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Request for Proposal

This page lists the projects for which Khronos is currently seeking contractor resources through its Request for Proprosals (RFP) process.   Typical contracted projects include generating conformance tests, creating API tools and SDKs, and catalyzing open source API implementations.   Any company, whether a Khronos member or not, is cordially invited to contact us on the project contact email, and we will be happy to answer any questions and assist you if you wish to submit a proposal.

Khronos NDA
Many RFPs contain Khronos confidential information, in which case the RFP documents will not be posted below, but non-member companies should send an executed copy of the Khronos NDA to the Contact Email listed in the project below with a request for a copy of the RFP document: Download NDA

Khronos Members
If your company is a Khronos member, all RFP information is covered by your membership NDA and is posted directly on the member-only site.

Contractor Agreement
If you are interest to bid, please be aware that all Khronos engineering projects are conducted under the standard Khronos Contractors Agreement.

OpenXR CTS Improvements

Project Summary

Contractor's primary tasks are to write conformance test specifications and implement tests for OpenXR on a time and materials basis, other work may be undertaken for the OpenXR Working Group on a time and materials basis. Exact work schedules would be agreed in writing between Khronos and Contractor during a monthly meeting.

Below is a current example list of tests and sample topics for development.

3.1. CTS framework support for the test result file (using a catch2 reporter) to contain logging messages, rather than just logging to stdout.
3.2. CTS framework support for VK_KHR_vulkan_enable2 with new functional test cases similar to those that already exist for VK_KHR_vulkan_enable.
3.3. Functional tests for the XR_EXT_performance_settings extension
3.4. Functional tests for the XR_EXT_debug_utils extension
3.5. Interactive tests for the following layer composition extensions: XR_KHR_composition_layer_equirect2, XR_KHR_composition_layer_cube, XR_KHR_composition_layer_cylinder, XR_KHR_composition_layer_color_scale_bias, and XR_KHR_composition_layer_depth
3.6. CTS framework support for all supported graphics APIs to render arbitrary meshes rather than just simple cubes.
3.7. Interactive tests for the XR_KHR_visibility_mask extension. This requires arbitrary mesh support.
3.8. Interactive tests for composition layers with XrSpace pose offsets
3.9. Interactive tests for MSAA (sampleCount > 1) used with XrSwapchains

Estimated Amount of Work: View PDF

Responses Deadline: 5PM PT on Friday March 25th, 2022

Contact Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

RFP Document: This RFP document contains a detailed outline for this project and is not under NDA:

Download PDF