If you like facebook, twitter, eBay, blogs, other social media, or even
Google or Yahoo,
you won’t like the so-called “PROTECT IP” Act, which is coming up to
a vote in the Senate any day now.

It would let big corporate copyright holders impose monitoring,
take down websites, and cut off funding, all without need for a court order.
There’s still time to oppose it.
Parker Higgins wrote for EFF Monday,
The PROTECT IP Act Is Very Real and Very Bad — Call Now to Block It
is the evil step-sister of the
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA),
the much-criticized Internet blacklist bill introduced
in the House last month. They’ve got a lot in common — both bills
would allow the government and private rightsholders to
censor the Internet for Americans,
and both bills have faced
strong opposition
from regular citizens, business leaders, and public interest groups.
In one way, though, PIPA is much worse: while SOPA is still in the
House committee stage and has been the target of extraordinary public
opposition, PIPA is already out of committee and poised for consideration
of the full Senate. That means PIPA is a few dangerous steps further
along in the process of becoming law. And with only a few weeks to go
in this legislative session, the Senate may try to rush the bill through
before the public has a chance to respond.
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