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Camping, Movie, 2006 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp,, francisharley

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Comments about this movie

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francisharley FR

2008-01-08 06:28

Un petit jeu: Identifier les 50 véhicules en moins d'une minute :think:

[Image: cap233ms7.373.jpg]

CarChasesFanatic ES

2008-01-08 12:01

Francis you seem to have a bit better quality captures than Antoine, dont hesitate on replacing them respecting the same angle for the cars.

francisharley FR

2008-01-21 22:25

"Un Ricard sinon rien" (publicité de 1984) :beer:

[Image:] [Image: cap239eu5.2512.jpg]

francisharley FR

2008-01-21 22:28

Pour Claude Brasseur la vie est belle: casquette Ferrari, cannes à pêche et Pastis :king:

[Image: cap245zr7.2773.jpg] [Image: cap240ia0.2718.jpg]

francisharley FR

2008-01-21 22:36

carchasesfanatic wrote Francis you seem to have a bit better quality captures than Antoine, dont hesitate on replacing them respecting the same angle for the cars.

C'est fait!


2017-11-04 18:24

Movies of the 'Camping' series:
1. /movie_473829-Camping.html
2. /movie_1503096-Camping-2.html
3. /movie_4979860-Camping-3.html

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