Located in North Nashville, Lee Chapel is a growing and progressive church in the city. 


A growing and progressive AME church in the city, Lee Chapel is seeking to be the church for which Christ will return; a place where you will find love, mutuality, and respect for all people. We are a church committed to the prophetic witness of Jesus Christ and  is focused on being a light in our community and in the world.   It is our mission to go out into the world and liberate the oppressed, minister to the downtrodden, and to proclaim the Gospel to all.  


Lee Chapel ministers to a multi-generational congregation and seeks to provide holistic ministries that are tailored to the needs of each generation.  There is a place for you at Lee Chapel and we are looking forward to having you as our guest. 



(615) 320-0260



1200 Dr. D.B. Todd BLVD, Nashville, TN 37208



Worship With US

Sunday  Worship 10am

Tuesday Bible Study 12:30 pm Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Night  Bible Study  6;30pm

Lee Chapel has over 20 ministries that are designed to take care of the spiritual, social, and physical needs of the members of Lee Chapel and the North Nashville Community.   Listed below are the ministries we offer.   



Allen Christian Fellowship

Bible Study

Children's Choir

Christian Education Commission

Combined Choir 

Gospel Choir

Guiding Lights Club

Health Commission 

Ladies' Usher Board

Lay Organization 

Learning Center 

Library Committee 

Male Chorus

Men's Usher Board 

Meals on Wheels

Midday Bible Study

Pastor's Aid Board


Sabbath Prayer 

Scholarship/Honors Fund

Senior Usher Board 

Sunday School 

Usher Board (Youth) #2

Voices of Deliverance 

Women's Missionary Society 

Young People's Division