 7

And if you're like me, you want EVEN closer ups....
1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 8

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 9

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 10

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 11

1st Grade Houghton Mifflin Theme 1 preview page 12

I do love this resource because it can be differentiated for all levels. My Firsties last year really enjoyed doing these worksheets!!

If you know anybody who teaches 1st grade and uses Houghton Mifflin, I would love for you to pass the word along! Thanks again friends! Now I'm off to spend some much needed family time.Take care!



Hello Friends!

I am so happy to announce that I have bundled my 2nd grade Houghton Mifflin units! It is EVERYTHING that you will need for the ENTIRE school year! ENNNNTIIIRE. Really. I have had many people request that I bundle these resources together and so I thought it was time to finally get to filling that request.

Now that we have adopted Common Core into our classrooms, there was just oooone problem. Our language arts curriculum was not aligned with CC and so how were we suppose to teach the new standards with old curriculum? That is just no bueno! BUT WAIT. A crazy idea came into my head about 2 years ago to create my own activities that were aligned to the Common Core. Seriously. It was CRAY-ZEE! I began to create and sell and the demand grew. So I created more and sold and the feedback I got were far too kind. Now many months later, my first pair of glasses, endless nights of my sweet hubby taking over my mommy duties, and 1200+ pages later... I am thrilled to post this product at a discounted price of $14 off the regular prices of all 6 themes.

As you begin planning for the next school year, let me take care of language arts for you. I promise, this will be the BIGGEST time saver EVER!

Wanna take a peak?  (WARNING...LOTS of pictures ahead)

Here are the contents of each theme:

Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 3

You're halfway there!

Theme 4

Still with me?? Almost done....

Theme 5

Last one...promise

Theme 6

WOW! If you are still with me, you deserve ((BIG hugs))

You can see that there is A LOT to these units. It will last you all year long with VERY little prep... just a copy machine maybe. :)

Have a wonderful day and try and stay cool Friends! 
