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Re: [nafex] Re: parafilm results

     If any of you read the chip budding info I put up, you will see that 
they use clear plastic strips with great success.
  Here is the solution for replacing parafilm, which is expensive any way. I 
have it and use it. My mentor of many years ago cut 1 to 1 1/2 inch wide 
strips from clear plastic bread wrappers they can be pulled tight. He did 
not use rubbers or anything else. He wrapped and then tied off just like you 
would with rubber strips. He had very high success rate. He's gone now, 
grafted till the end at 85 years. When he asked his son if he would be 
getting out of bed after his last problem he said it is time for me to go 
see momma now (His wife had died of botched up surgery 6 years prior.) He 
lived alone and very alert. He just quit his medication and eating.
      Gordon C. Nofs

----Original Message Follows----
From: mauch1@aol.com
Reply-To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
To: <nafex@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [nafex] Re: parafilm results
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 10:32:49 EDT

For me at least I cannot pull the Parafilm tight enough to get an adequate 
pressure on the scion.  I agree with you Ginda that the budding "rubbers" 
must be covered.  As to budding - the owner of a nursery in the next county 
told me that t-buds do not need covered, but that chip buds must be

My preferred grafting materials:
Regular wide rubber bands
1/2inch green plastic "tape" from my Max Tapener
Electrician tape (to tape Max Tapener tape)

Adequate replacements:
budding rubbers for rubber bands (for me the budding rubbers aren't as 
strong as the rubber bands so I can't pull it quite as tight).
Parafilm for "Max Tapener" tape.  I still end up using electrician tape to 
keep the parafilm on.

I wrap the grafts with the rubber bands and then cover the grafts with the 
green tape (ideally getting a water tight covering).  To hold the green tape 
on I tape back over itself w/ electrician tape.

I like to remove the grafting materials (if I'm sure its healed) in late 
July - early August.  My problem with parafilm is that then I have trouble 
getting it off.

Problem with my grafting this year:
Some of my grafts (Cherry) where done in February.  In the cold weather the 
electrician tape did not hold.

I was attempting to do some more unusual grafts this year.  My preliminary 

(All whip and tongue unless otherwise noted)
Cherry (all double grafts - sweet cherry to wild and weeping on sweet):  0 
for 4

Apple: 6 for 6

Pear:  1 for 3 (but I had rootstock problems w/ at
        least one of the failures)

Medlar on Pear: 0 for 1

Peach: 1 for 6 (results still preliminary)
        0 for 2 (spring chip bud)

Apricot: 1 for 3 (results still preliminary) (I was top
          working a rootstock so all 3 are on same trunk)

Persimmon: Too soon to tell but for now, 0 for 4

Pawpaw:  Too soon to tell but for now 0 for 7

Chris Mauchline
SE PA, zone 6

Ginda Fisher wrote:
I think budding rubbers do not protect the scion adequately without an
outer wrapper.  Last year I did dozens of grafts.  Some with just
budding rubbers, some rubber covered with masking tape, some rubber
covered with grafting wax, and some just masking tape.  I had better
than 90% take on all the grafts EXCEPT the budding rubber only ones.
Every one of these grafts dried up and died.

Bud grafting may need less protection that tongue & whip type grafting.
I haven't tried that yet.

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